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Chandigarh Police


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CHANDIGARH  IS  A  UNION  TERRITORY  OF  INDIA,  THAT  SERVES  AS  THE capital of two states, Haryana and Punjab. The name means “The Fort of Chandi” and was coined from an ancient temple called Chandi Mandir, devoted to the Hindu Goddess Chandi, present in the city's vicinity. It is occasionally referred to as The City Beautiful.


After the partition of British India into the two nations of India and Pakistan in 1947, the region of Punjab was also split up. The Indian state of Punjab required a new capital city to replace Lahore, which became part of Pakistan during the partition. After several plans to make additions to existing cities were found to be infeasible for various reasons, the decision to construct a new and planned city was undertaken.




The emblem of Chandigarh shows an open hand, designed by Le Corbusier, the main architect of Chandigarh.


The seal shows this emblem on an orange background and is surrounded with the legend CHANDIGARH ADMINISTRATION in black gurmukhi and latin script.







The “Open Hand Monument” in Chandigarh  š     



In 1950, the Indian Government got in touch with Le Corbusier about the building of a new political capital for the Punjab and in 1951 he was officially entrusted with the directing and planning of the city. Le Corbusier applied his town-planning theories and personally attacked the problem of the administrative center, the Capitol, for which he designed the Open Hand Monument.



Sketch by Le Corbusier of the “Monument of the Open Hand,” Chandigarh. (About 1951-’52)


Chandigarh Police




The emblem of Chandigarh Police shows a golden symbol on a red background, surrounded by a blue bordure with the legend CHANDIGARH POLICE  / WE CARE FOR YOU in white lettering. The emblem is supported by a golden eight-pointed star radiant, crested with the Asoka-capital and its motto, being the emblem of India. 


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© Hubert de Vries 2009-09-29

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