Armed Forces
Introduction |
Æ Mongol Empire and
Post-Imperial Main
articles: Mongol military tactics and organization and Mongol
Empire § Military setup As a
unified state, Mongolia traces its origins to the Mongol
Empire created by Genghis Khan in the 13th century. Genghis
Khan unified the various tribes on the Mongol steppe, and his descendants
eventually conquered almost the entirety of Asia, the Middle East, and parts
of Eastern Europe. The military of the Mongol Empire is regarded to be the
first modern military system. The
Mongol Army was organized into decimal units of tens, hundreds, thousands, and
ten thousands. A notable feature of the army is that it was composed entirely
of cavalry units, giving it the advantage of maneuverability. Siege weaponry
was adapted from other cultures, with foreign experts integrated into the
command structure.
Polo (~*1254-†1324) writes about the badges of rank (leaving out the Arban but adding the commander of
100,000): For a commander of 100
has a tablet of silver; a commander of 1000 a tablet of gold, or rather of
silver gilt; and a commander of 10,000 a tablet of gold with a lion’s head. The tablets of command
over 100 or 1000 weigh 120 saggi
(= 425 g) apiece, those with a lion’s
head weigh 220 (= 780 g). On all these tablets is written a command in these
words: ‘By the might of the Great God and the great grace he has given to our
Emperor, blessed be the name of the Khan, and death and destruction to all
who do not obey him.’ ... As for the commander
of 100.000, or generalissimo of a great army, he has a tablet of gold weighing
300 saggi (= 1063g.), with an
inscription such as I have mentioned; and at the foot of the tablet is
portrayed the lion, and above it
is an image of the sun and moon. In addition he has
warrants of high command and great authority. And whenever he goes riding he
must carry an umbrella over his head in token of his exalted rank; and when
he sits he must sit on a silver chair. To these dignitaries the Great Khan
also gives a tablet with the sign of the gerfalcon;... [1] This last is the T’ang-Chinese and
Gök-turk He emblem of generals.
obverse and reverse of a silver Paizah
(Гэрэгэ), or symbol of authority, which,
together with a written document, was given by the Mongol Khans to high military,
civil and ecclesiastical officials, who where thereby empowered to demand
money, animals and service from any and every one of the king’s subjects. The
inscription is in the Mongolian tongue. Although paizas were popularized by the Mongols, they were not (contrary to common claim) a Mongol innovation. Similar such passports were already in use in northern China under the Liao dynasty, and their use was continued under subsequent kingdoms such as the Jin Dynasty and the Tangut kingdom of Xi-Xia. The Jin paiza had seven different ranks Paizah with lions’ head of a commander of a Tümen of 10.000 from the Golden Horde Paiza with (crouching) lion of a generalissimo Coll. Metmuseum Period: Yuan dynasty (1271–1368) Date: late 13th century Culture: China Medium: Iron with silver inlay Dimensions: 18.1 cm Î W. 11.4 cm Classification: Metalwork Credit Line: Purchase, Bequest of Dorothy Graham Bennett, 1993 Accession Number: 1993.256 Description The openwork inscription on this circular plaque has been filled with
silver to the extent that the characters project from the surface of the
plaque on both sides; the inscription on the reverse is thus inverted. The
type of script—used early on to write the Mongol language—is named for its
inventor, Phakpa (1235–1280), the Tibetan monk and scholar who served as the
imperial preceptor for the Mongol court during the reign of Khubilai Khan
(1215–94). The inscription reads, “By
the strength of Eternal Heaven, an edict of the Emperor [Khan]. He who has
not respect shall be guilty.” The form of the pass (paiza), with its
animal mask decoration, is similar to that of a Tibetan mirror for reflecting
evil. Silver,
casting, forging, engraving, gilding. An Arabic script on the plate displays
the text: "By the command of the
eternal sky, the decree of the khan of Uzbek (Golden Horde) A person who does
not submit to the Mongols is guilty, and must die." Arban-u Darga , meaning “Commander of an Aravt”.
An aravt was a military
unit of 10 troops. Jagutu-iin Darga , meaning “Commander of a Zuut”.
A zuut was a military
unit of 100 troops. Mingghan-u Noyan , meaning “Commander of a Mingghan”. A mingghan was a military unit of 1,000 troops. Tumetu-iin Noyan, meaning “Commander of a Tümen”. A tümen was
a military unit of 10,000 troops. There were initially only nine tümens
in the Mongol Empire in 1206, but by 1368 there were 40 Mongol tümens
and four Oirat tümens. Cherbi, a title for a Kheshig (imperial guard) commander. Bey, a Turkish term meaning
"Chieftain". From the mongol
(Yüan-) era in China there are preserved some clothes embroidered with beasts
we later find back in the so-called
mandarin squares of the Ming dynasty. The
beasts from the Sung and Yüan Dynasty
are: Dragons,
phoenixes, gerfalcons, griffins, lions, panthers, roosters, stags and hares.
Some of these apparently are badges of militray office and others of civil
office. The stag should be the badge of the highest religious office, for
example of a mongolian shaman or a buddhist lama. The gerfalcon has its
counterpart in the european eagle but was replaced for the qilin (unicorn) by the Qing dynasty. With the
disintegration of the Mongol Empire in the late 13th century, the Mongol Army
as a unified unit also crumbled. The Mongols retreated back to their homeland
after the fall of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, and once again delved into
civil war. Although the Mongols became united once again during the reign
of Queen
Mandukhai and Batmongkhe Dayan Khan, in the 17th century they were
annexed into the Qing Dynasty. Period under Qing Rule Once
Mongolia was under the Qing, the Mongol Armies were used to defeat the Ming
dynasty, helping to consolidate Manchu Rule. Mongols proved a useful ally in
the war, lending their expertise as cavalry archers. During most of the Qing
Dynasty era the Mongols gave military assistance to the Manchus. With the
creation of the Eight Banners Banner Armies were broadly
divided along ethnic lines, namely Manchu (1639/42) and Mongol (1635). Lion (Sanskrit: sinha. Tibetan: seng) The lion has an indigeneous history as a mystic
animal in Tibet, which was reinforced when Buddhism was introduced with its
use of a lion throne for the Buddha. The lion can be seen in many roles in
Tibetan art. It is the third of the Bon mytological animals. The lion of
Buddha remains as a peripheral supporting beast for the thrones or bases of
various deities, often literally supporting the base with its up-raised hand
in an Atlas-like pose. There is also a rather separate concept of the snow
lion as an emblem of the Tibetan state. As such it appears on the
Tibetan national flag and on the seal
of the Tibetan and Mongol states. Thunderbolt (vajra) Wish-Grantimg Jewel
(cintamani) Three jewels
(tri-ratna) Deity: Dorje Shugden (Tibetan) Alternative name: Vajra Rudra (Sanskrit) Dorje Shugden is an emanation of the Buddha of Wisdom, Manjushri. He took the form of a Dharma
Protector in order to safeguard the Buddha’s teachings, especially the
important teachings on the Middle Way View. Reminiscent of Manjushri’s form,
Dorje Shugden carries a meandering sword and rides a snowlion that represents the fearlessness of a fully enlightened
Buddha. Thus, he has great strength to overcome obstacles of the body,
speech and mind, and create suitable conditions for the spiritual practice to
flourish. Furthermore, he carries a jewel-spitting mongoose and a vajra hook
to symbolise that he has the tremendous ability to bestow wealth and
resources. . Snow Lion lower margin of the portrait
of Zanabazar Late 17th -early 18th
century This is a picture of a Mongol commander with
a sülde and his hand and sitting on
a snow lion Chinese Mandarin Square Mandarin square: Shizi
(Lion) badge of rank of a commander
of 100,000 or a (Qing-) military official of the 2nd rank until 1911 Handle of the seal |
Bogd Khanate (1911–1919) |
In 1911, Outer
Mongolia declared its independence as the Bogd Khaanate under the Bogd Khan. This initial independence did
not last, with Mongolia being occupied successively by the Chinese Beiyang
and Baron
Ungern's White
Russian forces. The modern precursor to the Mongolian Armed Forces was
placed, with men's conscription and a permanent military structure starting
in 1912. Manlaibaatar Damdinsüren (Манлайбаатар Дамдинсүрэн, first hero Damdinsüren; (*Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia 13 03 1871 – † 27 01 1921), was a
military commander, Pan-Mongolist and diplomat who led Mongolia's struggle
for independence in 1911. In 1908
he officially inherited his father's rank Zhang. While visiting the imperial
court in Beijing he met with Prince Mijiddorjiin Khanddorj with whom he first broached the idea of overthrowing the Manchu domination of Outer Mongolia. In 1911
he and other Mongolian nobility and high ranking Buddhist lamas participated
in a secret congress in Ikh Khüree convened by Mongolia's religious
leader, the Jebtsundamba
Khutuktu, to
formulate a declaration of independence from Manchu Chinese rule. Once the
declaration was issued, Damdinsüren helped mobilize thousands of soldiers,
seized the northern Inner Mongolian city of Hailar and offered his allegiance to the Bogd Khan. Under the Bogd Khan's government he served as
counselor first class of the ministry of the army and then Deputy Minister of
Foreign Affairs. In August 1912, his forces combined with those of Khatanbaatar Magsarjav and Ja Lama to liberate the city of Khovd in western Mongolia from Chinese occupation,
for which he received the honorary title of Manlaibaatar ("Best
Hero") and the princely title "beyle." On
February 2, 1913 Damdinsüren was one of the signatories to the Treaty of friendship and alliance
between the Government of Mongolia and Tibet in which the two countries declared mutual recognition
and allegiance. Later that month he commanded troops (including a young Darizavyn Losol) in a series of battles against
Chinese forces in Inner Mongolia around Mongolia's south east border that
climaxed in an unsuccessful assault on the city of Hohhot. From September
1914 to June 1915, Damdinsüren represented the interests of Inner Mongolia at
Russian-Chinese-Mongolian negotiations that resulted in the 1915 Treaty of Kyakhta which outlined, among other issues, Mongolia's geopolitical status. In 1919
Damdinsüren began a rapprochement with the Mongolian revolutionaries. Damdinsuren said "I can defend Mongolia from China and Red
Russia" after Chinese occupation of 1919. He was arrested by Chinese occupation
authorities in the autumn of 1920 and died in a prison in Niislel Khüree in January 1921. |
Breast patch and shoulder patches of a Mongolian high-ranking
official 1911-1921[2] The pattern consists of the soyombo surrounded by floral motifs |
Mongolian People's Republic |
Mongolian People´s Army Main
article: Mongolian People's Army With Independence
lost again to foreign forces, the newly created Mongolian People's
Revolutionary Party created a native communist army in 1920 under the
leadership of Damdin Sükhbaatar in order to fight against Russian
troops from the White movement and Chinese forces. The MPRP was aided by
the Red Army, which helped to secure the
Mongolian People's Republic and remained in its territory until at least
1925. However, during the 1932 armed uprising in Mongolia and
the initial Japanese border probes beginning in the mid-1930s,
Soviet Red Army troops in Mongolia amounted to little more than instructors
for the native army and as guards for diplomatic and trading installations. Brigade
Commander / Бригадын командлагч after 1940 Corps Commander / Kорпус командлагч After 1940 Hat badge
and cuff badges: A vajra
(thunderbolt) and some clouds. On the hats the arms of 1940-1955. 1955-1992 Hat badge after 1939 Rank Insignia of the Mongol Peoples Army , 1936-1940 |
Rank Insignia of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army until 1940 Rank Insignia (from left to right): 1 Marshal,
2 Army Commander, 3 Corps Commander, 4 Divisional Commander, 5 Brigade Commander,
6 Jurandaa, 7 Major, 8 Captain, 9 Chief Lieutenant, 10 Lieutenant, 11 Leader,
12 Chairman of the parade, 13 Branch Assistant, 14 Combatant.[3] |
Mongol Uls |
12.02.-1992- present |
Mongolian Armed Forces (Монгол улсын зэвсэгт хүчин) Emblem Arms: Gules a pale Azure, the Khara Sülde proper Motto: МОНГОЛ
Khara Sülde at the Ghingghiz Khan Mausoleum |
The Khara
Sülde or "Chinggis Khan-nii Kharia Yikhit Khara
Sülde" is also called "Dörven Khölt Khara Sülde" (Khara Sülde with four feet). Folk tales
mention that the Khara Sülde would be raised when the Khan was at war.
The Chagaan (white) Sülde was raised in peace time or in a
place far away from war. The Khara
Sülde was the Khan's battlefield banner, standing for the power of the
"Everlasting Blue Heaven" which can concentrate and mobilize the
spirit and power of all Mongols to defeat their enemies in all time in all
directions. The place where
the Khara Sülde was worshipped in Ordos was called "Shine-in Khushuu"
in the former Jiun-Wang Banner where the Ulaan Muren river and Khökh
Usun river meet. Later, when Chinese peasants started to cultivate
the area, the Sülde was forced to move north, finally settled in
today's Sülde-in Khoroo Gachaa (Gachaa, the lowest Municipal unit in Inner
Mongolia) of the Bor-Toig
Sumu (Sumu: township), Ejen-Khoroo Banner (Banner:
Khushuu in Mongol, County). On June 14th of 1956, the Khara Sülde
was moved to the new Mausoleum. The Sülde consists
of a about one Tokhoi (1 tokhoi = 32 cm) long double-edged
spearhead of steel called Jelme, a plate of silver Char
with 9 x 9 = 81 holes along the rim and a Shilvi - a
long wooden pole that serves as the handle of the Sülde. The Char
would be fixed to the Jelme a short distance from the Jelme's
lower end and the Shilvi would be inserted into a hole on the lower
end of the Jelme and would be wedged by a silver wedge (Shongnuurga)
and then the joint would be wrapped by white silk. "Khükhüül",
bunches of chestnut stallions mane, would be tied to the holes of the Char
by leather strings made of black goat's skin. The Shilvi was 13.5 Tokhoi
(432 cm) long and made of cedar. A 12 Tokhoi (384 cm) long yellow silk
"coat" with 1000 buttons would be put onto the Sülde and a
supporting Shilvi would also be fixed to the main Shilvi to
ensure the main Sülde's stability. Then the Sülde's main Shilvi
and the supporting Shilvi would be inserted into the holes on the back
of giant stone tortoise. Four "Elchi"
(that is a messenger or courier, sometimes assistant of a Khan) Sülde (the Elchi Sülde was
shorter than the main Sülde, the Shilvi of the Elchi Sülde was
9 Tokhoi) stand around the main Sülde and are fastened up
to the main Sülde with a 13 Tokhoi (416 cm) long rope made of
stallion mane with yellow silk coat. The four Elchi Sülde standing
around the main Sülde serve as the four feet of the Khara Sülde. |
Since the Sülde
was said to be descended from the High Heaven, it should always be exposed to
Heaven and accompany with the Heaven, and for this reason, the Sülde
has been exposed in the open for hundreds of years and it should never be
placed under any shelter. Also, because the Sülde was the Khan's very
important Shitügen, the offering ceremonies of the Sülde have
been held separately from the ceremonies of the Khan and had its unique
procedures and schedules of ceremonies. The offering
ceremonies of the Khara Sülde were: Baga Dailga (baga means small or not big, dailga means
offering ceremony), held on every 1st days of a month. Jalgamj (continuing offering), held on every 3rd
day of a month, Juslang-in Dailga (summer time ceremony), held on the 3rd day of the 7th month
of the year according to the Ordos calendar (the 7th month is the 1st month
of the summer). Yikh Dailga (grand offering), held on 14th day of the 10th month of
the year of the Ordos calendar Togshiulkh Dailga, held on the 5th day of the
first month of the winter in every Dragon year. Banner |
Staff |
Army |
Ground forces Xуурай Замын Цэрэг |
Cap badge |
patch |
2015 Officers General (GEN) Lieutenant General (LT GEN) Major General (MAJ GEN) Brigadier General (Br Gen) Colonel (COL) Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Major (MAJ) Captain (CPT) 1st Lieutenant (1LT) 2nd Lieutenant (2LT) NCO's Lead Sergeant (LSGT) or Command Sergeant
Major (CSM) Training Sergeany (TSGT) = (SM)Sergeant Major Senior Sergeant (SSG) Sergeant (SGT) Junior Sergeant (JSGT) Conscript
soldiers Senior Corporal (SCPL) Corporal (CPL) Lance Corporal (LCPL) Private (PVT) The
current rank system was established in 2003
by introducing Sergeant major and Master sergeant ranks. In 2006
Brigadier general, General ranks were introduced and Colonel general, General
of the Army ranks were abolished Current set of rank insignia introduced
in 2017. Officers insignia ulzii replaced by five-pointed star and non-commissioned
officers insignia pattern replaced by chevrons See: Mongolian Military Ranks |
Navy |
Mongols rarely used naval power, with a few exceptions. In the 1260s and
1270s they used seapower while conquering the Song dynasty of China, though they were
unable to mount successful seaborne campaigns against Japan due to storms and
rough battles. Around the Eastern Mediterranean, their campaigns were almost
exclusively land-based, with the seas being controlled by the Crusader and
Mamluk forces. The
Mongolia Ship Registry (MSR) contributes to the development of the Marine
Transport in Mon-golia and connect Mongolia into the global maritime
transportation network. |
Air Force |
ЦЭРЭГ On 25 May
1925 a Junkers F.13 entered service as the first aircraft in Mongolian civil
and military aviation. By 1935 Soviet aircraft were based in the country. In
May 1937 the air force was renamed the Mongolian
People's Republic Air Corps. During 1939–1945 the Soviets delivered the
aircraft. After 1966 the Soviet Union
continued to deliver aircraft, and the air force was renamed Air Force of the Mongolian People's Republic.
After the
end of the Cold War and the advent of the Democratic Revolution, the air
force was effectively grounded due to a lack of fuel and spare parts.
However, the government has been trying to revive the air force since 2001.
The current Armed Forces maintains an Air Forces Defense Command (Агаарын довтолгооноос хамгаалах цэргийн командлал), under the command of the
General Staff. The country has the goal of developing a full air force in the
future. |
1940-1945 |
1949-1992 |
Wings |
© Hubert de Vries 2019-12-18