© Hubert
de Vries
Andaloro, Maria: Römisches Mittelalter. Regensburg, 2002. P. 43 Photo from the book cited.
[2] Compare the representation of Hadrian I on the wall of the apse of the S.
Giovanni in Laterano.
[6] Rodez en Rouergue.
De gueules au lion léopardé, d’or, armé et lampassé d’azur. (Jouffroy 1848).
Taralon, Jean † & Dominique Taralon-Carlini: Sainte Foy de Conques.
La Majesté d’Or. La
Couronne. In: Bulletin Monumental (du) Société Française d’Archéologie. T. 155-1 Année 1997. Paris, 1997 In
particular pp. 59-73. Louis the Child is
not called a possible owner in this
extensive study
[8] Typar Kaiser Konrads II. Blei, 2. Viertel 11.
Jahrhundert. Historische Museum der Pfalz, Speyer. (Foto Herman G, Klein
Verlag. Speyer. Ook: Posse, Pl. 13 nrs. 2,3,4.)
[9] Schulze-Dörrlamm ,
Mechthild: Die Kaiserkrone Konrads II (1024-1039). Sigmaringen1992. Taf. 12
[10] Schulze-Dörrlamm op.cit 1992 pp. 102-104
[12] Besides relic-books, pilgrims could purchase
single-leaf woodcut reproductions of relics associated with a particular church
or shrine. Scholars often refer to these woodcuts, or Heiltumsblätter, as cheaper versions of relic-books, since the high
cost of parchment and even paper prevented many people from purchasing the
latter. While this was generally the case, the single-leaf woodcut illustrating
the relics of the Holy Roman Empire first printed around 1480 and then again in
1496 came in a hand-colored version. What really differentiated Heiltumsblätter from relic-books was
that their large scale allowed them to be displayed in public places like
churches, where they performed a similar function to indulgence announcements.
Of course, this did not preclude their use in private devotion; it simply draws
attention to how different kinds of objects encourage different viewing
This difference is apparent in
the Heiltumsblatt illustrating the
relics of the Holy Roman Empire, including pieces of the True Cross, thorns
from Christ's crown, along with the sword, robe and scepter of Charlemagne (r.
768–814). The imperial collection also featured the Holy Lance that tradition
states was used by Longinus to pierce Christ's side after his death; this was a
highly prized possession, since it was one of the few contact relics associated
with Christ, who was said to have left behind no bodily relics. In 1423,
Emperor Sigismund (r. 1368–1437) bequeathed the Lance to Nuremberg for
safekeeping, where it became the centerpiece of the Heiltumsweisung. The Holy Lance's size in the woodcut is one indication
of its importance, although this was not a mere effect of representation, for
its makers claimed that this was a "true copy" of the Lance, which
measures 50.8 cm in height and 7.9 cm in width.