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Teutonic Order





The Arms of the Order

The Arms of the Grand Masters

To Part 1

To Part 2

Part 3


42 Karl von Österreich



Double Ducat, after 1619

L.: MA[gnus] MAGI[ster] THEV[tonici] O[rdinis] EP[iscop]US BRI[xensis] ET W [ratislawiensis] [1]


Lesser arms: Austria charged with the Grand Master’s cross

Crown: A princely hat



From Siemachers Wappenbuch


Larger arms: ¼: 1. ½ the base 1|3:  Arpad, Castile, Leon, Austria; 2 ½ Bohemia the base 1|3 Burgundy, Steyermark, Carinthia; 3. ¼: Elsas, Kyburg, Pfirt, Krain, enté en point of Cilly; 4. Tirol, Gorizia, Habsburg, Windische Mark ¼ enté en point of Portenau. Enté en point of Lower Austra and over all the Grand Master’s cross.

Crown: A princely hat.

Supporter: A lion helmeted and crested of Austria


 ‘Wappenbuch des Hans Ulrich Fisch’ 1622

 Staatsarchiv Aargau



43 Johann Eustach von Westernach



Ducat, 1626



Arms:  ¼: 1&4. The Order; 2&3: Argent, a wolf saliant proper crowned Or (Westernach). Grand Master’s cross.

Crests: The Grand Master’s ; D.: The Order; S.: Westernach, the wolf sejant.


44 Johan Kaspar von Stadion



Thaler, 1641

L: IO[hannes] CASP[ar] D[ei] G[ratia] ADMIN[istrator] PRVSSIAE ET TEVT[onici] O[rdinis] MAG[ister]


Arms: ¼: 1&4: The Order; 2&3: Sable, three wolf hooks inversed per pale Or (Von Stadion). Grand Master’s cross.

Crests: The Grand Master’s; D.: The Order; S.: A wolf hook and a bunch of peacock’s feathers issuant (Von Stadion)


45 Leopold Wilhelm von Österreich



From Siebmachers Wappenbuch


Arms of Grandmaster Leopold Wilhelm

 Pleinfelder Tor, Ellingen (Bavaria)


46 Karl Joseph von Österreich




From Siebmachers Wappenbuch

asd also on his tomb in the Kaisergruft in Vienna


48 Johann Kaspar von Ampringen





49 Ludwig Anton von Pfalz-Neuburg




Was also Provost of Ellwangen (1789) and Bishop of Worms (1691).


Arms:  ¼: 1. 1|3: Rheinpfalz, Wittelsbach, Julich; 2. 1|2: Kleve & Berg; 3. 1|2 Pfalz Bayern & Mark; 4. 1|2 Ravensberg & Mörs. Escutcheon: ¼:  1&4: Worms, 2&3: Ellwangen. And over all the Grand Master’s cross with ecutcheon Germany.

Princely Hat and crozier and sword in saltire




50 Franz Ludwig v. Pfalz-Neuburg


Bishop of Breslau 1683-1732

G.M.D.O. 1694-1732

Bishop of Worms 1710-1732

Archbishop Elector of Treves 1716-1729

Archbishop Elector of Mayence 1729-1732


Achievement of Grand Master Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg. after 1710

above the entry of the  priest’s seminary Bad Mergentheim


Arms:  ¼: 1. 1|3: Rheinpfalz, Wittelsbach, Julich; 2. 1|2: Kleve & Berg; 3. 1|2 Pfalz Bayern & Mark; 4. 1|2 Ravensberg & Mörs. Escutcheon: ¼:  1&4: Worms, 2&3: Ellwangen. And over all the Grand Master’s cross with ecutcheon Germany.

Princely Hat and crozier and sword in saltire

On the escutcheon the arms of Breslau and Silesia are added in base.

Princely Hat and lions guardant for supporters.


Achievement of Franz Ludwig v. Pfalz-Neuburg

House of the Teutonic Order, Weinheim (Baden-W.)



Arms: ¼: 1. Tierced of Wittelsbach, Palatinate and Julich; 2. 1|2 Kleve & Berg; 3. 1|2 Veldenz & Mark 4. 1|2 Ravensberg & Mörs. In nombril point: ¼: 1. Worms; 2. Ellwangen; 3. Silesia; 2. Breslau. Grand Master’s cross

Princely hat, sword and crozier


Ellwangen, presbytery

Silver Quarter Thaler at his death, 1732


Arms 1716-‘19: ¼: 1. Tierced of Wittelsbach, Palatinate and Julich; 2. 1|2 Kleve & Berg; 3. 1|2 Veldenz & Mark 4. 1|2 Ravensberg & Mörs. In nombril point: ¼: 1. Worms, 2. Ellwangen, 3. ½ Silezia & Breslau; 4. Prüm.  Grand Master’s cross, the eagle charged with the arms of Treves.

Princely hat, sword and crozier.


Arms 1719-’32: As before but.....1&4 Worms; 2. Ellwangen; 3. ½ Silesia & Breslau. Grand Master’s cross, the eagle charged with the arms of Mayence

Mantle crowned wit a Princely hat, 


The title reads:  franciscus ludovicus dei gratia sacræ sedis moguntinensis archi-episcopus sacri romani imperii per germaniam archicancellarius & princeps elector supremus administrator prussiæ magister teutonici ordinis episcopus wormatiensis & vratislaviensis præpositus elvacensis comes palatinus rheni. [2]


51 Clemens August von Bayern


Archbishop Elector of Cologne 1723-1761



Photo Wikipedia

Arms of Grandmaster Clemens August von Bayern

on the Teutonic Order House in Weingarten (Baden)


Achievement of Grandmaster Clemens August von Bayern

on the western façade of Mainau Castle


Photo Henk Tijhof

Memorial plaque of Clemens August von Bayern

Bouzov Castle, Cechy.


Arms: ¼ Wittelsbach & Palatinate of the Rhine. Grand Master’s cross the eagle charged with Cologne.

Crests: Grand Master’s & Wittelsbach


Klemens August Pfalzgraf bei Rhein Herzog von Bayern gestorb. 6 Februar anno Dom 1761


52 Karl Alexander von Lothringen




1 Mark, 1776


Arms: ¼: 1. 1|2 Arpad and Sicily-Naples; 2. 1|2 Jeruzalem and Aragon; 3. 1|2 France and Geldern; 1|2 Julich and Bar. Grand Master’s cross, the eagle charged with the arms of Lorraine.

Crown: A royal crown

Supporters: Two crowned eagles sejant regardant, a patriarchal cross hanging from a rosary around their necks.




Achievement of Karl Alexander von Lothringen

Church of Our Lady of Assistance, Brussels.



Achievement of Karl Alexander von Lothringen

Schloß Heuchlingen (Baden-Württemberg)


53 Maximilian Franz von Österreich


Hochmeister DO 1780-1801

Elector of Cologne & Prince-bishop of Münster




Silver Quarter thaler at his death, 1801.


Arms: Per fess: 1 ¼ Cologne, Westfalen, Engern, Arnsberg for the archdiocese of Cologne. 2. ¼  Münster, Stromberg, Borculo, Breda for the diocese of Münster. Grand Master’s cross, the arms of Germany replaced by an escutcheon ¼ Hungary, Bohemia, Burgundy, Medici and 1|2 Austria-Lorraine in nombril point (Archduke of Austria)

Mantle: Crowned with a princely hat and supported by a sword and a crozier in saltire


Photo Henk Tijhof

Memorial plaque of Maximilian Franz von Österreich

Bouzov Castle, Cechy


Arms: ¼: 1&4 1|2 Austria & Lorraine; 2. The Order; 3. Münster. Grand Master’s cross

Crests: The Grand Master’s; D.: Habsburg; S.: Lorraine.


Maximilian Franz Erzherzog v. Oesterreich gestorb 26 Juli 1801


54 Karl Ludwig von Österreich


Reichsfeldmarschall 1796

Hochmeister D.O. 1801-1804


Photo: Henk Tijhof

Arms of Karl Ludwig von Österreich

Bouzov Castle, Cechy


Arms: ¼: 1. 1|2 Arpad and Hungary; 2. Bohemia; 3. Burgundy; 4.Bar.  Grand Master’s cross the eagle charged with 1|3 Lorraine, Austria, Medici.

Crown: Archducal crown

Supporters: Two marshal’s batons in saltire.



Arms: ¼: 1. 1|2 Arpad and Hungary; 2. Bohemia; 3. 1|2 Tirol & Medici; 4. 1|2 Lorraine & Habsburg.  Grand Master’s cross the eagle charged with Austria (archducally crowned)

Crest: Ostrich’s feathers

Supporters: Two marshal’s batons in saltire.

Mantle: Gules, lined ermine archducally crowned


Photo: Henk Tijhof

Arms of Karl Ludwig von Österreich

Bouzov Castle, Cechy.


Arms: ¼ 1&4: Austria-Babenberg; 2. Lorraine; 3. Medici. Over all the Gandmaster’s cross with escutcheon.

Crests: The Order; Lorraine; Austria; Medici.


Karl Ludwig Erzherzog von Oesterreich gestorben 30 April Anno Domini 1804


55 Anton Victor von Österreich



Medal on the death of Anton Victor von Österreich

Archducal Arms:

Arms: ¼: 1. 1|2 Arpad and Hungary; 2. Bohemia; 3. 1|2 Visconti & Venice; 4. 1|2 Galicia & Lodomeria.  Grand Master’s cross, the eagle charged with 1|3 Lorraine, Austria, Medici. 

Crest: Ostrich’s feathers Argent and Sable

Mantle: Gules, lined ermine archducally crowned





56 Maximilian Joseph von Österreich-Este



Photo: Henk Tijhof

Arms of Maximilian-Joseph von Österreich-Este

Bouzov Castle, Cechy


Arms: Quarterly: 1. Arpad-Hungary; 2. Bohemia; 3. Visconti-Venice; 4. Galicia-Lodomeria. Grand Master’s cross and on the eagle an escutcheon per pale of Habsburg-Austria-Lorraine and Este (Azure, an eagle Argent).


57 Wilhelm von Österreich



Arms of  Wilhelm von Österreich

                                                                               By Hugo Gerard Ströhl  [3]

Archducal Arms:

Arms: ¼: 1. 1|2 Arpad and Hungary; 2. Bohemia; 3. 1|2 Visconti & Venice; 4. 1|2 Galicia & Lodomeria.  Grand Master’s cross, the eagle charged with 1|3 Lorraine, Austria, Medici. 

Crest: Ostrich’s feathers Argent and Sable

Order: The collar and cross of the Order of Leopold (Austria, 1808).

Mantle: Gules, fringed and tasseled Or, lined ermine, archducally crowned.


58 Eugen von Österreich



Arms of  Eugen von Österreich

                                                                               By Hugo Gerard Ströhl  [4]

Archducal Arms:

Arms: ¼: 1. 1|2 Arpad and Hungary; 2. Bohemia; 3. 1|2 Galicia & Lodomeria. 4. Lower Austria.  Grand Master’s cross, the eagle charged with 1|3 Lorraine, Austria, Medici. 

Crest: Ostrich’s feathers Argent and Sable

Order: The collar and fleece of the Order of the Fleece (Burgundy 1429)

Mantle: Gules, fringed and tasseled Or, lined ermine, archducally crowned.


Achievement of Eugen von Österreich

Castle of the Teutonic Order, Bad Mergentheim


Arms: As before

Crests and Supporters: As in 1593-‘95


Norbert Klein



Paul Heider   



Robert Schälzky        



Marian Tumler          




Arms: Of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order

Crest: A mitre and a bishop’s hat with 2´6 fiocchi

Supporters: The sword of armed authority and the crozier of religious authority in saltire.


Ildefons Pauler          



Arnold Wieland         




Arms: Of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, the arms of the German Master in the first and fourth quarter.

Crest: A mitre and a bishop’s hat with 2´6 fiocchi

Supporters: The sword of armed authority and the crozier of religious authority in saltire.


Bruno Platter


Arms: Of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, the arms of the German Master in the first and fourth quarter, the arms of Platter in the second and third.

Crest: A mitre and a bishop’s hat with 2´6 fiocchi

Motto: IN SUAVITATE SPIRITUS (In Sweetness of Spirit)

Supporters: The sword of armed authority and the crozier of religious authority in saltire.



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© Hubert de Vries 2015-05-29



[1] Wien Schatzkammer des Deutschen Ordens, Münzsammlung, Lade 30, Nr. 202389 (800JDO, III. 8.4. Rs)

[2] 800JDO p. 215

[3] Ströhl, Hugo Gerard: Österreichisch-Ungarische Wappenrolle. Anton Schroll & Co.. Wien, 1900.

[4] Ibid.

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