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Part 3

Princes of Transilvania 2



The Saxon Nation

The Hungarian Nation

The Székely Nation

The Principality of Transilvania

Princes of Transilvania

Back to Romania

Back to Transilvania

István Báthory

† 12.09.1586

Voivode of Transilvania 1571-1576

King of Poland 1575

Prince of Transilvania 1575


Elected by the Three Nations and confirmed by Ahidnâme of 1571 to him of the Ottoman Sultan Selim II reading:


"Voivode of Transylvania, István Báthory! (...) Transylvania has long been under my protection, (...) and the country is my own (...). Therefore, out of my power, in accordance with your fealty to me I make Transylvania over to you." [1]


Declared himself prince of Transylvania after his election as a king of Poland in 1576


Royal seal of Stephen Bathory King of Poland 1576-1586

AGAD, Collection of parchment records 6194  Ć 115 mm [2]


Seal: The king on his throne surrounded by the arms of the Polish-Lithuanian Monarchy



On the legend his title for Transilvania but, as Transilvania was not a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Monarchy, no arms of Transilvania amongst the arms surrounding the throne.


Christophorus Báthory


Voivode 28.01.1576-1581


Seal of Christophorus Báthory, 1578


Arms: Gules, three wolves’ teeth issuing from the sinister Argent. (Báthory)

Crown: A circlet

Supporters: Two angels

Legend: christ + batori + waivoda + transi + etc


Szigmond Báthory


Voivode 11.05.1581-1586

1st term Prince of Transilvania 1586-1597

Prince of Wallachia 03.06.1595

Knight of the Fleece n° 284  1596

Prince of Transilvania 1598 - 1599

1601 - 26.07.1602



After the death of his father Stephen Báthory on 13 December 1586. Sigismund was styled prince of Transylvania. Since he was still a minor, the government was exercised by a regent. In October 1588, the Diet proposed to declare the sixteen-year-old Sigismund of age if he banished the Jesuits from Transylvania. Sigismund did not accept the offer, especially because he did not want to expel his Jesuit confessor, Alfonso Carillo. After the Diet was dissolved, his cousins convinced Sigismund not to resist to the demand of the predominantly Protestant Estates of the realm. The new Diet assembled at Mediasch in December 1588, ordered the expulsion of the Jesuits and declared Sigismund to be of age on 8 December.

Sigismund took the customary oath of the Transylvanian monarchs on 23 December 1588. In the same year he attained his majority, and joined the league of Christian Princes against the Turks. The obvious danger of such a course caused no small anxiety in the principality, and the diet of Torda even went so far as to demand a fresh coronation oath from Sigismund. Upon his refusal to render it, the council members threatened him with deposition. Ultimately Sigismund got the better of his opponents, and executed all whom he got into his hands (1595).

In 1595, at Gyulafehérvár, Sigismund signed a treaty with Michael the Brave, the Voivod of Wallachia, in which Wallachia came under sovereignty of Transylvania, requiring Sigismund to send Michael the Brave an aid for fighting the Ottomans.

On August 13, 1595 at the Battle of Călugăreni near the Neajlov river, Michael defeated a Turkish army led by Sinan Pasha. Despite the victory Michael, having too few troops to continue the war, retreated toward Transylvania. Joining Sigismund's 40,000-strong army led by István Bocskay, they liberated Târgovişte (8 October 1595), Bucharest (12 October 1595) and Brăila. Wallachia was liberated on 29 October 1595.

The turning-point of his career was his separation from his wife, Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria (1574-1621) (daughter of Archduke Charles II of Austria), in 1599, an event followed by his own abdication the same year. It was on this occasion that he offered the throne of Transylvania to Rudolph II, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary, in exchange for the duchy of Opole in Silesia. As Duke of Opole he also was a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire.

In April 1598 Sigismund resigned as Prince of Transylvania in favor of Emperor Rudolf, reversed his decision in October 1598, and then resigned again in favor of Cardinal Andrew Báthory, his cousin. This allowed Transylvania to fall under the influence of the King of Poland. Michael the Brave reestablished an alliance with Emperor Rudolf, began a campaign against Andrew on October 5, 1599, and became Prince of Transylvania in November 1599, while the Habsburg general Giorgio Basta entered Transylvania from the west at the same time.

In 1600, however, Sigismund at the head of an army of Poles and Cossacks, attempted to recover his throne again, but was routed by Michael the Brave, voivode of Moldavia and Wallachia, at Suceava. In February 1601 the diet of Klausenburg reinstated him, but again he was driven out, after the Battle of Goroszló, by Michael the Brave and general Giorgio Basta, never to return. He died in Prague in 1613.


Seal, 1582


Arms: Báthory.

Crown: Circlet set with eleven points

Supporters: Two virgins

Legend: + sigism + batori : vaivoda : trans : et : sicvl : com : etc :.


Thaler of Sigismund Báthory


Arms: Báthory

Crown: The Transilvanian crown

Supporters: Virgins

Legend: sigismvndvs bathori /  princeps transylvane.


N.B. The crown consists of a diadem and a purple cap spanned by two parallel hoops set with precious stones and pearls.



Andreas Báthory


Prince of Transilvania 21.03.1599


Arms of Cardinal Andrew Báthory

On his portrait in Skokloster Castle (Stockholm)



Vitéz Mihály


Voievode of Walachia 1593-1601

Lord of Transilvania 1599-1600

Lord of Moldavia 1600


Known in Romania as Mihai Viteazul (= Michael the Brave).

On 18 October 1598 Michael won a decisive victory against the army of prince-cardinal Andrew Báthory at the Battle of Şelimbăr, giving him control of Transylvania.

With Andrew Báthory dead, Michael entered the Transylvanian capital at Alba Iulia Gyulafehervar and received the keys to the fortress from Bishop Demeter Napragy. Stephen Szamosközy, keeper of the Archives at the time, wrote that on 8 October, Transylvanian nobles elected Michael the voivode as Prince of Transylvania. As a Diet was assembled on 10 October, Michael demanded that the estates swear loyalty to Emperor Rudolf, then to himself and thirdly to his son. Even if he was recognized by the Transylvanian Diet as only imperial governor subject to the Holy Roman Emperor, he was nonetheless ruler of Transylvania.

According to his formal position in Transylvania Michael used the following signature on official documents:

“Michael Valachiae Transalpinae Woivoda, Sacrae Caesareae Regiae Majestatis Consiliarius per Transylvaniam Locumtenens, cis transylvaniam partium eius super exercitu Generalis Capitaneus". ("Michael, voivode of Wallachia, the councillor of His Majesty the Emperor and the King, his deputy in Transylvania and General Captain of his troops from Transylvania.")

Michael began negotiating with the Emperor over his official position in Transylvania. The latter wanted the principality under direct Imperial rule with Michael acting as governor. Michael, on the other hand, wanted the title of Prince of Transylvania for himself and equally claimed the Partium region. Michael was, nevertheless, willing to acknowledge Habsburg overlordship.


Seal of Michael the Brave


Emblem: The arms of Moldova supported by two princes. In chief the Wallachian eagle between a sun and a crescent. In base two lions supporting a sword upright standing on seven hills symbolizing the Saxon nation.

Legend: X NML BJE MLRDIE / X IO MIHAILI UGROVLAHISCOI VOEVOD ARDILSCOI MOLD ZEMLI. (By the grace of God, I, Michael Voivod of Wallachia, lord of Transilvania and Moldavia).


The lions supporting the sword is the heraldic emblem of the Kantakouzenos family of the mother of Michael, Theodora Kantakouzene. She was a member of the Kantakouzenoi, a noble family present in Wallachia and Moldavia, and allegedly descended from the Byzantine Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos (1292-1383).


Arms of Kantakouzenos by Conrad Grüneberg, fol. 144. [3]


This branch of the Kantakouzenoi bore, according to Conrad Grüneberg: Azure, two lions Or, supporting a sword upright, proper.

The legend above the arms, identifying the bearer, reads:

“Contta von Cussinus der ist der xii Sebherrenn ainer des kaiserthumb zu Constantinopel.”

(Or: Kantakouzenos is one of the 12 sebastokrators of the Empire of Constantinople)


Szigmond Báthory

2nd term 1601-1602


Seal of Sigismund Báthory, 1601


Arms:  Báthory

Crown: A princely crown

Supporter: Two-headed eagled princeley crowned



Székely Mózes


Voivode 09.05.- 17.07.1603


Born in Székelyudvarhely from a Székely-family. He was a valued lieutenant of Stefan Báthory and followed him to Poland. There he was the commander of the Hungarian infantry in the Russian war.

He was raised to the peerage by Sigismund Báthory and granted a fief. He was the commander in chief of Andrew Báthory and thereafter of the voievode Michael the Brave. In 1601 he was the opponent of general Basta and tried to reinstall Sigismund Báthory on the throne of Transilvania. Later, after the battle of Goroszló, he became the uncontested leader of the anti-imperialist party.

In 1603 with the help of the Ottoman army he invaded Transilvania and chased away the Imperial army. That year, on 17 July, he was killed near Kronstadt in a battle with the voievode of the Romanian Lands, Radu Șerban.


In his very short term of office he had a seal showing two lions supporting a sword piercing a crown.



Seal of Moise Szekely, 1603


Emblem: Two lions supporting a crowned sword. In chief two crescents and two eight-pointed stars



This emblem is derived from the arms of Michael the Brave, a crown added. His personal arms showed: Azure, a lion reguardant Or.


István Bocskay


King of Hungary 20.04.1605

Prince of Transilvania 1604/04.09.1605


István Bocskay became a captain of Nagyvard in 1592 and was elected a prince of Hungary, Transilvania, Moldavia and Walachia with the title of Majesty on 17.04.1604. This was confirmed by the Porte on 22.02 1605, and by the Hungarian- and Székely Nations on 04.07.1605 He was recognized by the Saxon Nation proclaiming him Prince on 04.09.1605. On 23.06.1606 he concluded the succesful Peace of Vienna but a few months later he died of edema but allegedly poisened by his chancellor.

Arms of the Bocskay family


Arms: Azure, a lion rampant guardant Or his eyes pierced by a single arrow Argent

Crest: The lion from the arms passant

Order: Of the Dragon

Seal of István Bocskay, 1605


Arms: Azure, a lion sejant Or, in his right an arrow, sitting on three hills Vert.

Order: Of the Dragon

Legend: Stepha . Boch . De Kismar D.G. Pr. Trans . et Sic. Comes.


N.B.: These arms differ for unknown reasons from the Bocskay family arms


Bocskay gold 10 ducat 1605


Arms: Alliance: 1. Bocskay (1)  crested Bocskay and surrounded by the Order of the Dragon; Dexter: Hungary; Sinister: Transilvania.

Crown: Of five plates and three hoops (The Holy Crown of Hungary?)



Bálint Drugeth Homonnai



Drugeth Homonnai coat of arms


Arms: Gules, seven raven Sable 4&3, a fess Azure, three buckles Or and a base of the third.


Szigmond Rákoczy


Prince of Transilvania 11.02.1607 - 03.03.1608


Seal of Sigismund Rákoczy, 1607


Arms: Gules, an eagle Sable, crowned, clawed and billed Or, in its dexter claw a sword proper, standing on a three-topped mountain Vert between the word AQV ILA, and a base als Gules, seven towers Argent.

Legend: Sigismvndvs rakocy prin tran par reg hvndo et sicco. [4]


On these arms there are only the blasons of Sigismund himself and the Saxon Nation.


Gábor Báthori


Prince of Transilvania 04.03.1608


Gábor Bethlen


Prince of Transilvania 01.05. & 23.10.1613/1615-1629

King of Hungary 1620-1621

Duke of Opole and Ratibor 1621-1629


Gabriel Bethlen was a member of the Iktári branch of the Hungarian Bethlen family. He was born at Marosillye, in Transylvania and educated at Lázár Castle, Szárhegy in the care of his uncle, András Lázár. Bethlen was then sent to the court of Sigismund Báthory,  and accompanied him to Wallachia.

In 1605, Bethlen supported Stephen Bocskay and his successor Gabriel Báthory (1608–1613). After the murder of Báthory Bethlen fled to the pasha of Temesvar and later to Sultan Ahmed in Adrianopel  who appointed him 1 May 1613 a Prince of Transilvania which was confirmed by the Transilvanian Diet at Klausenburg on the following 13th of October. In 1615, after the Peace of Tyrnau, Bethlen was recognised by Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor.

In the Thirty Years' War, Bethlen attacked the Habsburgs (1619–1626). In August 1619, he invaded Royal Hungary. In September, he took Kassa and gained control of Upper Hungary (present-day Slovakia) where Protestant supporters declared him the leader of Hungary and protector of Protestants. In October 1619, Bethlen took Bratislava, where the Palatine of Hungary offered him the Holy Crown of Hungary. However, in November, the forces of George Druget and Polish mercenaries forced Bethlen to leave Austria and Upper Hungary.

Bethlen negotiated for peace at Bratislava, Košice and Banská Bystrica. In January 1620, he received 13 counties in the east of Royal Hungary. On 20 August 1620, he was elected King of Hungary at the Diet of Banská Bystrica and in September 1620, war with the Habsburgs resumed.

After defeating the Czech on 8 November 1620 at the Battle of White Mountain, Ferdinand II regained Bratislava and the central mining towns between May and June 1621,. Bethlen again sued for peace and on 31 December 1621, the Peace of Nikolsburg was made. Bethlen renounced his royal title on the condition that Hungarian Protestants were given religious freedoms and were included in a general diet within six months. Bethlen was given the title of Imperial Prince (of Hungarian Transylvania), seven counties around the Upper Tisza River and the fortresses of Tokaj, Mukacheve, and Ecsed (Nagyecsed), and a duchy in Silesia.

In 1623 – ‘24 and in 1626, Bethlen, allied with the anti-Habsburg Protestants, campaigned against Ferdinand II in Upper Hungary. The first campaign ended with the Peace of Vienna (1624), the second by the Peace of Pressburg (30.12.1626). After the second campaign, Bethlen offered as rapprochement to the court of Vienna an alliance against the Ottomans and his marriage to an archduchess of Austria, but Ferdinand rejected his overtures. He was poisoned and died 15.11 1629.


Arms of the Bethlen-family


Arms: Azure, two swans or geese Argent, shot through the neck by an arrow from sinister to dexter Or, in chie a six-pointed star of the last


It is said that John I Bethlen has been granted these arms by King Sigismund when he had shot two swans through their necks with a single arrow in 1350. [5]


Banner of Gabriel Bethlen with explication

anonymous engraving


A column surrounded by a crown, supported by  a lamb and crested by a sun, on the capital an arrow , and charged with a sword and a palm-leaf in saltire issuing from clouds. Below the column two anchors.  On the sinister a man of war, manned  an ensigned of a flag with a crescent and surmounted by a seven-pointed star.


The title reads:

Bethlen Gabors Blutfahnen welchen derselbige zu Neusol von rothem Damaschket machen mit gegenwertigen Figuren und Worten mahlen; und dem Emerico Turczo als Landfenderichen solenniter überlieffern lassen  (Red banner of Gabor Bethlen which those from Neusohl (= Banska Bystrica) shall make of red damask and paint with these figures and words and shall solemnly hand to Emmerich Turczo, the ensign bearer of the kingdom)


The legend reads

EXURGET DEUS EXERCITUUM ET DISPERGANTUR OMNES INIMICI EIUS QUI ODERUNT EUM DELEANTUR A FACIE TERRA  Psalm 68 V2 (May you blow them away like smoke - as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God.)


On the sword:

CONSILIO FIRMATA DEI (Established by the council)


Below the column:

SUB SPE ET PATIENTIA DEUS ANCHORAM IACTAM SECUNDET. (An anchor thrown out, according to the God of hope and patience.)


It is not known if this ensign has ever been made.


István Bethlen


28.09 - 26.11.1630


Arms: Bethlen

Order: Of the dragon. [6]


György I Rákóczi

† 11.10.1648

Prince of Transilvania 24.04/22.12.1631-1648


Rákóczi coat of arms


Arms: Per fess: in chief Gules, an eagle Sable crowned, billed and clawed Or, in its dexte a sword proper; in base Azure a six-spoked wheel Argent issuant from a three-topped hill Vert.


György II Rákóczi

† 09.06.1660

Prince of Transilvania 11.10.1648 - 1657



Rhédey Ferenc


Prince of Transilvania 03.11.1657-24.01.1658


Arms of the Rhédey family


Arms: Azure, a crowned lion Or swinging a sword proper and a base Vert


Ákos Barcsai


Prince of Transilvania 14.09.1658-1660


Barcsai Coat of Arms


Arms: Azure, on a crown an arm in armoury, pierced by an arrow, swinging a sword, all proper.

Crest: On a helmet reguardant, lambrequined Gules and Azure, the arm from the coat of arms



János Kemény


Prince of Transilvania 24.12.1660-1661


Arms of Kemeny



Michály I Apafi

† 13.04.1690

Prince of Transilvania 14.11.1661-1690



Apafi coat of arms


Arms: Sable, a grapevine of four leaves and two bunches of grapes, charged with helmet pierced by a sword  per bend, all proper


Emmerich Tokely

Prince of Transilvania 21.09.1690-04.12.1691


Coat of arms of Imre Thököly.

Mausoleum entry in the Evangelic church, Kežmarok, Slovakia


Arms: Ľ 1&4: Sable, a crowned lion bearing a crown in its paws Or; 2&3: Azure, a panther proper, crowned Or swingin a sword proper. Escutcehon: Or a crowned two-headed eagle Sable with sword and sceptre. 


On his dukáts 1690 these arms with their crests between the quarters of Transilvania Stephen Bocskay style. [7]


Leopold I Habsburg

Prince of Transilvania 1691-1704


Seal for Transilvania of Leopold I Habsburg, 1696


Arms: Pf.: the chief Or, an eagle issuant Sable; the base Gules, seven towers Argent 3&4 a sun radiant and a crtescent in chief. In nombril point: Austria on and heart-shaped escucheon.

Crown: A ducal crown

Supporter: A two-headed eagle Sable, billed and clawed Or and imperially crowned.

Legend: Leopold d.g. elect rom imp semp avgvst ger hvn boh dal croat scla rex arch avstriae.


Arms: Per fess, the chief Or, an eagle issuant Sable; the base Gules seven castles on their hills, Argent and a sun radiant in dexter chief  Or and a crescent in sinister chief  Argent. Escutcheon: Habsburg.

Crown:  Of three large and two small leaves



Ć See illustration in the head of this chapter.


Francis II Rakoczy

Prince of Transilvania 06.07.1704-1711


Heraldic seal

Arms:  Ľ: 1. Een zon; 2. Een maan; 3. Een uit en schildvoet komende adelaar; 4. zeven torens 1, 2, 3 en 1. H.: Rakoczy. K.: Een hertogs­kroon. L.: Francis ii d g s r i & transyl prin rakoczi p r h lom & sic compro lib r h confoe stat necn mvnk & mar dvx p com des h dom in s p t r e s l s onod. (Turul, 1917 p. 43)


Seal of Ferenc Rákóczi II.


The legend reads:




Photo: François Velde, 2005

25. Seal of Ferenc Rákóczi.


The legend reads:



Charles VI Habsburg

Prince of Transilvania 1712-1740


Achievement of Transilvania a the heraldic seal of Charles VI, 1712


Arms: Quarterly of quarters for the Spanish, the Hungarian, the Bohemian and the Burgundian inheritance, charged with an escutchon for Transilvania.

Crown: A Princely crown of five leaves.

Order: Of the Fleece

Supporters: The imperial eaglewith sword and sceptre, imperially crowned

Legend: Carolvs vi d.g. rom im s h germ his hvng bo rex archid avst d bvrg princeps trans etc.


Arms of Charles VI for Transilvania, 1741


Arms: Per fess, the chief Or, an eagle issuant Sable; the base Gules seven castles on their hills, Argent and a sun radiant in dexter chief  Or and a crescent in sinister chief  Argent. Escutcheon: Habsburg. [9]


Maria Theresia



Arms of Maria Theresia for Transilvania, from her seal, 1740


Arms: 1/15: 1. Dalmatia; 2.Hhungary; 3.Castilia-Leon-Aragon-Sicily Trinacria; 4. Bohemia; 5. Croatia; 6/7Visconti; 8/9 Burgundy; 10. Tirol; 11. Krain; 12. Stiria; 13.Lorraine 14. Carinthia; 15. Gorizia and Gradiska. In nombril point: D.: Austria with ducal hat and S. Transilvania with ducal hat

Crown: Royal crown 5,4,5.

Legend (on seal).: Maria theresia d.g. reg hun et boh arch aus dux burg styr. Carin. Pr transylv c habs fland tyr et gor


NB. the hatching of the arms of Transilvania incorrect.


Seal of Maria Theresia, 1742

Wien HHStA


Arms: 1. Ľ Castilia, Leon, Aragon, Sicily; 2. 1|2 Hungary and Bohemia; 3. Ľ Burgundy, Stiria, Swabia, Krain. 5. Transilvania, 6. Habsburg, 7. Flanders, 8. Tirol, 9. Görz. 10. Jerusalem, 11. Lorraine, 12 Tuscany, 13 Bar. In nombril point Austria with ducal hat

Crown: A royal crown.


Encircled by the arms of (clockwise):

Croatia, Brabant, Mantua, Württemberg, Moravia Namur, Silesia, Parma, Mailand, Slavonia and Dalmatia.




After 1765 the new arms of Transilvania were incorporated in the achievements of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Kingdom of Hungary and the Kingdom of Rumania.



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 © Hubert de Vries 2016-06-09



[1] Barta, Gábor: "The Emergence of the Principality and its First Crises (1526–1606)". In: Köpeczi, Béla (ed.):  History of Transylvania. Akadémiai Kiadó, 1994. ISBN 963-05-6703-2. p. 260

[2] Gumowski M., Pieczęcie królów polskich, Kraków 1919, Nr 62, s. 32.

[3] http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/~db/0003/bsb00035320/images/index.html?id=00035320&groesser=&fip= The same arms ascribed to the Boccaliorum family by: Caroli Du Fresne domini Du Cange Illyricum vetus & novum, siue, Historia.P. 140 Caput XX: De Boccaliorum familia. This Boccaliorum-family is said to originate from Albania

[4] Siebmacher Transilvania Taf 9, the hatchings  incorrect

[5] The name or the king is wrong or the date is wrong. Probably King Louis the Great of Hungary (r. 1342-’82) is meant.

[6] Siebmacher Transilvania Taf. 12

[7] Siebmacher Transilvania Taf. 18

[8] Vitezovic, Ritter, Paulus alias: Stemmatographia, sive armorum Illyricorum delineatio, descriptio et restitutio, 1701.

[9] Jefarovic, Christofor: Izobrajenie Uruji Illyriceskich Avtorom Pavlom Ritterom v dialekt latinskom izdanoje na ckrit i po ego urajdenio na slavsno serbski jezije. 1741.


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