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O’zbekiston S.S.R.

O’zbekiston Republikasi

Kara Kalpak

Former Territories





Syr Darja



Air Force

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The Uzbek Socialist Soviet Republic was composed on 27 October 1924 from the abolished People’s republics of Bukhara and Khoresm, the former tsarist territories of Samarkand and Ferghana and parts of the territories of  Transkaspia and Syr Darja.

The Uzbek SSR included the Tadzhik ASSR until 1929, when that republic was upgraded to an equal status. In 1930, the Uzbek SSR capital was relocated from Samarkand to Tashkent. In 1936, the Uzbek SSR was enlarged with the Karakalpak ASSR taken from the Kazakh SSR in the last stages of the national delimitation in the Soviet Union. Further bits and pieces of territory were transferred several times between the Kazakh SSR and the Uzbek SSR after World War II.

On 31 August 1991, Uzbekistan provclaimed its independence, and became a sovereign republic called O‘zbekiston Respublikasi or Ўзбекистон Республикаси




An emblem for the new state was adopted by Constitution of 22 July 1925. The Uzbek constitution of 30/31 March 1927, art. 112. made a provision for the Tajik Persian language to appear besides the Uzbek and Russian mottoes on its coat of arms: Hama-ye prolētārhā-ye donyā yak-šavēd! “All proletarians of the world, unite!” and the state initials J. Š. E. Ūz. (Jomhūrīyat-e Šūrāhā-ye Ejtemā’ī-e Ūzbakestān). [1].

This second version consisted of a hammer and urak or Bukhara sickle in saltire, a rising sun, a star and a garland of cotton and wheat. On a ribbon where the initials of the name of the state, in russian on the dexter, in tajik on the sinister and in uzbek in base. The emblem was on a disc with the motto Workers of All Countries Unite! in the three languages as its legend.

In 1931, after the loss of the Tadzhik A.S.S.R. in 1929, the emblem was reduced with the Tadzhik-initials. [2] For that purpose the ribbon was cut and a new ribbon was tied at the upper ends of the garland. Also, the legend was reduced with the motto in tajik.

The emblem was changed by Constitution of 1937, art 137. The urak was replaced by a sickle and a picture of a part of the northern hemisphere was added in base. The ribbon was restyled and inscribed with the motto in russian and uzbek. The initials were written in Uzbek-latin script as was the motto in uzbek.

Somewhat later, probably by Constitution of 1941, the emblem was restyled thoroughly. The sickle was replaced by the former urak. The cotton branch and the ears of wheat with their mottoes changed places, the motto in uzbek was written in arab script again and the initials of the name in russian were written in cyrillic: УЗБEKCKAЯ C.C.P.. 

By Constitution of 1946 the emblem became its ultimate form. The ears of wheat and the cotton branches with their mottoes changed place again and the motto in uzbek was written in cyrillic. Also the initials of the name of the state became those of that name in uzbek: ЎЗБEKИCTOH C.C.P..


In 1991 Uzbekistan proclaimed its sovereignty. A new flag was adopted on 18 November 1991, a new emblem on 2 July 1992.

In the new emblem the northern hemisphere is replaced by a landscape of the main rivers and mountains of Uzbekistan. The hammer and urak are replaced by a Simurg or Chumo in uzbek, symbolizing the rebirth of the Uzbek nation and borrowed from Chinese as well as Persian heraldry. The red ribbon, going back to Russian Imperial as well as Soviet Russian tradition was replaced by the colours of the new national flag of 1991.

The eight pointed star may have been inspired by some Seljuq examples but it symbolizing the unity of the nation now. It is charged by a crescent and star, symbolizing the head of state in ancient muslim heraldry, but now symbolizing Islam tout court.


First Emblem


Emblem adopted by Constitution 22nd of July 1925


No Picture Available


Amendment of 1927


Arms: A hammer and urak in saltire Argent, in bas a sun radiant rising from a globe proper.

Crest: A five-pointes star Or, voided Gules.

Garland: Dexter a branch of cotton and sinister ears of wheat, proper

Motto: УзCCP on the dexter, OzSSR in arab in base and ÇSSU on the sinister, in golden lettering on a ribbon Gules.

Legend: Clockwise: Hama-ye prolētārhā-ye donyā yak-šavēd! Proletarhaji Hamaji Mamlakalho Jak Şaved in tajik in arab script, ПPOЛИETAPИИ  BCEX CTPAH COEДЙHЯTECЬ! and Butun Dunja Proletarlari Birlaşiņiz! in uzbek

By Constitution, 30/31st of March 1927, Art. 112  [3]


On the official representation of the emblem the initials in tadzik were omitted. [4]


After the III Congress of Soviets of May 9, 1929 the Central Executive Committee passed a resolution on February 2 that the names on the coat of arms had to written in latin alphabet. The initials of the republic were to be given on the lower part of the bow in Uzbek, in Tajik on the right, and in Russian on the left. The motto had to be written  in Uzbek on the right and in Tajik on the left.


In the representation of the emblem the inscriptions  in tadzik are omitted.

The new emblem is represented in a German collection of state emblems issued 1933.  It is:



Arms: In chief a hammer and urak in saltire Argent, in base the north-eastern hemisphere, the sea Azure, the continent Vert and the Soviet Union Gules, and a rising sun radiant proper.

Crest: A five-pointed star Or, voided Gules.

Garland: Dexter ears of wheat proper and sinister a branch of cotton and a ribbon Gules, on the dexter winding Butun Dunja Proletarlari Birlaşiņiz! in arab script, on the sinister winding ПPOЛИETAPИИ  BCEX CTPAH COEДЙHЯTECЬ! and in base УзCCP in white lettering. [5]


Emblem adopted 1937

Arms: A hammer and urak in saltire, Argent, in base a rising sun radiant proper

Crest: A five-pointed star Gules.

Garland: Dexter a branch of cotton and sinister ears of wheat proper

Motto: In chief OzSSR in arab script and in base УзCCP in golden lettering on ribbons gules.

Legend: In chief: Butun Dunja Proletarlari Birlaşiņiz! in arab script and in base ПPOЛИETAPИИ  BCEX CTPAH COEДЙHЯTECЬ!


Arms: In chief a hammer and sickle in saltire Argent, in base the north-eastern hemisphere, the sea Azure, the continent Vert and the Soviet Union Gules, and a rising sun radiant proper.

Crest: A five-pointed star Or, voided Gules.

Garland: Dexter ears of wheat proper and sinister a branch of cotton and a ribbon Gules, on the dexter winding ПPOЛИETAPИИ  BCEX CTPAH COEДЙHЯTECЬ!  on the sinister winding BUTUN DUNJA PROLETARLARI BIRLAŞIŅIZ!, and in base OzSSR in white lettering.

By Constitution, 14 February 1937, Art. 137. [6]   


Amendment of 1946


The section about the state emblem of Uzbekistan S.S.R. in the Constitution of 1946 reads:


Государственный герб Уэбекской Советской Социлистической Республики состоит из изображения на белом фоне в золотых лучах восходящего солнца серебряных урака (серпа) и молота, помещенных крест-накрест рукоятками книзу и окруженных венком, состоящим справа из колосьев пшеницы и слева - из веток хлопчатника с цветами и раскрытыми коробочками хлопка внизу между половинками венка находитря часть земного шара. Обе половинки перевиты лентой красного цвета, на которой помещены надписи: справа на узбекском языке «Бутун  дун’ë пролетарлари, бирлашингиз!» и слева на русском языке: «Пролетарии всех стран соединяйтесь!»; внизу на банте ленты злотые инициалы с надписью «ЎзССР»; над лентй вверху герба - кўасная пятиконечная звезда с золотой кайой.

Статья 143 Конституции Уэбекской ССР


Arms, crest , garland and motto the same but the inscription in Uzbek in cyrillic. Also the sickle is called urak again.


Amendment of 1981


After the adoption of the Constitution in 1977 the hammer and urak were tinctured Or. This was done by decree of 30 July 1981 and by law of 27 November 1981.


O‘zbekiston Respublikasi

Ўзбекистон Республикаси

31.08.1991- present


Arms: A landscape representing the Syrdarja and the Amudarja and a mountain ridge with a rising sun. In base is a white rising simurg, wing expanded and looking to the sinister.

Crest: An eight-pointed light-blue star, charged with a white crescent-and fivepointed star

Garland: A branch of cotton on the dexter and ears of wheat on the sinister tied with a ribbon of the national colors being blue white and green, separated by two orange narrow stripes.

Legend: YЗБEKИCTOH in yellow lettering on the bow of the ribbon.


ð see illustration in the head of this essay


The Law about the State Emblem was approved by the 10th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 2 July 1992.


The emblem is explained as follows:

“The new state emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was created to reflect the many centuries of experience of the Uzbek people.

The state emblem of the Republic represents the image of the rising sun over a flourishing valley. Two rivers run through the valley, representing the Syrdarya and Amudarya. The emblem is bordered by wheat on the right side and branches of cotton with opened cotton bolls on the left side.

The eight-pointed star is at the top of the emblem, symbolizing the unity and confirmation of the republic. The crescent and star inside the eight-pointed star are the sacred symbols of Islam. The mythical bird Simurg with outstretched wings is placed in the center of the emblem as the symbol of the national Renaissance. The entire composition aims to express to desire of the Uzbek people for peace, happiness and prosperity.”


National Security Service





Armed Forces




The banner of the Uzbekistan Armed Forces is like the flag of the republic charged with the words ЎЗБЕКИСТОН РЕСПУБЛИКАСИ / KУPOЛЛИ KУЧЛAPИ (Uzbekistan Republic Armed Forces).


The sleeve badge of the Armed Forces  is a black shield with a fess of the national colours charged with the national emblem. In chief the name O’ZBEKISTON in base QUROLLI KUCHLAR which means also “Armed Forces” but written in latin script. The shield is surrounded by a golden cable.

The badge of the Armed Forces consists of the central part of the national emblem, that is to say: landscape with rising sun, crest and simurg, the latter in gold.


Air Force



The badge of the Uzbeklistan Air Force consists of a winger propeller, surrounded by a garland and crested with an eight-pointed star charged with a crescent and star. In base is a ribbon of the national colours and in chief the name O’ZBEKISTON. The emblem is on a blue disc surrounded by a golden cable.



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© Hubert de Vries 2011-04-21. Updated 2015-04-07




[1] Allworth, E. A.: The Modern Uzbeks: From the Fourteenth Century to the Present: A Cultural History, Stanford, 1990.  pp. 302-3; Romashkin P. S et al., eds., S’’ezdy soveto soyuza SSR, soyuznykh i avtonomnykh sovetkikh sotsialisticheskikh respublik; sbornik dokumentakh v semi tomakh, 1917-1937 gg (Congress of Soviets of the USSR, Union and Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics; Collection of Documents in Seven Volumes, 1917-37), Moscow, 1958-65. VII p. 138

[2] Romashkin et al.,  VII, p. 202

[3] Neubecker, Ottfried: Sowjetheraldik. In: Osteuropa. 5e Jg., Heft 6. Berlin, März 1930 pp. 386-388, Abb. 12

[4] Entsiklopedia, Sovietskaja Istoriceskaia -. Moskva, 1963. Vol. IV, kol. 255 fig.  5

[5] Neubecker, Ottfried: „Länderwappen und Nationalfarben“, Album, York Garbaty  Zigarettenfabrik. ohne Verlagsangabe, 1933, N° 103

[6] Neubecker, O.: Die Wappen der Sowjetunion und ihre Teilrepubliken. In: Der Herold, Vierteljahrsschrift für Heraldik, Genealogie und Verwandte Wissen­schaf­ten 1943 p. A8

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