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Kyrghiz Oblasts and ASSR

Kyrghyz SSR

Kyrghyz Republic


Air Force



Back to Turkestan




In the 8th century Arab invaders conquered Central Asia, including what is now Kyrgyzstan, and introduced Islam. The Kyrgyz reached their greatest extension under the leadership of Jordan the Superior, who defeated the Uyghur Khanate in 840 A.D. Then they quickly expanded as far as the Tian Shan range and maintained their dominance over this territory for about 200 years.

In the twelfth century, however, the Kyrgyz domain had shrunk to the Altay Range and Sayan Mountains as a result of the Mongol expansion. With the rise of the Mongol Empire in the thirteenth century, the Kyrgyz migrated south. They were defeated by Genghis Khan in 1207. In the next centuries the Kyrgyz were under the rule of the Chagatai Khanate and its successors.

Kyrgyz tribes were overrun in the 17th century by the Mongol Oirats, in the mid-18th century by the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and in the early 19th century by the Uzbek Khanate of Kokand.

In the late nineteenth century, the largest part of today’s Kyrgyzstan was ceded to Russia through two treaties between China and Russia. The territory, then known in Russian as “Kirgizia”, was formally incorporated into the Russian Empire in 1876 in which it became a part of the General Government of  Turkestan and its Semiryechensk Territory.

Soviet power was established in the Turkestan region in 1919. Within the Russian SFSR a Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast (Кара-Киргизская АО), was created from the predominantly Kazakh and Kyrgyz parts of the Turkestan ASSR on 14 October 1924. On 15 May 1925 it was renamed Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast. On 11 February 1926 it was made the Kirghiz ASSR which on 5 December 1936 became the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union.

After a coup on 19 August 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the Kyrghyz SSR voted for independence from the Soviet Union on following 31 August, as the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.




Kara-Kyrghyz AO

Kyrghyz AO

Kyrghyz ASSR

14.10.1924 - 15.05.1925

15.05.1925 - 11.02-1926

11.02.1926 - 05.12.1936


No emblems of these ephemeral Oblasts and Republic are documented but probably the arms of the RSFSR were used to which the name of the territory was added.


Kyrghyz Socialist Soviet Republic

05.12.1936 - 31.08.1991 



Arms: A mountain ridge representing the TienShan behind which is a rising sun Gules, radiant Or, within a bordure Or, voided Azure and decorated with Kirgiz ornaments Or; in base a roundel also Or, voided Azure and with Kirgiz ornaments Or, charged with a hammer and sickle in saltire Gules.

Garland: Branches of cotton on the dexter and ears of wheat on the sinister, proper, tied with a ribbon Gules decorated Or, on which is the


By Constitution 23 March 1937, Art. 115 [1]



In 1940 a red five-pointed star with golden outline was added as a crest and the mottoes and the name were written in cyrillic: БAPДЫK ӨЛKӨЛӨPДУH ПPOЛETAPЛAPЫ БИPИKKИЛE! / ПPOЛИETAPИИ  BCEX CTPAH COEДЙHЯTECЬ! / KЫPГЫЗ  C.C.P.


Kyrghyz Respublikasi /  Кыргыз Республикасы

31.08.1991 - present


The emblem of Kyrgyzstan was adopted on 14 January 1994 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union on 2 June 1992. The emblem is:


Emblem: A mountain ridge and fields Azure and Or, in chief a rising sun radiant Or, in base an eagle  wings spread Azure and Argent.

Garland: Branches of cotton and ears of wheat, Or and Argent, in chief КЫРГЫЗ and in base РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ in white lettering

Backshield: A blue disc.


The mountain ridge is the Tien Shan mountain ridge. The colour light blue is valued by the Kyrghyz as the colour of courage and generosity.

In the emblem the eagle is meant to support the land(scape).


Mountain ridge and garland are borrowed from the earlier emblems. The hammer and sickle however are replaced by an eagle, thus replacing the workers and peasants by the Kyrghyz people as a whole.  The red colour of socialism is abandoned altogether and replaced by the favoured colour of the Kyrghyz people.


ð See illustration in the head of this essay


Presidential Seal & Flag


Presidential Seal


The Presidential Seal shows the national emblem in changed colours and legend, the legend reading КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ  / ПPEЗИДEHTИ (President of the of Kyrghyz Republic).



The presidential flag was approved on 10 May 2003 and was hoisted for the first time on 14 August 2005 at the occasion of the inauguration of president Kurmanbek Bakiyev.

The flag is red with a narrow yellow bordure and golden fringes and charged in the middle with the presidential seal


Armed Forces



The provisions about the seal and the banner of the Armed Forces read as follows:





Of April, 29, 2002 № 256. Bishkek, the House of the Government


About the statement of Regulations about a banner and seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic


The government of the Kirghiz Republic decrees:


To approve Regulations about a banner and seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic. [2]


To charge the Ministry of Defence of the Kirghiz Republic with manufacturing a banner and seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic to make due to special means of the Ministry of Defence of the Kirghiz Republic.


The decree of the Government of the Kirghiz Republic from November, 1, 2001 № 680 « About regulations about of a banner and seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic » to become invalid.



For a banner and seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic

The banner of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic is a red rectangular silken cloth, 1450 mm wide and 1100 mm high.


In the center of the obverse and reverse of the banner, is the emblem of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic, representing the image of a golden falcon (eagle) holding in its right paw a sword, and in its left a branch of oak. On its breast the falcon (eagle) bears a shield with a five-pointed red star. Above the falcon (eagle) is an inscription in golden lettering and in semicircle: on the obverse in official Kirghiz language « МИЛДЕТ, НАМЫС », on the reverse in Russian « DUTY, HONOUR ». Below the falcon (eagle) is an inscription in golden lettering: on the obverse in official Kirghiz language "АТА-МЕКЕН", on the reverse in Russian "FATHERLAND".

On three sides the banner has golden fringes.


The banner of Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic is a symbol of a military valour and glory, and serves as a reminder to each military man to the heroic traditions and to the sacred duty  to protect the Fatherland.


The banner of Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic is kept in a glass case on a socle  in the room of the operative commander at the General staff of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic, sealed by a print of the seal of the General staff of Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic. It is only taken out  for the ceremonies of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic.


The seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic is circular. The color of the disc of the seal  is determined by the service branch of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic concerned.

In the middle of the disc is a golden falcon (eagle). On its breast the falcon (eagle) bears a shield with a red five-pointed star.


In its dexter paw the falcon (eagle) holds a sword. The sword not drawn and therefore is represented in yellow or gold.


In its sinister paw the falcon (eagle) holds branch.of oak.


The seal is surrounded by the legend « КЫРГЫЗ РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫНЫН КУРАЛДУУ КҮЧТӨРҮ ». in official Kirghiz language and in golden lettering


The banner and seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic cannot be used by other institutions or persons. Their distortion, destruction and other actions of such character are not allowed. Trespassers of the above-mentioned rules will be prosecuted according to the legislation of the Kirghiz Republic.


Seal of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic




Banner of the Armed forces of the Kirghiz Republic








Air Force



The roundel of the Kyrghyz Air Force is a red disc of the central part of the national flag consisting of a sun radiant charged with the roof a a yurt or Turkic dwelling.




Cap Badge



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© Hubert de Vries 2011.05.20. Updated 2012-07-25



[1] Neubecker, Ottfried: Die Wappen der Sowjetunion und ihre Teilrepubliken. In: Der Herold, Vierteljahrsschrift für Heraldik, Genealogie und Verwandte Wissen­schaf­ten. 1943 p. A9.

[2]  Amended as follows:

According to clause (article) 5 of the Law of the Kirghiz Republic « About defense » to direct the present (true) Position on statement Жогорку Кенеша of the Kirghiz Republic.


To appoint the chief of the General staff of the Armed forces - the First deputy minister of defense of the Kirghiz Republic of general - major ТЫНАЛИЕВА К.А. The official representative of the Government of the Kirghiz Republic by consideration of the specified position by chambers Zhogorku Kenesha of the Kirghiz Republic.


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