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Teutonic Order





The Arms of the Order

The Arms of the Grand Masters

To Part 1

To Part 3

Part 2


Grand Masters (Hochmeister) of the Teutonic Order


Biographical notes about the Grand Masters on Internet (in german)





Meister Sibrand















01. Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim



02. Otto von Kerpen



03. Heinrich von Tunna gen. Bart



04. Hermann von Salza



05. Konrad von Thüringen



06. Gerhard von Malberg



07. Heinrich von Hohenlohe



08. Gunther von Wüllersleben



09. Poppo von Osterna



10. Anno von Sangerhausen



11. Hartmann von Heldrungen



12. Burchard von Schwanden



13. Konrad von Feuchtwangen



14. Gottfried von Hohenlohe



15. Siegfried von Feuchtwangen



16. Karl von Trier



17. Werner von Orseln



18. Luther von Braunschweig



19. Dietrich von Altenburg



20. Ludolf König von Wattzau



21. Heinrich Dusemer



22. Winrich von Kniprode



23. Konrad Zöllner von Rotenstein



24. Konrad von Wallenrode



25. Konrad von Jungingen



26. Ulrich von Jungingen



27. Heinrich von Plauen



28. Michael Küchmeister



29. Paul von Rusdorf



30. Konrad von Erlichshausen



31. Ludwig von Erlichshausen



32. Heinrich Reuß von Plauen



33. Heinrich Reffle von Richtenberg



34. Martin Truchsess von Wetzhausen



35. Johann von Tiefen



36. Friedrich von Sachsen



37. Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach



38. Walther von Cronberg



39. Wolfgang Schutzbar gen. Milchling



40. Georg Hund von Wenkheim



41. Heinrich von Bobenhausen



42. Maximilian von Österreich



43. Karl von Österreich



44. Johann Eustach von Westernach



45. Johann Kaspar von Stadion



46. Leopold Wilhelm von Österreich



47. Karl Joseph von Österreich



48. Johann Caspar von Ampringen



49. Ludwig Anton von der Pfalz



50. Franz Ludwig von der Pfalz-Neuburg



51. Clemens August von Bayern



52. Karl Alexander von Lothringen



53. Maximilian Franz von Österreich



54. Karl Ludwig von Österreich



55. Anton Viktor von Österreich



56. Maximilian Joseph von Österreich



57. Wilhelm von Österreich



58. Eugen von Österreich



59. Bischof Dr. Norbert Johann Klein



60. Abt Paul Heider



61. Abt Robert Schälzky



62. Abt Dr. Marian Tumler



63. Abt Ildefons Pauler



64. Abt Dr. Arnold Othmar Wieland



65. Abt Dr. Bruno Platter











prior 1193/1194



Heinrich (probably identical with Heinrich Walpot

præceptor 1196

01 Heinrich Walpot


02 Otto von Kerpen


03 Heinrich Bart



04 Hermann von Salza



So we may be sure that the knights of the order wore a habit of a white cloak with a black cross. About the shields the different knights bore we are not so well informed be it that in the course of the 13th century it becomes clear that they were charged with different figures. The first High Master from whom it is known that he bore a coat of arms is  Hermann von Salza (1209-‘39). We have a quote in Wijbergen Armorial  (no. 1267) in which a coat of arms is ascribed to Le.Roy.de hongrie being barry of six pieces Argent and Sable, a carbuncle (thunderbolt) its arms ending in fleurs de lis, Or.

To explain the title of King of Hungary we have to take into consideration that the Teutonic Order was brought into action against the Kumenes by King Andrew II of Hungary. From Burzenland (around the later (1271) Kronstadt (= Brasov)) the Order operated so succesfully that it could add a large territory to Burzenland. The danger of  a ‘state into a state’ became so acute that Andrew II decided to expel the Order in 1225.


Arms of the King of Hungary

in Wijnbergen Roll

The power of Hermann von Salza in Transilvania was certainly comparable with this of a (co-) king and he was in that respect the equal of Koloman, who was for a short time co-king in Bosnia and later in Galicia, and Bela IV who possessed by life of his father Dalmatia, Crotia and Slavonia. Of these two princes there are other entries in Wijnbergen Armorial. The first is barry Gules and Argnet, the second, Azure, strewn with crosses Or, thee king’s heads proper.

We know that the coat of arms of Andrew II himself was barry with in the pair bars seven lions passant and three hearts. The black and white arms with the thunderbolt for certain has not been of one of the members of the royal family but from somebody who had a position comparable with theirs. Generally also, a thunderbolt was the emblem of a bailiff or first warrior and for the reign of Andrew II Hermann von Salza is a acceptable candidate. For that reason I propose that the arms with the bars in the colours of the Teutonic Order with the golden thundebolt, also taking into account the  later coat of arms of the Grand Master, be accepted as the first arms of Hermann von Salza, borne by him in Burzenlandfrom about 1221 until 1225. The thunderbolt would mean that he had the office of bailiff in Burzenland and the arms that he bore later would have been a development of this coat of arms.

The arms of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order was a cross charged with another cross andan escutcheon with the German Eagle

A mould stone has been found not long ago in Palestine. It is a mould stone to model the leather sheet for a shield cover. The escutcheon has a width of about 1/5  to 1/6  of the width of the shield to which it had to be attached.

The stone was found in Montfort, a fortress existing between 1220 and 1271. The shape of the eagle is more to the credit of the beginning than the end of this period. We then come to the reign of Hermann von Salza. During his term of office the Order built Montfort fortress near Acre for which they had received the parcel from Leopold VI of Austria (1227). Two years later, during the sixth Crusade the Order received an important parcel in Jeruzalem, which makes it likely that the stone dates from 1227-’29. [1] The augmentation of the coat of arms of the Order with a golden lily-cross and the escutcheon with the black eagle in this period agrees with the tradition telling that the escutcheon was granted by Emperor Frederick II to Hermann von Salza to confirm his rank as an Imperial Prince. [2]

If the coat of arms of the Grand Master was really created about 1229 this would be explained by the important position Hermann von Salza held the the imperial court. He was the most important advisor of Frederick II and a tireless mediator between him and the successive popes. He also played an important role in the 5th and 6th Crusade and acted as an arbitrator to end the excommunication of Frederick II in 1230. After his death in 1239 there was nobody to continue his diplomacy and Frederick II was finally excommunicated, causing his fall in 1245

Mould stone .

Palestine 2nd-3rd quarter of the 13th century. Plaster cast 25´18´11.6 cm. New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 28.99.11

Form of a shield with eagle and fleur de lis H ´ W of the shield: 12.5 ´ 11.3 cm ca. Heighth of lily: 12.5 cm

Gathering from the additions to the arms of Hernman von Salza is what Frederick II planned to do with the Order and its Grand Master. The escutcheon is identical to the arms of the German King, an office his son Henry VII held only since 1228. These arms refer to the office of warlord of the Roman- and German King, the fleurs de lis are the symbol of royal armed authority and are in this quality on the ends of the royal sceptres. This is in agreement with the sovereign rights Hermann von Salza had received for Prussia by Golden Bull of Rimini. [3]

Because of the date of the moulding stone, 1226 is the preferable date the arms can have been granted. To this it has to be taken into account that Prussia was granted to Hermann von Salza, his successors and his House, as stipulated in the Bull. Prussia was not given to the Order but to the Grand Master of the Order. Lily cross and escutscheon with eagle are consequently the arms of the ruler of Prussia. Certainly Hermann von Salza had borne it on the black cross of the Order be it that that cannot be derived from the moulding stone.

These arms are a splendid expression from the role of arbitrator of Hermann von Salza between Emperor and Pope because on the one hand he represents himself as a member of a military order dedicated to the pope even when an element has been added referring to his subordination to imperial authority


05 Konrad von Thüringen



Separated bearing of arms however is likely of the successor of Hermann von Salza, Landgraf Konrad von Thüringen (1239-1240). Of him no coat of arms is known resembling the coats of arms borne by the next Grand Masters and which consists of a black cross charged with a golden lily cross and an escucheon with eagle. On the contrary on his tomb in Marburg there are the arms of Thüringia and the arms of the Order juxtaposed. The preseved shield with the Thuringian lion and a smaal shield with the arms of the Order is certainly not authentic because the shape of the arms of the Order is younger than the shield itself.


Shield of  Grand Master Landgraf Konrad von Thüringen, about 1240 [4]


Limewood,  upholstered on both sides with a piece of parchment. Attached on a blue background a lion made of thick leather, painted with eight white and red bars. The little shield ‘of the Order’ between the hindlegs of the lion added later. [5]


Arms of Grand Master Landgraf Konrad von Thüringen

On his tomb in the Church of St. Elizabeth in Marburg 1250 ca


Arms: D.: Argent, a cross Sable (Teutonic Order); S.: Azure, a lion barry Gules and Argent (Thuringia)


About the arms of the Grand Master it is remarkably silent after 1226/1240. There are no representations of the arms available from before the beginning of the 14th century.


06 Gerhard von Mahlberg


07 Heinrich von Hohenlohe


08 Günther von Wüllersleben


09 Poppo von Osterna


10 Anno von Sangerhausen


11 Hartmann von Heldrungen


12 Burkhard von Schwanden


13 Konrad von Feuchtwangen


14 Gottfried von Hohenlohe


15 Siegfried von Feuchtwangen



It is likely that the arms of the Grand Master came only into use after all of Prussia was captured and the see of the Grand Master was moved to Marienburg in Prussia.


16 Karl von Trier



In this time, during the term of office of Karl von Trier (1311-’24) other representations of the arms appear and afterwards there is an uninterrupted tradition. An old representation of the arms of the Grand Master is on the seal of the commandery of Elbing  (Elblag) from 1319. On it are the arms of the Grand Master, the black cross charged with a cross botonny.

The most impressive piece is the shield ascribed to Karl von Trier on which shield and crest is reperesented. Here also, the second cross is a cross botonny.


Shield of Grand Master Karl von Trier (1311-’24)

German, 1320 ca. Fir-wood with leather upholstery and painting 98.5´57.5 cm.

Innsbruck Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum [6]


Arms: Argent a cross Sable, charged with a cross bottony Or and an escutcheon of the King of Germany over all

Crest: A screen of the arms.


Seal of the Commander of Elbing, 1319


Arms: Cross charged with a cross botonny and an escutcheon of an eagle in the middle. L.: s. conmendatoris de elbingo. [7]


Secret seal of Karl von Trier, 1323


Arms: As before. L.: secret fris kar magri frm tevt. [8]


17 Werner von Orseln


18 Luther von Braunschweig


19 Dietrich von Altenburg



On the secret seal of Dietrich von Altenburg (1335-’41) the second cross is a cross potent suggesting an association with the cross of Jeruzalem. The use of this cross is said to have been approved later by Pope Boniface IX (1389-1404). In any case such a cross appeared afterwards on coins minted by the Order in Prussia after 1375. There is also a representation in Gelre Armorial, again with a helmet and crest ‘of the arms’.


20 Ludolf König


21 Heinrich Dusemer


22 Winrich von Kniprode


Arms and crest of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order

as in Armorial Gelre, fol. 111v°. L.: Die meyster v Prusen



Silver Shilling, 1380 and after


Obv.: Grand Master’s arms with cross potent (lily-cross?). L.: MAGISTER WYNRIC[u]S PRIM[u]S

Rev.: Arms of the Order. L.: MONETA D[omi]NORVM PRUSCI[ae]. [9]



23 Konrad Zöllner von Rotenstein



Greater ensign of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order

Wall painting in Lochstadt Castle of the Order [10]


Greater Ensign: White with three lappets, a black cross charged with a yellow cross potent and an escutcheon Or, an eagle Sable on the crossing


24 Konrad von Wallenrod



Silver quarter (‘vierchen’) 1390 ca

Nürnberg, Germ’s Nat. Mus. Mü 630


Obv.: Grand Master’s arms with cross potent. L: MAGISTER GENERALIS



25 Konrad von Jungingen



Fresco in Malbork (Marienburg) Castle, 1404-‘07

Watercolor by AG, 1892.


Representing the crested arms of office of the Grand Master, the arms of the Marshal and the personal arms of Jungingen. The arms of Jungingen are:


Arms: Quarterly Argent and Azure.

Crest: Two horns set with peacock plumes. 


26 Ulrich von Jungingen



Greater Ensign of the

Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1410

By Jan Długosz fol 1.


A well known representation of the arms of the Grand Master is in the “Banderia Prutenorum” of Jan Dlugosz.  In this manuscript the banners captured by the Poles at the Battle of Tannenberg in 1410 are represented.


Greater Ensign: White, the fly split in three, a black cross potent charged with another golden cross potent and an escutcheon Or, an eagle Sable crowned Or in the middle.


The legend reads:


Banderium magistri cruciferorum maius, quod magister generalis Vericus de Junigen ducebat: in quo erant sui prestanciores curienses et milites. Paludamentum autem suum, in quo occisus est, ex albo harassio, insigni infra scripto intextum, habet ecclesia parochialis in Kige pro una casula.


Greater ensign of the master of the crusade which the Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen flew leading the members of the curia and soldiers. The mantle in which he was killed distinguished itself from the white chasuble preserved in the parish church of Kige. 


Nota: hoc banderium continent in longitudine tres ulnas et latitudine duas cum quartali unius ulne (= 210´157cm ca)

Lesser ensign of the

 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 1410

By Jan Długosz, fol 2


Lesser Ensign: As before but plain cloth


The legend reads:


Banderium magistri cruciferorum minus; sub quo erant milites cruciferorum ordinis magis notabiles et prestantes et aliqui milites mercenarii, qui ex varis Almanie partibus advenerant, et aliqui curiensis atque cubicularii magistri


Lesser ensign of the Master of the Crusade under which were the more elevated priests and soldiers of the Crusader Order and mercenaries from different parts of Germany, and some masters from the curia and chamberlains


Nota: Hoc banderium minus alias gonicza chorongew continet in longitudine unam ulnam cum quartali, in latitudine autem unam ulnam tantum (= 87´70 cm ca)

27 Heinrich von Plauen




28 Michael Küchmeister


29 Paul von Rusdorf



Grand Master’s Seal of Paul von Rusdorf, 1423

(Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Zb. dok. perg. nr 0089)


The second cross on the arms a cross potent.


30 Konrad von Erlichshausen



On 1442 the statutes of the Order were revised. Probably in relation therewith the cross was changed into lily-cross. This appeared, it is said, for the first time on the tomb of the Master of the German Bailiwick, Eberhard von Saunsheim (†1443) and later on a representation of Ludwig von Ehrlichshausen (1450-’67) in Königsberg cathedral. Both testimonies however could not be found or have disappeared altogether.

In the meantime the positition of the Teutonic Order in Prussia was considerably weakened. In 1410 the Order had been given a heavy blow by the Poles at the battle of Tanneberg from which it was not able to recover. In 1466 the Order had to recognize the Polish king as its suzerein, and its authority was reduced to half of the territory it had possessed before.


31 Ludwig von Erlichshausen



Arms of the “hochmeister zu pruſſen”

in the Berliner Wappenbuch, 1450-‘60


The golden cross still a cross potent


32 Heinrich Reuss von Plauen



Coat of arms of Heinrich Reuß von Plauen

in the St. Gallen armorial (Cod. sang. 1084)


Arms: Grand Master’s arms between the arms of the German Master

Legend: Ala reus von plawen hochmeister In preuſſen und Cpytal here zu iheruſalem


33 Heinrich von Richtenberg


34 Martin Truchsess


35 Johann von Tieffen



Groschen of Johann von Tiefen


Obv.: Grand Master’s Arms, the cross extending over the borders of the shield. L.: MAG[i]ST[er] IOH[an]N[e]S DE TIEFEN.

Rev.: Arms of the Order. L.: MONETA D[omi]NORVM PRVS[siae]


36 Friedrich zu Sachsen



Photo Hubert de Vries

Grand Master’s Arms

On a Triptych of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, funded by Frederick of Saxony, 1504

Coll. Museum of Marienburg Castle 


Considering a probable restoration of the power of the Order a member of the powerful dynasty of Saxony was appointed Grand master in 1498. Chosen because of his dynastic qualities Friedrich von Sachsen (1498-1510) broke with the meanwhile grown tradition to bear the familiy arms and the arms of office separately. [11] The seal of the Order on which was represented the Virgin Mary and Child since the 13th century disappeared. On the new seal the arms of the Grand Master was reperesented with in the four quarters escutcheons of the arms of Saxony, Thuringia, Meissen and the Palatinate of Saxony. [12]


Seal: Arms: Argent, a cross Sable charged wit a lily-cross Or and an escutcheon of Germany in the middle. In the four quarters the arms of Saxony, Thüringia, Meissen and Palatinate of Saxony on escutcheons with semi-circular bases. L.: S FRIDERICH VON GOTZ GNADEN DEUTSCH ORDENS HOHMEISTER HERTZOG ZU SACHSSEN.


Photo Hubert de Vries

Arms of Friedrich zu Sachen (courtoisie)

On his tomb in Meissen Cathedral


Arms of Friedrich zu Sachsen

in a 17th century manuscript  [13]


37 Albrecht zu Brandenburg-Ansbach



The renewal of Friedrich zu Sachsen was adopted slightly modified by Albrecht von Brandenburg (1511-’25). On his seal the Grand Master’s Cross is on a shield quarterly of Brandenburg Pomerania, Nurnberg and Zollern. In the same way all of his successors have combined their personal arms with the Grand Master’s cross.


Arms of Albrecht von Brandenburg with griffin supporters

Printed by Georg Osterberger [14]



Å Der Vier unde dreissigste hoch..  hochmaiste: Albrecht Burgrave zu Bran [15]



Arms: ¼ of Brandenburg, Pommern, Neurenberg and Hohenzollern; over all the Grand Master’s cross. L.: ALBERTVS DEI G MAGISTER GENERALIS.




38 Walter von Cronberg



Nach der Säkularisation des Ordens unter dem letzten in Preußen residierenden Hochmeister Markgraf Albrecht von Brandenburg im Jahre 1525 wurde der Deutschmeister Walther von Cronberg auf dem Augsburger Reichstag 1530 von Kaiser Karl V. mit der hochmeisterlichen Würde und mit Preußen belehnt.


Appointed Master of Germany (Deutschmeister) on 16 December 1526 and a year later Grand Master of the Order with the right to call himself Administrator of the Grand Mastery (Administrator des Hochmeistertums). Later the title became Grand- and German Master  (Hoch- und Deutschmeister)




Arms: ¼: 1&4: Argent a cross Sable (German Master); 2&3: Quarterly Gules and Vair (Cronberg) and the Grand Master’s cross over all.

Crests: Grand Master, D.: German Master and S.: Cronberg

Arms of G.M. Walter von Cronberg

On a medal to him, 1532  [16]


Modern rendering


39 Wolfgang Schutzbar called Milchling





Arms of the Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order Wolfgang Schutzbar called Milchling (†1566).

(Bayrische Staatsbibliothek  Cod.Icon. 308, fol. 57)


Arms: ¼: 1. The Order; 2&3: Aregent, a trefoil Sable (Schutzbar); 4. Argent, a mitre proper. The cross of the Grandmaster charged with the arms of Germany over all.

Crest: The Grandmaster; D.: Of the Order; S.: Schutzbar.


Georg Hund von Wenckheim



Achievement of Georg Hund von Weckheim

Bad Mergentheim

Arms: ¼: 1&4. The Order; 2&3: Gules, a horse’s head bridled Argent (Von Wencheim). The cross of the Grandmaster charged with the arms of Germany over all.

Crests: The Grandmaster; D.: Of the Order; S.: Von Wenckheim

Supporters: Two lions

Heinrich von Bobenhausen




Silver Thaler, 1575


Arms of Heinrich von Bobenhausen

in a 17th century manuscript [17]

Arms: ¼: 1&4. The Order; 2&3: Gules, a fox taking refuge Or, a chicken in his muzzle Argent (Bobenhausen); The cross of the Grand Master charged with the arms of Germany over all.

Crest: The Grandmaster; D.: Of the Order; S.: Bobenhausen

Maximilian von Österreich


From 1585 he was Koadjutor and from 1590 Grand Master of the Teutonic Order and Administrator of Prussia.

From1593 until 1595 he was Regent in Inner Austria for the still underaged Archduke Ferdinand and then in Upper Austria

Larger arms in Mergentheim Castle

Å  lesser archducal  arms

Lesser Arms: ¼: 1. Arpad; 2 Bohemia; 3. 1|2 Austria-Burgundy; 4. 1|2 Tirol-Habsburg. Grand Master’s cross

Larger Arms: ¼ 1. Per fess the base per pale: Arpad, Aragon, Brabant; 2. Per fess the base per pale: Bohemia, Steyermark, Carinthia; 3. Tierced per pile embowed: Elsas, Kyburg, Pfirt; 4. Tiered per pile embowed: Krain, Gorizia, Windische Mark. And a base per pile embowed  tierced per pale: Upper Austria, Cilly, Portenau.

Crown: A princely Hat

Supporter: The Grand Master’s Cross.

Achievement of Maximilian by Theodor de Bry

In: Admiranda Narratio, 1590

Larger arms, crown and Grand Master’s cross as before and two crowned lions guardant for supporters added.

Achievement of Maximilian von Österreich, 1593-‘95

Above the main entry of Mergentheim Castle

Arms: ¼: I.: Per fess the chief 1|2 of Arpad and Hungary, the base 1|3 of Castile, Leon and Austria; II. Per fess the chief of Bohemia, the base 1|3 of Burgundy, Steyermark and Carinthia; III. Tierced per fess and parted per pale: 1. Elsass; 2. Kyburg; 3. Pfirt; 4. Tyrol; 5. Cilly; 6. Lower Austria; IV. Tierced per fess and parted per pale: 1. Krain; 2. Görz; 3. Habsburg; 4. Windische Mark; 5. Portenau; 6. Silesia. Grand Master’s cross.

Crown: A princely hat

Arms and Crown: As before.

Crests: Austria; D.: The Grand Master’s; S.: Of the Order

Supporters: A lion sejant and two griffins, helmeted and crested.

Achievement of Maximilian von Österreich, after 1595

Arms: As before but the quarter for Hungary (I-2) omitted and the quarter for Silesia (IV-6) replaced by the arms of Upper Austria.

Crowns, crests and Supporters as before


Continued in Part 3


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© Hubert de Vries 2015-05-29



[1]  In 1229 the Order received the former German House in Jeruzalem and also a house once in the possession of King Baldwin in the Street of the Armenians near the church of St. Thomas, and also 6 roods of  land and a garden. In the following years the German  Hostpital of St. Mary in Jeruzalem is enlarged until the fall of Jeruzalem in 1244.  Probably Hermann von Salza has changed his residence from Starkenberg  (= Montfort) to Jeruzalem then.

[2] 800JDO. Pp. 16-17. Nickel:, Helmut: About some Heraldic Fragments Found at Castle Montfort/Starkenberg in 1926, and the Arms of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights. In: Metropolitan Museum Journal 24, 1989, pp. 35-46. figs. 2-9.

[3]  Golden Bull of Rimini. In: Lesebuch zur deutschen Geschichte. Herausgegeben und bearbeitet von Bernhard Pollmann. Dortmund 1989.

[4] Marburg, Universitätsmuseum f. Kunst u. Kulturgeschichte.

[5] 700 Jahre Eisabethkirche in Marburg, 1283-1983.Die Heilige Elisabet in Hessen. Ausstellung, Marburg 1983. Kat. 81.1

[6] 800JDO. Cat. I.3.3.

[7] Engel, Bernhard: Die Mittelalterlichen Siegel der Fürsten, der Geistlichkeit und des Polnischen Adels im Thorner Rathsarchive. Abhandlungen zur Landeskunde der Provinz Westpreussen. Danzig 1902. Taf. I fig b.

[8] Hochm. Carl Beffart 1323. Engel, B. op. cit. 1902 Taf. I. a.

[9] Coins with the Grand Master’s arms 1375-1497:  800JDO p 81.

[10] Ekdahl op.cit. fig VIII

[11] Friedrich von Sachsen (*1476-†1510), youngest (3rd ) son of  Albrecht von Sachsen.

[12] Illustrated in: Bascapé, Giacomo & Marcello del Piazzo: Insegne e Simboli. Araldica Pubblica e privata medievale e moderna. Min. per beni culturale e ambientali. Roma, 1983.  Facing p. 76.

[13] Cronica von dem anfang deß Ordens der Ritter Brüder deß Hospitals S. Marien Theutschen Hauses zu Jerusalem. Hohenloher Zentralarchiv Neuenstein. In: Boehm, Hans-Georg: Hochmeisterwappen des Deutschen Ordens 1198-1618. Tauberbischofheim, 1990

[14] Kurze und einfeltige Beschreibung / aller hohemeister Deutsches Ordens S. Mariæ / des Hospitalis zu Jerusalem. Königsberg 1584

[15] Boehm, H.-G. op.cit. p. 85

[16] Wien, Kunsthist. Mus. Sammlung von Medaillen, Münzen u. Geldzeichen no. 4362 bß (800JDO, III.1.6)

[17] Boehm, H.-G. op.cit. p. 91

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