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Якутия / Caxa


Герб Республики Саха (Якутия)


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The Turkic Sakha people, also known as the Yakuts, migrated to the area in the 13th and 14th centuries from other parts of Siberia. When they arrived they mixed with other indigenous Siberians in the area. Russian Yakutsk was founded in 1632 as an ostrog (fort) by Pyotr Beketov. In 1639, it became the center of a voyevodstvo. The Yakutsk Voyevoda quickly became the most important Russian official in the region and directed expansion to the east and south.




After 1775 Yakutsk became the centre of Yakutsk province. In 1805 Yakutsk region was separated from the Irkutsk Government. The region comprised Yakutsk, Srednekolymsk, Olekminsk, Zhigansk, Verkhoyansk, Zashiversk and other settlements.


герб якутской области

Arms of Yakutsk province 26.08.1790


A coat of arms for Yakutsk province was approved 26 October, 1790. It is derived from the seal of the city of Yakutsk of 1682 but is of a more heraldic style


герб якутской области


On the buttons of the uniforms of officials of the Yakutsk region were the arms of the Russian Empire with the two-headed eagle. In 1824 the buttons were already charged with the arms of Yakutsk.


Arms of Yakutsk Oblast, adopted 5 July 1878


Arms: Argent, an eagle Sable, langued Gules in his claws a sable (Martes zibellina) Gules

Crown: An ancient royal crown

Garland: Branches of oak Or, winded with the red ribbon of the Order of Alexander Newski


Якутская ACCP



After the revolution of 1917 Yakutia was first a district in the Irkutsk region. which became.the Yakutsk ASSR on 27 April 1922 (Manifest about the establishment of the YASSR of 30 April  1922). The new republic comprised the areas (ulus) of: Mirny, Neryungri, Nyurba, Pokrovsk: Aldan, Verkhoyansk, Vilyuysk, Lensk, Olekminsk, Srednekolymsk, Tommot, and Udatshni.


The Constitution YASSR 1926 (Approved by the IV All Yakutsk Congress of Soviets) described the emblem of the YASSR as follows:


"Статья 118. Государственный герб ЯАССР состоит из изображения в лучах северного сияния части земного шара, прилегающей к приполярному кругу, схематического начертания границ ЯАССР и основной водной артерии р. Лены, золотых серпа и молота, помещенных крест на крест рукоятками к низу, окруженных венцом из колосьев, смыкающихся красной пятиконечной звездой, причем у основания венца золотые вилы и грабли, помещенные крест на крест рукоятками к низу с надписью:




Which is:

“The world globe on which are drawn the borders of the YASSR and the river Lena near the polar circle, and the Northern lights in chief, charged with a hammer and sickle in saltire hilts below. Surrounded by a garland of ears of wheat with a five-pointed star as a crest and a pitch fork and a rake in saltire at the junction in base, and the inscription:




No picture available


In 1938 the arms of 1926 were replaced by the arms of the RSFSR with inscriptions appropriate to the Yakut A.S.S.R.

State Emblem of the Yakut ASSR,

approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the CIK YASSR on 13 May  1938


The article in the constitution about the new arms read:


....В дальнейшем герб республики был аналогичным гербу РСФСР, но дополнялся якутскими надписями, девизом: "БАРЫ ДОЙДУЛАР ПРОЛЕТАРИЙДАРА ХОЛБОhУИ !" и названием республики на якутском и русском языках, как и на флаге литеры "АССР" относились и к якутской и к русской надписям.


That is:

In the future, the emblem of the republic will be the same as the coat of arms of the RSFSR, but supplemented with inscriptions of the motto in Yakut language: "БАРЫ ДОЙДУЛАР ПРОЛЕТАРИЙДАРА ХОЛБОhУИ !". And the name of the republic also in the Yakut and Russian languages. On the flag the letters "ACCP" refer to the inscriptions in Yakut and Russian





The 1938 arms of the SASSR [1]

Detail of a 1960 postage stamp of the USSR



According to the Constitution, adopted at the 8th Extraordinary Session of the Yakut ASSR Supreme Council of 31 May 1978, a red star with a golden border was added above the arms and the inscription was the run in two lines, the Russian text was placed at the top.


Республика Саха (Якутия)

27.09.1990- present


On 27 September 1990 the Yakut parliament adopted a declaration of independence. The coat of arms of the republic was inscibed for some time then with the abbreviation "SSR" instead of "ASSR".


герб республики


The present coat of arms of the Republic of Yakutsk was approved by Art. 2 of  the Yakutia State Law №1288-XII: A resolution on the adoption of the Law №1288a-XII) of 26 December 1992. The article reads:


“Новый государственный герб Якутии утверждён Законом №1288-XII (а Постановление о принятии Закона №1288а-XII) от 26 декабря 1992 года, согласно статье 2 этого Закона:

"Государственный герб Республики Саха (Якутия) представляет собой круг, в центре которого изображение древнего всадника со знаменем с наскальных рисунков реки Лены, на фоне солнечного диска-щита, помещённого в обрамление с традиционным национальным орнаментом ввиде семи ромбических кристаллообразных фигур и надписями "Республика Саха (Якутия)" и "Саха Республиката". В цветном изображении Государственного герба Республики Саха (Якутия) солнце - серебристого, всадник - тёмно-красного, обрамление - тёмно-голубого, орнамент и надписи - белого цвета" .


That is:

"The State Emblem of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is a disk charged with the image of the ancient rider with a banner from the rock carvings of the Lena River, placed on the solar disk, within a bordure with a traditional national ornament of seven rhombic crystal-figures and the words "Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" and "Saha Respublikata." In the color image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) the sun is silver, the rider dark red, the framing dark blue, and the ornaments and inscriptions white".


The central element of the coat of arms is from ancient rock paintings discovered in the village Shishkino (Lena River area) in 1745.

Seven rhombic crystals symbolize the seven nations that inhabit the region: Yakut, Russian, Evenki, Evens, Chukchi, Dolgan and Yukagirs.

Dark blue rsymbolizes loyalty, sincerity and reliability,

White symbolizes purity

Dark red is the color of the Shishkin. cave paintings


Rider with banner from the cave paintings from Shishkino


The cave paintings from Shishkino (so-called "Шишкинские писаницы") are located on the cliffs along the Lena River for about 2 km. It is believed that the drawings were made during the relocation of Kurykanskaya tribes along the Lena. The images were discovered in the 18th century by academician GF Miller and described A.P.Okladnikovym


Authors of the emblem: A.N.Osipov, USSR, honored. Worker. V.S.Parnikov graphic artist, V.N.Ignatev, corresponding member of the Russian. Academy of Arts. I.A.Potapov.

Other authors have proposed coat of arms with a mammoth or a crane, but these proposals were not supported.


The design of the emblem was made by V.Lomantsovym for "Geraldikuma"


The Yakutia Emblem is included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under №182.

Law № 313-III "On the official symbols of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" on July 15, 2004  with a description of the coat of arms reading:


"В серебряном поле – червленый (красный) всадник со знаменем, имеющим три косицы; лазоревая (синяя, голубая) кайма вверху обременена семью серебряными якутскими алмазами (фигурами в виде поставленных на угол квадратов, каждый из которых расторгнут на шесть частей: накрест и наподобие двух сходящихся по сторонам стропил). Государственный герб Республики Саха (Якутия) представляет собой круг, в центре которого расположено изображение древнего всадника со знаменем с наскальных рисунков реки Лены, на фоне солнечного диска-щита, помещенного в обрамление с традиционным национальным орнаментом в виде семи ромбических кристаллообразных фигур и надписями «Республика Саха (Якутия)» и «Саха Республиката». В цветном изображении Государственного герба Республики Саха (Якутия) солнце – серебристого, всадник – темно-красного, обрамление – темно-голубого, орнамент и надпись – белого цвета".







Министерство внутренних дел,

Якутия / Caxa



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 © Hubert de Vries 2017-02-14



[1] From: "Хроника важнейших событий Якутии"

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