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Part 2

Princes of Transilvania 1




The Saxon Nation

The Hungarian Nation

The Székely Nation

The Principality of Transilvania

Princes of Transilvania I

Princes of Transilvania 2


Back to Romania

Back to Transilvania


In the government of Transilvania several authorities were involved. In the first place there was a prince of Transilvania, usually bearimg the title of voivode. Of them a hardly interrupted series is known from the beginning of the 12th century until 1867. Also there were the Teutonic Order for a short time and the States of the Saxon, Hungarian and Szekely Nations. The last three had a representation in the Diet at least from 1590. A Romanian or Vlach Nation never had its representation in the Diet. In 1848 an attempt was made to make it represented.


Princes of Transilvania




Gyula I

Gyula II


? Mercurius

ruler 950 ca

Bishop 1004

Voivode/governor 1004+

Principe 1111-1113 ?

Leustachius of the Rátót clan

Voivode 1176-1196



Eth of the Geregye clan


Julius of the Kán clan


Nicholas (I)


Benedict, son of Korlát


Smaragd of the Smaragd clan


Benedict, son of Korlát


Michael of the Kacsics clan



Berthold V of Andechs


Archbishop of Kalosca 1206/7-1218

Ban of Croatia 1209-1212

Prince of Transilvania 1212-1213

Imperial vicar 1213-1218

Patriarch of Aquileia 1218-1251


As a patriarch of Aquileia Berthold bore a white eagle on blue, also borne by his father,  but no arms are known from his earlier life or as a voivode/prince of Transilvania.




Julius of the Kan clan




Ipoch of the Bogátradvány clan






Paul, son of Peter




Bela (IV)


Principe 1226-1229



Obole of Bela IV 1235-‘70

Royal portrait on the obverse and eagle statant  reguardant on the reverse


Pousa, son of Sólyom

1st term 1227


Gyula Rátót



Pousa, son of Sólyom

 2nd term 1235-1241


In this time (ca 1244) there is a quote in the Clipearius Teutonicorum, a heraldic poem, describing the arms of a “King of the Dacians” which could be the arms of an important official in Transilvania, for example Pousa.

This Pousa, son of Sólyom, was appointed voivode of Transilvania in 1227. He held the office between 1226 and 1229.[1] He served as master of the horse for duke Béla between 1229 and 1233.

When Béla ascended the throne in 1235, Pousa was appointed voivode of Transylvania for the second time In 1241, Transylvania suffered during the Mongol invasion of Europe. Güyük Khan invaded the province from the Oituz Pass in March. Voivode Pousa fought them with his royal army near Burzenland (Barcaság), where he fell in battle on 31 March 1241


Conrad v. Mure:  Clipearius Teutonicorum:


10 Nigro rex Dacus aquilam sibi dimidiare,

    Ex rubro currusque rotam vult contiguare.


‘The King of Dacia will dimidiate a red eagle in black touching a wheel of a car’

(Der Dacerkoning will sich in Schwarz einen roten Adler halbieren und damit das rad eines Wagens berůhren

Ein fabelhafter Konig auf dem Boden des dacischen Reiches (ein Balkanstaat) vielleicht Bulgarien; in schwarz oben ein halber Adler, unten ein halbes Rad von rot.) [2]


From these arms the arms of the Rákóczi family may be derived: Per fess Gules and Azure, an Eagle Sable armed with a sword in chief and a wheel Argent on three hills Vert in base


Tatar occupation





Ernye of the Ákos clan

1260 ca


Ákos coat of arms


Arms: Gules, two salmons hauriant respecting Or.


Stephen (V) Arpad

Principe 1261-1270


The career of Stepen V Arpad


1257-1258: rex, primogenitus illustris regis Hungariae et dux Transsilvanus.

1259- 1260: rex, primogenitus illustris regis Hungariae et dux Stiriae.

1260 rex, primogenitus illustris regis Hungariae.

1260 -1262: rex, primogenitus illustris regis Hungariae et dux Transsilvanus.

1262 -1266: iunior rex Hungariae, dux Transsilvanus, dominus Cumanorum.

1266 -1267: iunior rex Hungariae, dux Transsilvanus.

1268 -1270: iunior rex Hungariae, dux Transsilvanus (et) dominus Cumanorum.


Seal of Stephen Arpad, 1263


Arms: Double cross, around the crossing of the lower arms a ring, at its foot a flint.



Csák of the Hahót clan



Seal of Tristan of the Hahót Clan, 1255


The emblem of the Hahót Clan was a bulls’ head like on this seal of Tristan.


Nicholas of the Geregye clan

1st term 1267-1268

2nd term1272–1273


Coat of arms of the Geregye clan


Arms: Paly of seven, Gules and Argent


Ladislaus (II) of the Kán clan

1st term 1270-1272


Coat of arms of the Kán clan


Arms: Gules, a fesse Argent charged with a lion passant guardant Or


John of Transilvania



Nicholas of the Geregye clan

3rd term 1273-1274

4th term 1274


Coat of arms of the Geregye clan


Matthew II of the Csák clan

2nd term 1274

3rd term 1274-1275

4th term 1276


The coat of arms of the Csák clan was a lion. This is attested by several seals be it that no such a seal has been preserved of Matthew. Usually the Csák lion is blasoned: Azure, a lion rampant Or.


Csák clan 13th-14th century seals


From left to right: Márk son of István, 1304 (Archeológiai Értesítő XIII – 1879 – 22-23.); Demeter, 13th. cent.. (Turul III – 1885 – 49.); Péter, count palatine, 1278. (Csoma József: Nemzetségi címerek. Bp., 1903. 61-63.); Ugrin son of Pous, 1304.



Ladislaus (II) of the Kán clan

2nd term 1275–1276


Coat of arms of the Kán clan



Ugrin of the Csák clan


1st term 1275

2nd term1276


Csák Ugrin (Ugron;. 1240 - 1311) oszágbáró (Baron), a member of the Csák clan.

During the reign of king Béla ban of Severin (1268). Equerry of king László (1272-1274), bailiff of Szerém (1272-1273), honorary ban, Chief Justice (1275), voivode (1275-1276), bailiff of the mines (1277), master of the treasury (1277-1279), then macsói and  Ban of Bosna (1278-1279). During the interregnum of Charles Robert “guardian” and “most loyal Baron,” steward of Szerém and  master of the treasury (1306-1309).


Seal of Ugrin Csák, when equerry of King Lazlo, 1274

MOL, DL-DF: 878. Collectio Diplomatica Hungarica. A középkori Magyarország levéltári forrásainak adatbázisa.


The coat of arms of the Csák clan was Azure, a lion Or. The earliest representation of the Csak lion is on this seal of Ugrin from 1274.


Another seal of Ugrin


Nicholas of the Pok clan (Meggyesi)



Coat of arms of the Pók clan


Arms: Gules, a rose Argent seeded Or and barbed Vert.


Finta Aba (Aba)



Seal of the Aba-familiy 1280


Arms: Fess

Supporter: Eagle



Stephen, son of Tekesh


Roland of the Borsa clan

 1st term 1282


Apor of the Péc clan


Roland Borsa

Voivode  2nd term 1284-1294


Mojs of the Ákos clan

1287–c. 1288 (?)


Seal of the Akos clan (1299)


Laszlo III Kan


Voivode 1295-1315


Kán László  was voivode of Transilvania (1297-1315) and bailiff of Szolnolk. When King Otto of Wittelsbach (r. 1305-’07) came to Transylvania, the royal crown was confiscated by him. Charles Robert (r.1307-’42), was able to recover it in 1308. In literature (Turul, Századok, the Erdélyi Múzeum)  there has been much discussion about his place of origin.



Dozsa Debreceni 

*1291- †1322

Voivode 1318-1321

Palatine 1322


Seal of Dosza Debreceni, 1322

Arms: Barry of six.

Crest: Square cross

Supporters: Two banner of four square crosses.

Legend:  X s. dause palatini judicis cumanor. (Seyler Gesch. n° 490; Barczay 44 abra, p.102)


NB. This seal dates from the time that he was a palatine of Hungary. The problem is if the bars are the red bars of Hungary or are of an other tincture.


Lit.:  Csoma József: Az Aba nemzetség czimere. In: Turul, 1893.


Tomas Szécsény

1321 -1342


Seal of Thomas Szécseny, 1332

(Ered. Orsz. Levtár Dl. 3209.)


Arms: Fess

Crest: Peacock’s feathers (?).

Supporter: Demi wolf (Or: dragon issuant)

Legend: X s. Thome voyvode transsilvanie et comitis de 3onvc.

(Seyler nr. 239, Barczay 41) [4]


Seal of Thomas Szecseny, 1345


The crest a crowned lion issuant


Nicholas of Siroki



House of Lackfi




Stephen Lackfi




Stephen (I) Lackfi (Lackfi (I.) István; c. 1305 – 1353) was an influential nobleman and a successful military leader in the Kingdom of Hungary. He played a significant role in the Neapolitan campaigns of Louis the Great (1347-1352)


His dalmatic, preserved in the treasury of Halberstadt Cathedral, is a coat of arms. It is strewn with dragons and birds, probably peacocks, in gold on a purple background.











Dalmatic of purple and gold silk tissue,

124 ´ 123 cm

From Italy, 2nd half 14th century

Treasury Halberstadt Cathedral, inv. nr 19. [5]

Detail of the dalmatic of Ştefan  Lackfi: dragon reguardant


Seal of Ştefan Lackfi, 1348

Wax, Ř 65 mm, (MOL, DL 73657)


Seal: Dragon to the sinister





princeps ultrasilvanus 1350-1354


Stephen, duke of Transylvania and Slavonia (26 December 1332 – 9 August 1354), was a Hungarian prince of the House of Anjou who served as governor of the provinces of Transylvania (1350), Slavonia, Dalmatia and Croatia (1351) during the reign of his brother, King Louis I.

Equestrian seal of Stephen, 1351


Figure: Rider with sword and ostrich crest.



Thomas Gönyűi or Csór



Thomas Csór was appointed by king Louis’ brother Stephen; he was also ispán (count) of Arad and Szolnok Counties (1350–1351)


Nicholas Kont of Orahovica



Andreas Lackfi



Seal of Andreas Lackfi, 1356


Figure: Dragon

Legend: sigill.   andree comitis. (Dogaru n° 90)


Dionysis Lackfi


Ban of Croatia 1387-1391


Seal of Dionysis Lackfi, 1359


Figure: Dragon

Legend:   X s. dioniv voyvode transilvanie t comitis de zonvk. (Dogaru n° 91)


Miklos Lackfi



9. Nicolae Lackfi de Döbrököz was a voivode of Transilvania  between 1367 an 1368. He fell in the battle of Ialomiţa, where the armies of Transilvania were conquered by the men of Dragomir Olatul in Dâmboviţa. (Cronica arhidiaconului de Târnave, Ioan de Küküllő, capitolul XXXVIII


Seal of Miklos Lackfi, 1365

(MOL, DL 48004 (Roşu Maria))

Arms: Dragon

Legend:  ???

Another seal of Miklos Lackfi, Dragon.


Emmerich Lackfi


Seal of Emmerich Lackfi, 1369

Seal: Dragon.

Legend:  X emericvs wouwoda transilvanie t comes de zonvc.


Seal of Emmerich Lackfi, 1370

Figure: Dragon on book



Stephen Lackfi of Csáktornya

 1st term 1372–1376


Emblem: Dragon


Losonczi László, Sr



Stephen Lackfi of Csáktornya

 2nd term 1385–1386


Seal of Stephen Lackfi, 1389


Seal: Dragon.



Gravestone of Stephen Lackfi in the Franciscan Church of Keszthely (Hungaria)


Arms: Dragon

Crest: Dragon


Losonczi László, Sr

2nd term1386-1392



Emeric Bebek


voivode 1392-1393


The coat of arms of the Bebek family was:

Arms: Gules, a double-cross Argent crested with six pheasant-feathers

Crest: A king’s head crowned proper and two fishes respecting heads in base Argent


These arms are on a gravestone  of George Bebek (†1390) in Slovakia


Gravestone of George Bebek (1320/’30-’90),

St. John’s Church, Hrhov (Slovakia), 1391[6]


Frank Szécsényi


voivode 1393-1395


                                                                              Seal of Frank Szécsényi           


Arms: A crowned lion issuant from a base barry of four.



Stibor of Stiboricz of Ostoja


1st term 1395-1401


Stibor of Stiboricz of Ostoja (also written in Polish: Ścibor ze Ściborzyc, and in Slovak: Stibor zo Stiboríc; c. 1348 – February 1414) was of Polish origin. He descended from the Clan of Ostoja whose possessions were located around Bydgoszcz in Greater Poland. He became a close friend of King Sigismund of Hungary who appointed him to several offices during his reign. In 1386 Sigismund appointed Stibor to his Master of the Court. Following his coronation (31 March 1387), Stibor was entrusted with the government of Galicia.  Between 1395 and 1401, then from 1409 to 1414 he was the Voivode of Transylvania.

Stibor was granted the ius indigenatus (the right to hold offices), Beckov Castle (1388) and Uhrovec (1389) and became head of the Counties Pozsony (1389), Trencsén and Nyitra (1392). In 1390 he received castles and properties in Vigvar, Torbag and Modor and in 1392 he was granted the possession of land and castles of Csejte, Holics (today Čachtice and Holíč in Slovakia), Berencs, Detrekő, Éleskő, Jókő, Zavar and Korlátkő respectively, in the Kingdom of Hungary. Few years later he expanded his small empire with castles and properities in Dioś, Szomolya, Szent Vid, Suran, Maniga, Baganya, Zuk, Kreesztes, Rarkov, Bary, Koszonic, Rakovitz, Tatkolch, Ratkolch, Ilkaman, and Dévény in Nyitra and Presburg counties. Altogether Stibor of Stiboricz was in possession of 31 castles and over 400 towns and villages which at the time was half of western Slovakia of today Referring to his properties along the 409-km-long river (in present-day Slovakia) where 15 of his 31 castles were situated. Stibor styled himself "Lord of the whole Váh".


See also Ć https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostoja_coat_of_arms


Arms of Stibor of Stiboricz in Beckov Castle







1. Arms: Gules, a square cross between two crescents adossées  Or. Bellenville (1355-1400ca) fol. 60v n°18: h Scibort

2. Arms: de gu a 2 croissants adossés d'or acc. en chef d'une croisette de męme. C. une tęte de dragon de sa. ailé d'or jetant des flammes de gu entre les deux croissants. Gelre fol. 53v ,   526 Hers Tibor:

[Ostoja Sciibor de Sciboric (1362-'99) originaire de Kujavie devenu Palatin de Transylvanie 1395.]   

3. Seal of 1389: Arms and crest like in Gelre


Simon Szécsényi



Seal of Simon Szécsényi. Chief Justice, 1395


Arms: Azure, a  crowned lion issuant from a crown Or, the base barry Gules and Argent.

Crest: The lion from the arms

Simon Szécsényi coat of arms


Nicholas Csáky


 1st term 1402-1403


Csáky family coat of arms


Arms: Azure, a turk’s head decapitated proper, bleeding and capped Gules.

Crest: The head from the arms issuant from a crown and lambrequines Azure and Or




Nicholas Marcali


John Tamási




James Lack of Szántó

Voivode 1403-1409


Seal of Jacob Lackfi  [7]


Arms: Double cross rising from a crescent



Petru de Strigh

Vice voivode 1404-1408

Seal of Petru de Strigh


Arms: Winged he-goat



Stibor de Stiboricz

† 1414

 2nd term 1409-1414


Ştibor, Voievod of Transilvania, 1412

(MOL, DL 73929)


Arms: ź: 1 & 4: Argent a dragon’s head Sable spitting flames Gules [eylashed Or]  issuant from two crescents Or; 2 & 3: Gules, two crescents adossed, in chief a crosslet patée Or.

Crest: A dragon’s head Sable spitting flames Gules [eylashed Or]  issuant from two crescents Or.

Legend: S(igillum) • STIBOR • VAY(vode) • IN • P(ar)TI(bu)S •T(ra)NSILVAN(is) • COM(es) • IN • SOLNAK • ET • DO(minus) • IN • FLVVI(o) • WAG. [8]



Arms:: Quarterly: 1&3: Argent, a lions’ head proper issuant from a crescent Or; 2&4: Gules, a latin cross between two crescents adossé Or.

 (U. Richental fol. 142 n° 10; Thalloczy 1908  p. 110 Stibor erdely vajda.


[Bergsh. fol 147 v  n° 2191: hankalin: Gules, a latin cross between two crescents adossé Argent in chief a square cross Sable. (Ostoja, Poland)]


Bergsh. fol 148 v  n° 2208: her stibor: Gules, a latin cross between two crescents adossé Or.. Crest: On Lambrequines Sable a dragon’s head Sable, spitting flames Gules between the crescents adossé Or. ]


Arms of Stibor de Stiboricz

In Conrad Grünebergs Wappenbuch, 1483, fol 150 [9]


Arms: Quarterly: 1&3: Argent, a dragon’s head proper issuant from a crescent Or; 2&4: Gules, a latin cross between atwo crescents adossé Or.

Crest: A dragon’s head guardant issuant from a crescent Or.

The inscription reads:

her von stiborn her am wag und erb worden in sibenburgen und her in perlonntzg (lozoncz?)



Fragment of the gravestone of Stibor of Stiboric, about 1430

Private collection, Székesfehérvár.


To the right of the head a shield with the crescents adossés of Ostoja.


Ladislas de Nadab

Vicevoivode 1410-1415

Seal: Crowned lion reversed. [10]


Nicholas Csáki


2nd term 1415–1426


Csáky family coat of arms


Arms: Azure, a bearded turcs’ head decapitated, capped Gules

Crest: On a crown the head of the arms


Ladislas Csak

1st term 1426-1435

2nd term 1436-1437


Peter Cseh of Léva


Desiderius Losonci


Ladislaus Jakcs


Michael Jakcs




Miklos Újlaki

Nikola Iločki, Újlaki Miklós


 Voivode of Transilvania 1st term 1441-1458


Ilok coat of arms


Voivode of Transilvania together with John Hunyadi (1441–1446), with Emeric Bebek (1446–1448), and with John Rozgonyi (1449–1458); also ban of Macsó and commander of Nándorfehérvár (Beograd) (1441–1458), count of the Székelys (1441–1446), ispán of Csanád, Csongrád, Máramaros, and Temes Counties (1441–1446), ispán of Arad County (1444–1446), ban of Severin (1445–1446), and ban of Slavonia (1457).


John Hunyadi

Hunyadi Janos /Iancu de Hunedoara


voivode 1441-1456


According to most contemporary sources, he was the son of  Voyk, a nobleman of Romanian descent. This Voyk had been serving as a “court knight” in the royal court and had received the demesne of Hunyad from King Sigismund, by royal charter of 18 October 1409, suggesting that he was descended from a prominent Wallachian family. In the service of the Hungarian crown John made a impressive career:

He was Voivode of Transilvania  from 1441-1456, together with Nicholas Újlaki (1441–1458);

commander of Nándorfehérvár (Beograd, Serbia) (1441–1446),

count of the Székelys (1441–1446),

ispán of Csanád, Csongrád, and Temes Counties (1441–1446),

ispán of Arad and Bihar Counties (1443–1446),

ispán of Közép-Szolnok, Kraszna, Szabolcs, Szatmár, and Ugocsa Counties (1444–1446),

ispán of Bereg and Máramaros Counties (1445–1446),

regent-governor of the Kingdom of Hungary (1446)


Initially the coat of arms of John Hunyadi was a bird sejant, in sinister chief a crescent.

It was derived from the arms of Álmos, the first chieftain of the seven chieftains of the tribes which conquered Pannonia in about 830 AD. That arms are depicted in the  Chronicon Pictum a chronicle of the early history of  Hungaria dating from 1370-1373.


Álmos in the Chronicon Pictum

Biblioteca Palatina Vindobonensis, 020


The initials are on the leaf about the conquest of Pannonia.


Magyar Tribes

Around 830 AD, the seven related tribes (Jenő, Kér, Keszi, Kürt-Gyarmat, Megyer, Nyék and Tarján) formed a confederation in Etelköz called “Hétmagyar” ("Seven Magyars"). Their leaders, the Seven chieftains of the Magyars, besides Álmos, included Előd, Ond, Kond, Tas, Huba and Töhötöm, who took a blood oath, swearing eternal loyalty to Álmos. Presumably, the Magyar tribes consisted of 108 clans.


Álmos and six other Chieftains

In: Chronicon Pictum, 1370- 1373


Arms: Argent, a raven sejant Sable [a chief Sable and a base Argent].


Anonymus, the unknown author of the Gesta Hungarorum – who wrote his “historical romance” around 1200 or 1210[5] – states that Álmos descended “from the line”of Attila the Hun. A late 13th-century chronicler, Simon of Kéza wrote that Álmos was "of the Turul kindred".He also wrote of Attila the Hun's banner, which bore “the image of the bird the Hungarians call turul– identified as either a gerfalcon or a hawk. A bird has an important role in the legend about Álmos's birth, which was preserved both by the Gesta Hungarorum and by the Chronicon Pictum. The legend says that Álmos's mother, already pregnant with him, dreamed of a bird of prey “which had the likeness of a hawk” impregnating her. The Historians Gyula Kristó and Victor Spinei wrote that this story, which has close analogies in Turkic folklore, initially narrated the origin of Álmos's family from a totemic ancestor.


Such a coat of arms may have been derived from the arms ascribed to Judas Maccabeus (priest, active 167-160 BC). This Judas Macabeus became one of the nine worthies in the 13th century, including three good pagans: Hector, Alexander the Great, and Julius Caesar, three good Jews: Joshua, David, and Judas Maccabeus, and three good Christians: King Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon.

In iconography these kings received existing coats of arms of 13th and 14th century rulers. These were for example the two-headed eagle of the emperor for Caesar, the lion with the axe of the king of Norway for Hector; the three crowns of Sweden for Arthur, the harp of the king of Ireland for David and the cross potent between four crosslets of Jeruzalem for Godfrey of Bouillon. The more “exotic” arms are the dragon of the Lackfi family of Transilvania (first documented 1323) for Joshua and, last but not least, a raven for Judas Maccabeus. The question remains now if the raven was copied from the arms of the Hunyad-family or was copied from the arms of Judas Maccabeus by the Hunyad-family. The oldest representation of the Nine Worthies is in the Hanse Hall in Cologne dating from about 1330. Another representation, the raven on a golden field is on a fresco of the Nine worthies in Mantua   dating from 1418-’30, only a few years before the appearance of the arms of John Hunyadi.

On the other hand the raven may be derived from the Aquila Valahica, the symbol of Wallachia which, however, is an eagle sejant reguardant. That symbol goes back to the 3rd century roman eagle of  Legio V Macedonica encamped on the borders of the Danube, and reappearing in the 13th century when it is on the reverse of an obole of King Bela IV (1235-’70).


On the arms of John a crescent is added in sinister chief. This may refer to his being a royal official as a crescent is the symbol of the state.

Seal of John Hunyadi

Vienna state archives after an original drawn by J. G. Fahrnbauer


Arms: A raven sejant,  in sinister chief a crescent

Legend: X* S[igillium]* A * IOHANNIS * HUNYAD * *



Seal of John Hunyadi

From: Forster, Count Gyula: Magyarország műemlékei (Hungarian monuments).

Franklin, Budapest 1915, volume  IV. Pl. XIII.


Arms: A raven sejant,  in sinister chief a crescent

Legend: ?

Seal of John Hunyadi as a Governor of the Kingdom, 1446-‘56


Arms: A raven sejant, in sinister chief a crescent



 With the grant of arms of 1453 to John, the crescent was replaced by a ring in the beak of the raven. This ring is the badge of office of a regent-governor having the right to seal official documents.


Coat of arms of  on the Grant of Arms of King Ladislas Posthumus to John Hunyadi

Hungarian National Archives (MOL, DL 24762.)




Grant of Arms of King Ladislas Posthumus

to John Hunyadi, heritary count of Bistritz,

dd. Pressburg 1 February 1453.


Ladislaus dei gratia Rex Hungarie, Bohemie, Dalmatie, Croacie etc., Austrieque et Stirie Dux, nec non marchio Moravie etc. ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Libet comitari mores principum nobilitatis splendore instructos, libet equidem munificentie pariter jura sequi, quibus Regie dignitatis ministeria innato lumine decorata veluti quidem fulgentes radii in subditorum merita profunduntur. Cum enim inter virtutes ceteras munificentie decus summe sit laudis in principe, juuat magnopere in hoc exordis nostri regiminis summo studio ipsam amplecti , vt per eam in nobis pariter cum etate crescentem subjectorum concilemus animos, et obsequii cursum in eis quasi quodam bauio preparemus. Solet namque hoc proprium velud pro lege habere Regum nobilitas, ut debere se, quod sponte tribuit existimet, et nisi in suis beneficiis cruerit, nichil sese umquam prestisse putet. Hec igitur occasio hec denique fuit nobis consideratio, vt fidelem nostrum grate sincereque dilectum Spectabilem et Magnificum Johannem de Hwnyad pridem huius regni nostri Hungarie Gubernatorem vt pote magnificis virtutibus multorum illustrium operum neruo ac magnis meritis plenum et super civitate nostra et districtu Bistriciensi parcium nostrarum Transsylvanarum subleuaremus ac perficeremus, prout in aliis nostris litteris superinde confectis lacius hoc ipsum erga eum emiritum amorem nostrum, pluribus et majoribus indiciis continuantes aucto honori suo auctiora decoris insignia atque ornamenta adiciamus. Hactenus siquidem ex gracia predecessorum nostrorum diuorum Hungarie regem prefatus comes Johannes pro armis seu nobilitatism insigniis progenitoribus suis et domui beneficio munere collatis Corvum in campo flaveo seu celestino alas paulum elevantem sub colore naturali depictum ac formam annuli aurei in ore gestantem habuit; et in omni usu palam pre se tulit. Nos vero ex nunc in signum novi decoris et magnificate dignitatis sue de consilio  prelatorum et baronum nostrorum damus eidem et superaddimus  prioribus suis armis supratactis: Leonem integrum coloris rubei in campo alsbo sursum erectum sparsisque post sese pedibus et ore aperto pugnanti ac frementi et animoso similem, atque in altero anteriori pedum veluti manu quadam auream coronam tenentem vel quasi offerentme, ita, quod utraque arma ipsa cum suis supra distinctis coloribus per crucem transversam dupplicata in vno eodemque clipeo collocentus et deferantur, ipsi autem clipeo superponatus galea aurea coronata cum suis solitis ornamentis hine inde diffusis, pro crista vero inseratur forma ale similiter auree desuper proeminentus. Que profecto armorum additamenta ne ab re per nos facta, aut hinc virtuosos rerum typo prestita videantur, significationem eorum et causam exprimere non negelximus. Quo enim forma leonis rubri in campo albo in statu et modo supra expresso addita conspicitu, significat, antefatum Comitem Johannem superioribus nostre absentie temporibus, quibus videlicet post fedatum huius  regni disturbium ipse



Seal of John Hunyadi, 1 January 1456


Arms: ź:  1&4 Lion; 2&3: Raven with ring.

Legend: X s. iohannis de hunyad perpetui comitis bistricien. [11]


Achievement of John Hunyadi

Parochial Church in Vingard (Jud. Alba)


After his death the arms quarterly were abandoned by his son Matthias who became King of Hungary in 1458. As Matthias was a king and not a governor, a new interpretation had to be sought for the ring. This was done by Antonio Bonfini (1434-1503) who was commissioned by Matthias to produce a work chronicling the History of Hungary (Historia Pannonica: Sive Hungaricarum Rerum Decades IV.[12])  Bonfini also coined the epithet “Corvinus” and claimed that the Hunyadi family descended from Marcus Valerius Corvinus. (Roman General 64 BC-8 AD)


Emeric Bebek



Gravestone of Laszlo Bebek (†1441)

with Bebek coat of arms


Arms: Gules, a double-cross Argent crested with six pheasant-feathers

Crest: A king’s head crowned proper and two fishes respecting heads in base Argent


John Rozgonyi




Rozgonyi coat of arms

(modern rendering HdV)


Arms: Azure, an ostrich with its horseshoe  issuant Argent.

Crest: The ostrich of the arms


* The ostrich was the 14th century royal Hungarian crest.


Nicholas Apafy



Domodokos (Buti) Bethlen



Nicholas of Ilok

Nikola Iločki, Újlaki Miklós


Voivode of Transilvania 2nd term 1462-1465


Ilok coat of arms


Nicholas of Ilok was Ban of Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia and Macsó, Voivode of Transylvania and titular King of Bosnia from 1471 until his death.

A member of the Ilok noble family, he was one of the richest landowners in the Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia and one of its most influential magnates. He held a reputation of a great hero and served under four kings of Hungary: Albert, Vladislaus I, Ladislaus V and Matthias I.


Of this powerful Nicholas of Ilok no seal or painted or drawn coat of arms is known. His heraldry is displayed on his gravestone in the Franciscan church of St. John of Capistrano in his town Ilok on the Danube (Croatia). This is very damaged nowadays but there are good pictures of it representing it in its original state.

Gravestone of Nicholas Újlaki in the Church of St. John of Capistrano in Újlak (Ilok, Croatia)


On the gravestone are four coats of arms:

1. Arms: Azure, a lion Or (Csák family † 1364, from his great grandfather Nicolas I Kont †1367)

2. Arms: Azure, a crown crowned and three hearts in base Or (Bosna). Sometimes the three hearts are depicted as lion’s heads (Dalmatia)

3. Arms: Azure, Three crowns Or, the shield crowned (Macso banat)

4. Arms: Per fess Argent and Gules, in chief a fesse of the second [Or: p.f. Gu.&Ar. a fesse Ar. in chief.] crested with a crowned helmet.

These are the arms of the Kont family, later Ilok-family which were crested on Lambrequines Gules and Argent a crowned virgin issuant, winged Argent. [13]


John Szentgyörgyi


Voivode and King 1465-1467


Voivode together with Sigismund Szentgyörgyi and Berthold Ellerbach. Conducted the revolt of the Transilvanian nobles and cities against Matthias Corvinus.


Count János Szentgyörgyi de Szentgyörgy et Bazin (?-1492), Count Sigismund's brother, was also a supporter of the Emperor Frederick III until 1463. King Matthias, who appointed him (together with his brother, Sigismund and Bertold Ellerbach) to Voivod of Transylvania in 1465. The nobles of Transylvania, who rebelled against King Matthias, were planning to offer the crown to John in 1467. But King Matthias led his troops to the province and quickly suppressed the revolt. John surrendered without resistance and he, like his brother, was allowed to keep his possessions. He too was deprived of his office.


The three voivodes of Transilvania from the house of Szentgyörgyi, were all sons of George II.

Arms of John Szentgyörgy granted 14.06.1459


Arms: Azure, a six-pointed star parted per bend Or and Gules

Crest:  On lambrequines Or and Azure, the star of the arms and a bunch of peacock’s feathers

Crown: A royal crown with latin cross and mitre [14]


The Szentgyörgy coat of arms  dates from 1278 until 1511:

In Gelre, fol. 54v n° 509: Grave van Sunt Jorien: Arms: Azure, a six-pointed star parted per bend Or and Gules Crest: the star of the arms and a bunch of peacock’s feathers

In: Bergshammer fol 214r, n  3269: gr va sute isrien: Arms and crest as in Gelre. Lambrequines: Azure.


Ĺ Ellerbach coat of arms

In:  Conrad Grünebergs Wappenbuch, 1483 ca. Bild 247




Ellerbach seal


Arms: Quarterly Or and Vert

Crest: Two trunks of the arms

Ć On the seal the crest is augmented with the crown of Szentgyörgy


Sigismund Szentgyörgi



Seal of Sigismund Szentgyörgi


Arms: Azure, a six-pointed star parted per bend Or and Gules

Crest:  On lambrequines Or and Azure, the star of the arms and a bunch of peacock’s feathers

Crown: A royal crown with latin cross and mitre

Supporters: Two griffins


Peter Geréb of Vingárt

Voievod of Transilvania 1478-1479


Seal of Peter Geréb


Arms: Azure, a crowned lion issuant from a crown Or, the base barry Gules and Argent of four pieces.



This is the seal of Peter Gerab as a Chief Justice (1495-’99) of the kingdom.



Stephen Báthory


Voivode 1479-1493



Seal of Stephen Bathory, 1486


Arms: Emanché of seven pieces Argent and Gules.

Order: Of the Dragon. (Turul 1891, 12 laphoz, n° 14)


Armorial stone  of the Báthory Family,  1488

(N° 653)


Arms: Emanché of seven pieces Argent and Gules.

Crest: Dragon

Order: Of the Dragon.



Bartholomeu Drágffy



Arms of Drágffy


Arms: Azure, an arrow between to multi-pointed stars, in base a crescent Or.

Crest: A bunch of peacock-feathers

Supporters: Two dragons entwined Or.


Losonczi László Jr.



Seal of Ladislas Losonc, 1493-‘95


Arms:  [Azure] a griffin [Or]




Peter V Szentgyörgyi



Brother of John and Sigismund Szentgyörgy

Seal of Peter V Szentgyörgy, 1517


Johan Zapolya

*1487 - †22.7.1540

Voivode of Transilvania 1511-1526

King of Hungary 10.11.1526

crowned 11.11.1526

recognized 1529

Prince of Transilvania 24.02.1538-1540


Seal of John Szapolyai as a voivode of Transilvania, 1522


Arms: Quarterly 1&3. Gules, a unicorn  Argent; 2. Azure, a wolf Argent issuant from three hills Vert between a crescent Argent and a star Or.

Supporter: Angel

Legend: WAY(woda) TRANS(ilvaniae) ET CO(mes) SICV(lorum). (Voivode of Transilvania and Count of Székely) [16]

The arms of Johan Zapolya


Stefan Tomori de Csucs

Vicevoivode 1523-1526


Seal of Stefan Tomori de Csucs


Arms: Wolf issuant from three hills springing towards a bird  flying from dexter chief, between a crescent and a five-pointed star.

Legend: S.S.T.T. [17]


Under John Zapolya 1530-1540


Stefan VIII Báthory



Arms of Báthory


Bálint Török


 voivode 1530


Arms of the Török family


Arms: Azure, a bear Gules carrying a sword in its muzzle proper, issuant from a crown also proper; in chief a crescent Argent on the dexter and a six pointed star Or in the sinister

Crest: The bear and crown from the arms.

Order: The dragon of the Order of the Dragon


Hieronymus Jaroslav Laski



 voivode 1530–1534



Arms of the Laski family

Modern rendering [18]

Arms: Gules, a lightship Or.

Crest: The loghtship of the arms


Emeric Czibak

Czibak Imre


 voivode 1533–1534


Arms of  Emeric Czibak


Arms: Emanché of seven pieces, in chief a six pointed star and a crescent


István Majláth of Szunyogszeg



Arms of the Majláth family


Arms: 1&4: Azure a griffin Or; 2&3: Azure, a spruce-tree proper on the dexter and a buck issuant from a crowned hill proper on the sinister.


Emeric Balassa

Balassa Imre of Gyarmat


voivode 1538–1540


Arms of the Balassa family


Johan Sigismund Zapolya



Elected King of Hungary 1540

Prince of Transilvania 1541 - 1551


Ottoman Occupation 1540 – 1551


Tughra of Suleiman the Magnificent

Ink, gold leaf and gouache on heavy paper. Ca. 1550-’60. 164´247 cm (in frame) tks gy. 1400.

(New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 38.149.1).


Under Ferdinand I 1551-1556


Stallplate of Ferdinand I as a knight of the Fleece, 1556

St. Baafskathedraal, Gent


George Martinuzzi



George Martinuzzi, in the right upper corner his coat of arms

Artist and location unknown


Signet of George Martinuzzi


Martinuzzi Coat of arms


Andreas Bonaventura Báthory of Ecsed

Voivode 1552-1553


Báthory Coat of Arms


Dobó István

Voievode 1553–1556


Stephen Dobó was the son of Domonkos Dobó, and Zsófia Cékei.

He became the commander of Eger Castle in 1549 and became famous as a result of his successful defence of the castle during the Siege of Eger in 1552. As a reward, King Ferdinand donated him the ownership of the Transylvanian castles of Déva and Szamosújvár (Gherla, Romania). Dobó was also appointed a voivod of Transylvania in 1553. When Transylvania was separated from Hungary in 1556, Dobó was given the ownership of the castle of Léva (Levice, Slovakia) in compensation.


Arms of the Dobo family,

On a stove tile, Sárospatak Castle  (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén). 16th century


Francis Kendi



Transilvania under Ottoman suzereinty  1556 - 1571

John Sigismund Zapolya /

Szapolyai János Zsigmond


Voievode and  Prince of Transilvania 1556-1571

Lord of parts of the kingdom of Hungary 1570-1571

In 1556, the Transylvanian Diet, urged by Suleiman,   persuaded John Sigismund and his mother to return to Transylvania.

Seal of Johan Sigismund Zapolya, 1563

Arms: quarterly of Zips, Poland, Sforza and Zapolya.

Crown: Royal crown with five hoops


Portrait of John Zapolya with arms



The quarters of the arms arranged in the proper way: Poland, Zips, Zapolya and Sforza


John Sigismund's tomb in St. Michael’s Cathedral,  Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár)


On the right of his head the arms of Hungary and on the left a royal crown (now disappeared). On his right side  a coat of arms of which the arms of Poland and Arpad are visible and of which the arms of Zips and Zapolya can be suspected. On his left side there was another angel supporting a coat of ams now also disappeared


Ć In the head of this part the larger arms of John Sigismund:


Arms: ź: I. ź: 1. Zips; 2. Hungary; 3. Arpad; 4. Zapolya; II.Poland; III. Sforza; IV. Dalmatia




To Part 3: Princes of Transilvania 2

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 Š Hubert de Vries 2016-11-07


[1]According to:  Markó, László: A magyar állam főméltóságai Szent Istvántól napjainkig – Életrajzi Lexikon ("The High Officers of the Hungarian State from Saint Stephen to the Present Days – A Biographical Encyclopedia") (2nd edition); Helikon Kiadó Kft., Budapest; 2006. However existing charters only prove the term of voivodeship in 1227

[2] Ganz, P.: Geschichte der heraldischen Kunst in der Schweiz im 12. und 13. Jahrh. Frauenfeld 1899.  P. 174

[3] Csoma p. 52,  Barcsay 1897, 38, 40 ŕbra.

[4] Barczay, Oszkar: Magyarország Czimere. In: Turul, a magyar heraldikai és genealogiai tarsasag köslönye. 1879, pp. 157-171, 60 figs

[5] Meller, Harald e.a.: Der Heilige Schatz im Dom zu Halberstadt. Regensburg, 2008. Pp. 248-249

[6] From: Dercsényi Dezső: Nagy Lajos kora. Magyar Királyi Egyetemi Nyomda, Budapest, n.d., Fig XI.

[7] Dogaru Maria: Sigiliile, marturi ale trecutului istoric. Ed. Stintifica si encyclopedica. Bucuresti, 1976 n° 94, p. 122

[8] Arh. St. Cluj-Napoca, fond Primaria oraşului Bistriţa, anul 1412, nr. 13. (Dogaru, n° 96)

[9] http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035320/images/index.html?id=00035320&fip=

[10] Dogaru n° 95) (Bib. Filialei Acad. R.S.R Cluj. Coll. Contelui I. Kemeny.)

[11] Dogaru op. cit.  n° 97: Arh. St. Cluj-Napoca, Arhiva oraşului Bistriţa, 44 orig

[12] http://reader.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/fs1/object/display/bsb10934497_00448.html

[13] http://www.krudylib.hu/tartalom/kont-miklos-nador-czimere-ot-czimerkeppel

[14] Nyulásziné Straub, Eva: Öt Évszázad Cimerei a Magyarországos Léveltár Cimereslevelein Corvina. ISBN 963 13 2249 1, 1987. P. 37-38 XXI, XXII Tábla.

[15] Schönherr, Gyula: Hunyadi Corvin János 1473-1504. Magyar történeti életrajzok. Budapest, 1894

[16] Siebmachers Wappenbuch Bd IV. S C. Reichenauer von Reichenau, dann G. von Csergheö, dann O. von Bárczay. Der Adel von Siebenbürgen 1898. III Wappen der einheimischen Fürsten und Genealogie iher Familien (1538) 1571-1691. Taf 6-18

[17] Dogaru, op cit.. N° 98.

[18] http://kezmarok.com/fotky/TlacoveSpravy/ProjektRodinaLaskyAKezmarok-Zbornik.pdf


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