This site is a mirror of the original site, made in 2022 by Heraldry of the World. The original site is unaltered. This mirror functions as an archive to keep the material available on-line.
All rights remain with the late Hubert de Vries, the original site owner.


The Achievement




Royal Arms   

Crested Arms

Royal Achievement

Republic of Portugal

Portuguese Seaborne Empire



The Achievement


Certainly from the government of Alfonso V the African (1438-1481) images of the royal arms supported by two angels occur. In this version the arms are always crowned.

In heraldry angels for supporters are symbols of heavenly mandate. In that sense they were introduced in the Roman Empire as supporters of the image of the emperor. The were borrowed in the same sense by the Byzantine and Karolinghian empires. In France they were introduced as supporters of the royal arms by King Charles V in 1365 and remained the supporters of the royal arms until the 19th century.


After the Spanish Era (1580-1640), starting with Alfonso VI (1656-1667), the arms are supported by two dragons, the crest of the House of Avis, made the emblems of the House of Braganza.


At the same time, state arms that deviate from the European tradition were introduced for the Portuguese overseas empire. In these state arms the core is formed by an emblem in the form of the armillary sphere of King Manuel I. This is placed on the square cross of the Order of Christ, which in itself is a symbol of  Christian government. This creates the symbol: The Christian Government (of the Empire of Manuel I) supported by the Order of Christ (secular knights).


See also: Æ The Portuguese Seaborne Empire






House of Avis


John I






Alfonso V, the African



John II, the Perfect Prince



From 1482 to 1485, the improvement of the royal arms was on the agenda of the Cortes that had been called by King John II. Eventually it was decided to leave out the cross of the Order of Aviso as a heraldic anomaly in the future. At the same time, the escutcheons on the sides of the quinas were set upright and the number of castles was set at seven.


Manuel I, the Fortunate




Achievement of Portugal,

By Andrea della Robbia, 1505 [1]


Protector Angel of Portugal

Olivier de Gand. Polychrome and gilt on wood 1508-1512. H. 165 cm. Tomar, Charola do convento de Cristo.

Expos.: Londres, 1955-’56. Bibl.: santos (R. dos), s.d.


Protector Angel of Portugal, 1518-1520.

Here the Imperial arms and the Imperial symbol are united



Achievement of Portugal with the coat of arms in its definitive ordering.
Shield surmounted by a crown and supported by two angels. The achievement between two armillary spheres of the emblem of D. Manuel I.
Detail of the illuminated frontispiece of Livro X da Leitura Nova (Estremadura). Codice Manueline (16th century) belonging to the National Archive of Torre do Tombo.


Achievement of  the Princes of  Portugal between two arms of the empire


From: The Port of Lisbon in the Early 16th Century (detail). Crónica do rei D. Afonso Henriques. Duarte Calvão. Illuminated manuscript on parchment. Frontispiece, early 16th century (1505) 41.5 Î 29.5 Î 9 cm. Cascais, M.B.C.C.G. Inv. 14


The date


Prov.: Conde Castrio de Guimarães legacy

Expos: Exposition du monde portugais, Lisbonne, 1940; Exposition d’art portugais, 800-1800, Royal Academy of Arts, Londres, 1955-1956; La Reine D. Leonor. Mosteiro da Madre de Deus, Lisbonne, 1958; Exposição Henriquina, Lisbonne, 1960; 17e Exposition européenne d’art, de science et de culture. Les antécédents des découvertes, Madre de Deus, Lisbonne, 1983. Lisboa Quinhentista, Museu da Cidade, Lisboa, 1983; Via Orientalis Festival Europália/91 - Portugal, Caisse Générale d’Épargne et de Retraite, Bruxelles, 1991; Portugal e os Descobrimentos. Pavilhão de Portugal, Feira Universal de Sevilha, 1992.

Bibl.: castilho: A Ribeira de Lisboa, Lisboa 1983; a. silva: A mais antiga vista de Lisboa, in Diário de Notícias, Lisboa, 01/01/1925; Id.: Arqueologia e História, Lisboa, 5, 1928; Catalogue de la 17e Exposition européenne d’art, de science et de culture. Les antécédents des découvertes, Madre de Deus, Lisboa, 1983.



Os Livros de Horas Iluminados do Palácio Nacional de Mafra»  1516


João III



Knight of the Fleece. n° 168, Doornik, 1531





Cardeal D. Henrique



House of Habsburg


Philip I (II)



Philip II (III)



Philip III (IV)



House of Braganza


Joao IV


Achievement of John IV, 1644


Arms: Portugal

Crown: Royal crown of three hoops

Supporters: Two standing angels the dexter ensigned of the armillary sphere, the sinister of the Order of Christ.

In base an armillary sphere and a pelican with its chickens.

Royal achievement of Portugal, royally crowned and crested of a dragon issuant,

 supported by two standing angels.

Illustration to page 764 of Antonio de Sousa de Macedo, 'Lusitania Liberata' (London, Richard Heron, 1645). Engraving. British Museum. Museum number 1871,1209.182

© The Trustees of the British Museum


Alfonso VI


Royal Achievement of  Portugal


From: Palliot, Pierre: La Vraye et Parfaite Science des Armoiries. Dyon, 1660, p. 598


Royal achievement, 1675

From: O Thesouro de Nobreza. Frontispício (fl -1r)


Pedro II

Regent 1667-1683





Royal achievement of Portugal

From: Siebmachers Wappenbuch, 1703


John V, the Magnanimous



Royal achievement of Portugal (~1723)

Below the river bank of Lisbon

H 277 mm × W 184 mm  Workshop of  Bernard Picart, 1683 – 1733.

Coll. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


Arms: Portugal

Crown: A royal crown of five hoops

Supporters: Two hovering angels


Royal achievement of Portugal

Workshop of Bernard Picart, after Bernard Picart, 1723

etching and engraving, H 72 mm × W 126 mm 

Coll. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


Escudo real português

By: DEBRIE, Guilherme Francisco Lourenço, ?-1755


[Visual gráfico : [vinheta] / G. F. L. Debrie inv. et sculp.. - [S.l. : s.n., entre 1730 e 1740]. - 1 gravura : buril, p&b. - Data atribuída por confronto com obras datadas do autor. - Dim. da comp. sem letra: 8,1x11,4 cm. - Soares, E. - Hist. da grav. não cita


Ficha Bibliográfica (visualizaçãoISBD) CDU 929.6(=1.469)"17"(084.1) 002(084.1) 762 (=1:44)"17"(084.1) [622712]


Joseph I



From: Diderot et d’Alembert, 1751-‘72


Pedro III



Maria I

John VI


Regent 1799-1816




John VI




D. João por graça de Deos, Rei do Reino Unido de Portugal e do Brazil e Algarves, d’aquem e d’além mar, em Africa, Senhor da Guiné e da Conquista, Navegação e Commercio da Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia e da India, etc.


Faço saber aos que a presenta carta de lei virem que tendo sido servido unir os meus Reinos de Portugal, Brazil e Algarves, para que juntos constituissem, como effectivamente constituem hum só e mesmo Reino; he regular e consequente o incorporar em hum só escudo real as armas de todos os tres Reinos, assim, e da  mesma fórma que o Senhor Rei D. Affonso III, de gloriosa memoria, unindo outr’ora o Reino dos Algarves ao de Portugal unio tembem as suas armas respectivas: e occorrendo que para este effeito o meu Reino do Brazil ainda não tem armas que caracterisem a bem merecida preeminencia a que me aprouve exalta-lo: hei por bem e me praz ordenar o seguinte:


1° - Que Reino do Brazil tenha por armas huma esphera armilar de ouro em campo azul.

2° - Que o escudo real portuguez, inscripto na dita esphera armilar de ouro em campo azul, com uma corôa sobreposta, fique sendo, de hoje em diante, as armas do Reino Unido de Portugal, e do Brazil e Algarves, e das mais partes integrantes da minha Monarchia.

3° - Que estas novas armas sejão por  conseguinte as que uniformemente se hajão de empregar em todos os estandartes, bandeiras, sellos reaes e cunhos de moedas, assim como em tudo mais em que até agora se tenha feito uso das armas precedentes.


E esta se cumprirá como nella se contém. Pelo que mando, etc.


Dada no Palacio do Rio de Janeiro, aos 13 de Maio de 1816.


El-Rei com guarda

(a) Marquez de Aquiar


com os registos competentes [2])




Æ See also: Brazil


O decreto imperial de 18 de setembro de 1822 oficializa a bandeira do Brasil independente. Descreve o Brasão Imperial com “(…) huma esphera armilar de ouro, atravessada por huma cruz de Ordem de Christo (…)”. Tal símbolo foi colocado dentro de um escudo verde, circundado por uma orla azul carregada por dezenove estrelas. Quando da coroação e aclamação do Imperador Dom Pedro II, foi confeccionada uma peça em prata com esta esfera atravessada pela cruz. Este objeto precioso foi posto ao lado do trono do Imperador durante a cerimônia.


Pedro IV

Emperor of Brazil  1822-1831

King of Portugal 1826-1828


Miguel I



Maria II



Royal Achievement of Portugal


From: Jouffroy d'Eschavannes, M.: Armorial Universel. Précédé d'un traité complète de la science du blason. L. Curmer, Ed.. Paris, MDCCCXLIV.  T. II, MDCCCXLVIII. 


House of  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha


Pedro V



Luis I



Royal Achievement

From: Hefner, O.T. von.  M. Gritzner & Ad. M. Hildebrandt: Die Wappen der außerdeutschen Souveräne und Staaten. Nürnberg 1870. Taf. 49


Contemporary print

On a diplom

of the Sociedade de Socorros Mútuos Marquês de Pombal, 1880


Carlos I



Royal achievement, 1900


Foto Flickr

Crown State Carriage

With Royal achievement and cypher of Carlos I

Museu Nacional dos coches, Lisboa


Manuel II



I Republica Portuguesa




II Republica Portuguesa






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 © Hubert de Vries





[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/portugal/comments/9tymk4/bras%C3%A3o_do_reino_de_portugal_escultura_de_andrea/

[2]  Ribeiro, Clovis: Brazoes e Bandeiras do Brazil. Editoria Sao Paolo. Sao Paolo, 1933. (387 pp. 37 pl.) p. 44-45.

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