This site is a mirror of the original site, made in 2022 by Heraldry of the World. The original site is unaltered. This mirror functions as an archive to keep the material available on-line.
All rights remain with the late Hubert de Vries, the original site owner.



Part 3


Ancient Military Colours, 1885-‘87


Armed Forces


Armed Forces

Royal Thai Armed Forces H.Q.




Air Force

Royal Guard



Back to Thailand


Armed Forces


The Royal Thai Army traces its origins as a standing force to Mongkut's creation of the Royal Siamese Army as a standing force in the European tradition in 1852. By 1887, Siam had permanent military commands, again in the European fashion, and by the end of the century, Siam had also acquired a Royal Navy under the reforms of Admiral Prince Abhakara Kiartiwongse.


The Kings Command


The emblem of the Kings Command consists of the royal sevenfolded umbrella and the sword and scptre in saltire, charged with the royal emblem of crown, chakram and trident.

In base is the motto Pra’ba rom ra’cha’oong kaan  (The Kings Command) in siamese script.

By king Chulalongkorn the collar of the Order of the Nine Gems (Nop’aratanarach’a - warap’aun) founded 29 December 1869, was added.


Emblem of the Royal SiameseCommand, probably from the time of King Mongkut (1851-’68)

The motto is in King Rama III’s script (1826)


Emblem of the RSC from the time of King Chulalongkorn

The motto is in modern Thai script.


Present emblem of the RTC

 From the Government Gazette of Thailand. (2553/2010.12.29)


Ministry of Defense


Ministry of Defense 1932


The flag of the Ministry of Defense shows this emblem on a white cloth.


Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters




Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters 1979


File:Flag Thai Chief of the Defence Forces.svg

Chief Royal Thai Defense Forces 1979





File:Royal Thai Army Unit Colour.svg



Ancient Flag


Present Flag since 1979





Ancient Flag and standard since 1979

Present Flag since 1979


Marine Corps


Sleeve patch with arms



The Royal Thai Marine Corps was founded in 1932 when the first battalion was formed with the assistance of the USMC.The emblem and seal are derived from the U.S. Marines emblem and seal.


Air Force


Air Force Emblem Ancient


Royal Thai Air Force 1979


In February 1911 the Belgian pilot Charles Van Den Born displayed the first aircraft in Siam at the Sa Pathum Horse Racing Course. The Siamese authorities then dispatched on 28 February 1912 three officers to learn to fly in France, a leading aviation country.

The three officers returned to Siam on 2 November 1913 with eight aircraft (four Breguets and four Nieuports). They are today regarded as the forefathers of the present Royal Thai Air Force.


Standard of the RTAF


Ancient Flag

Present  Flag since 1979




Royal Guard


The King's Guard was founded in 1859 by crown prince Chulalongkorn the Great.  It consisted, at first, of little more than servants with ceremonial guard duties. When Chulalongkorn became king he picked the cream of the crop to form a 24-man bodyguard unit for himself, known as the Taharn Songlow.

The achievement of the Thai Royal Guards is identical to the achievement of the kingdom from the time of king Rama III.



Arms / Sleeve Patch


Royal Guard helmet and helmet badge

Standard of the Thai Royal Guards


Thai Royal Guards Car patch





Arms / Cap Badge



Royal Thai Police Patch, Ancient

Present Royal Thai Police Patch


Royal Thai Police Central Investigation Bureau, Emblem and Arms


Thai heraldry is very well documented on Internet:


* Pictures of higher resolution on Wikipedia

* See also http://www.nationreligionking.com/

* See also http://www.ask.com/wiki/List_of_Thai_flags



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© Hubert de Vries 2012-03-27


Flag Counter In cooperation with Heraldry of the World