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ASSAM is a northeastern state of India with its capital at Dispur. Assam became a part of India after the British occupied the region following the Treaty of Yandaboo of 1826.


Today’s status of Assam was mainly determined in the 19th century.  Political turmoil in the region, aided the expansionist Burmese ruler of Ava to invade Assam and install a puppet king in 1821. With the Burmese having reached the East India Company’s borders, the First Anglo-Burmese War ensued. The war ended under the Treaty of Yandaboo in 1826, with the Company taking control of the Lower Assam and installing Purander Singh as king of Upper Assam in 1833. The arrangement lasted till 1838 and thereafter British annexed the entire region. Initially Assam was made a part of the Bengal Presidency, then in 1906 it was a part of Eastern Bengal and Assam province and in 1912 it was reconstituted into a Chief Commissioners’ province. In 1913, a Legislative Council and in 1937 the Assam Legislative Assembly was formed in Shillong, the erstwhile Capital. The British tea planters imported labour from central India adding to the demographic canvas. After few initial unsuccessful attempts to free Assam during 1850s, the Assamese since early 20th century joined and actively supported Indian National Congress against the British. In 1947, Assam including present Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya became a state of the Union of India (princely states, Manipur and Tripura became Group C provinces) and a district of Assam, Sylhet chose to join Pakistan.


The emblem of Assam shows on a blue background  the Ashoka capital of the federal government and the title GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM in latin and in Assamese in adarsha lettering.


© Hubert de Vries 2009-06-16

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