This site is a mirror of the original site, made in 2022 by Heraldry of the World. The original site is unaltered. This mirror functions as an archive to keep the material available on-line.
All rights remain with the late Hubert de Vries, the original site owner.






Royal Arms   

Crested Arms

Royal Achievement

Republic of Portugal

Portugal Armed Forces

Portuguese Seaborne Empire



I Republica Portuguesa



The flag of the Republic was adopted by law N° 150 of 30 June 1911. In Art. 1 there is a description of a shield of the national arms bordered by white and placed on the Manueline armillary sphere in yellow and  with black lines.




At least after 1915 the shield was embellished with a golden garland of laurel and was placed in its simple form on coins in 1918.




This  emblem can be read as the “Portuguese empire of king Manuel I” or “Portugal supported by its Overseas Empire.”


Ditadura Nacional

1926- 1932


Coat of arms of the Republic of Portugal

On a tapestry in the Alcazar, Sevilla, at the occasion of the World Fair in 1929


2nd Republic - Estado Novo







Embellished and augmented achievement of Portugal

A fantasy by F. Almeida Langhans 1966


Presidency of Américo Tomás (1958-1974)


The degree of Grand Collar of the Military Order of the Tower and the Sword (as around the arms above) was added in 1939. The Grand Collar was meant for heads of state with notable military deeds, with Spanish General Franco the only head of state to be awarded the Grand Collar under these terms. The order was reformed in 1962 with the Grand Collar being made exclusively open to former presidents of Portugal, an exception was made in 1973 for Brazilian President Emilio Garrastazu Medici by decree-law.


3rd Republic



Carnation Revolution 

Constitution of the Republic




Constitution of 1976


Article 11: National symbols and official language

1. The National Flag, which shall be the symbol of the sovereignty of the Republic and of Portugal's independence, unity and integrity, shall be that adopted by the Republic formed by the Revolution of the 5th of October 1910.

2. The national anthem shall be A Portuguesa.

3. The official language shall be Portuguese.




The national arms according to the law of 30 June 1911.This is a reduced form of the flag and national emblem as described in the law. It is heraldically identical to the arms of King John II of 1485 going back to the 12th century.

As such the present emblem of Portugal as commonly known and represented in the head of this  article with armillary sphere and garland, is not laid down by law.


Presidential Flag


The presidentia flag was preceded by the royal flag which was red with the crowned royal arms in the middle. [1]

President of the Republic (1911-present)





A(ssembleia da) R(epublica)


Flag 2006 -

By Resolução da Assembleia da República n.º 73/2006 [2]


Prime Minister


Flag of the Prime Minister 1972 -


Sistema de Informações da República Portuguesa (SIRP)


The "Informations System of the Portuguese Republic" is the coordinating structure of the Portuguese intelligence.

It is the parent body for two separate intelligence agencies: the Serviço de Informações de Segurança (SIS, Security Intelligence Service) for the internal security intelligence and the Serviço de Informações Estratégicas de Defesa (SIED, Defense and Strategic Informations Service) for foreign intelligence.

The SIS and the SIED are the public services responsible for ensuring—within the Constitution and the law—the production of intelligence necessary to the safeguard of the national independence and the safeguard of the internal security.



The SIRP is under the direct authority of the Prime Minister of Portugal and includes:

  • the Supervisory Council of the SIRP (under the authority of the Portuguese Parliament);
  • the Data Supervisory Committee of the SIRP (under the authority of the Attorney General of Portugal);
  • the Superior Council of Intelligence;
  • the Secretary General of the SIRP;


Between 1952 and 1972, the President of the Council of Ministers, within the scope of his inherent role as president of the National Defense Superior Council, used a distinctive flag almost identical to that of the Minister of National Defense. By Decree No. 61/72 of 2 February, issued by the Minister of National Defense, a new distinctive flag was established that followed the model of the distinctive flags of the civil ministers of the Government. [3]


The SIS. Serviço de Informações de Segurança









The SIED; Serviço de Informações Estratégicas de Defesa


The SIED arms


International and State Defense Police



The PIDE or International and State Defense Police (Polícia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado) was a Portuguese security agency that existed during the Estado Novo regime of António de Oliveira Salazar. Formally, the main roles of the PIDE were the border, immigration and emigration control and internal and external State security. However, it became more known by its political police activities.


PIDE was itself transformed into the Directorate-General of Security or DGS (Direção-Geral de Segurança)  in 1968.

After the 25 April 1974 Carnation Revolution, DGS was disbanded in Portugal, but continued to exist transitionally in the Portuguese overseas territories as the Military Information Police or PIM, being finally completely disbanded in 1975.




The Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP; Public Security Police) is the civil preventive police force of Portugal. Part of the Portuguese security forces, the mission of the PSP is to defend Republican democracy, safeguarding internal security and the rights of its citizens. Despite many other functions, the force is generally known for policing urban areas with uniformed police officers, while rural areas are normally policed by National Republican Guard (GNR), a gendarmerie force. PSP is focused in the preventive policing, only investigating minor crimes. Investigation of serious crimes falls under the Judicial Police responsibility, which is a separate agency.


Police coat of arms


Arms: Azure, a six-pointed star Argent

Crest: On a helmet to the dexter, Argent, lined purpure, lambrequined Argent and Azure, a hawk attacking, Argent, clawed Gules.

Order: Collar and star of a grand officer of the Military Order of the Tower and the Sword for Valor, Loyalty and Merit.

Motto:  PELA ORDEM E PELA PÁTRIA". (For Order and the Fatherland) (Porugal 1459)




  • The star symbolizes the goal of the hard way to tread, representing by 6 points made up of 2 inverted triangles, the embrace of technique and the rhythm of its dynamism in the accomplishment of the mission;
  • The hawk symbolizes vigilance and guarding in the fulfillment of the order and the homeland;
  • The currency defines in a way that the action of the Public Security Police in the exercise of the most arduous tasks of maintaining order and security of the citizen in favor of a better Homeland;
  • Silver means sagacity and purity.
  • red means value, ruse and mood;
  • blue represents space and means zeal, loyalty and gallantry.



Cap Badge

Sleeve patch


See also: Æ http://oblogdopita.blogspot.com/2014/


The Corpo de Intervenção (CI) MHM is a reserve unit of the Police of Public Security created on 27 March 1976 and is directly subordinated to the nationa directorate.



Ordenação heráldica:

ESCUDO - Esquartelado: O primeiro de prata com um escudeto de azul carregado de cinco besantes, do primeiro esmalte, postos em sautor; o segundo e quarto de azul pleno; o terceiro de prata com uma estrela de seis pontas a ouro; debrum a ouro; sobreposto uma espada antiga, de ouro, brocante e em pala; ladeando o escudo dois ramos de louro.

ELMO - De grades de prata, forrado a vermelho a 3/4, á dextra.

CORREIAS - De vermelho, perfiladas a ouro.

PAQUIFE E VIROL - de azul e prata.

TIMBRE - Um leão rampante, de prata, lampassado e armado de vermelho, coroado a ouro com o coronel da P.S.P..

DIVISA - Num lintel de ouro, ondulado, sotoposto ao escudo em 'letras do estilo elzevir, maiúsculas de negro: «A FORTIORI»



O ESCUDO COM CINCO BESANTES - Simboliza a capacidade de actuação em qualquer parte do Território Nacional.

A ESTRELA DE SEIS PONTAS - Simbolizada Polícia de Segurança Publica.

A ESPADA - É o símbolo do poder e da justiça.

OS RAMOS DE LOURO - São os símbolos da glória. 

O OURO - Significa nobreza e fidelidade.

A PRATA - Significa pureza e bom senso.

O AZUL - Significa lealdade e galhardia.

O VERDE -Significa esperança e mocidade.

A DIVISA - Significa Por Maioria de Razão tanto se aplicando ao raciocínio como a argumentação.


Ordem de Serviço n.º 117, I Parte do Comando-Geral de 17 de Setembro de 1986


Sleeve patch


Armed Forces


Kingdom until 1910


1st Republic



Present Achievement of the Armed Forces


Motto: This is my said beloved country


Flag 1911-present



Ministry of Defense


Ministry of War


Arms of the Minister of defense, 1979

Portaria nº 587/79 de 8 de Novembro 1979


Arms: Azure, five besants Argent in saltire.

Crest: On a helmet affrontée Argent, lined Gules lambrequined Azure and Argent, a dragon issuant Argent.

Motto : OS PORTUGUESES SOMOS DO OCIDENTE (We Portuguese are of the West)


The blue shield with the five silver besants placed in saltirer, is an enlargement of one of the five national escut-cheons, alludes to the flag of the quinas that, during the golden period of the Discoveries, represented the military activity of the Nation.

The dragon symbolizes the fidelity of the military apparatus to the competent organs of sovereignty, under the terms of the Constitution.


The arms reminds us of the coat of arms of Álvaro Pires de Castro,  (1310-1384) Alférez-mor and created constable of the Kingdom by King Ferdinand in 1382, who was commander of the army in absence of the king. The office existed until Afonso de Bragança, Duke of Porto (1865-1920).

The arms of Álvaro Pires de Castro were.

Arms of De Castro

Casto cõde demõsamcho

Livro de Almeiro Mor, fol 49r, 1509


Arms: Argent, six balls Azure 2, 2 and 2.




The distinctive flag of the Minister of National Defense was the only one, among those of the higher authorities of the Defense, that was not altered.


It should be noted that in 1979 the coat of arms of the Minister of National Defense was adopted, incorporating the elements of his banner. The shield of the coat of arms consisted of a quinas (Azure, five besants Argent in saltire) and its crest of a dragon Argent. Thus, although not altered, the National Defense Minister's banner followed the trend of following strictly heraldic standards, since - purposely or not - the main element was a squaring of the owner's coat of arms.

Minister of Defense 1952


General Staff of the Armed Forces

General Staff of the Armed Forces





Escudo de vermelho, um leão rampante de ouro, segurando na garra dianteira dextra uma espada antiga, com lâmina de prata, guarnecida, empunhando e maçaneta de ouro;

- Elmo militar, de prata, forrada de vermelho, a três quartos para a dextra;

- Correia de vermelho perfilada de ouro;

- Paquife e virol de vermelho e de ouro;

- Timbre: o leão do escudo;

- Divisa: num listel de branco, ondulado, sotoposto ao escudo, em letras de negro, maiúsculas, de estilo elzevir «EM PERIGOS E GVERRAS ESFORÇADAS»;

- Grito de guerra: num listel de branco ondulado, sobreposto ao timbre, em letras de negro, maiúsculas, de estilo elzevir «PORTVGAL E SÃO JORGE» (Portugal and St George)


Simbologia e Alusão das Peças

-          O LEÃO empunhando a espada simboliza o Exército Português em acção.

The LION wielding the sword symbolizes the Portuguese Army in action


The colours mean:

Gold:  nobility and faith

Silver: wealth and eloquence

Red: warlike ardour and force


Cap badge




Portuguese Navy-cross of the Order of Christ

as on the sails of portuguese sailing ships


Historical Navy Flags 1488-1910






Æ More: http://www.wikiwand.com/pt/Lista_de_bandeiras_de_Portugal



Minister of Marine 1911


Navy Achievement, 1st Republic


Almirante Chefe do Estado-Maior da Armada [4]






More: https://audaces.blogs.sapo.pt/13632.html


Corpo de Fuzileiros


The Portuguese Marine Corps (meaning literally "Corps of Fusiliers") are a special forces unit of the Portuguese Navy.

The Portuguese Marines (Fuzileiros) have their direct origin in the oldest permanent military unit of Portugal, the Regiment of the Navy of the Crown of Portugal (Terço da Armada da Coroa de Portugal), created in 1618. However, since 1585, specialized troops existed to provide artillery and riflemen in the Portuguese warships. The Regiment of the Navy was soon considered an elite unit. As the King of Portugal did not have a royal guard (only the ceremonial Royal Guard of the Halberdiers), this Regiment was also used in the role of bodyguard of the Monarchs.


Arms: Per chevron fusilly Azure and Argent,  and Gules.

crown: A portuguese naval crown

Order: Collar and star of the Castle and the Sword. (Porugal 1459)




Cap Badge



Air Force





coat of arms





Cap badge






The National Republican Guard (Guarda Nacional Republicana) or GNR is the national gendarmerie force of Portugal.

Members of the GNR are military personnel, subject to military law and organisation, unlike the agents of the civilian Public Security Police (PSP).

The GNR is responsible for the preventive police and highway patrol in the countryside and small towns of Mainland Portugal (large urban centers and all the Portuguese islands territory being patrolled by the PSP). At national level, GNR also has duties of customs enforcement, coastal control, nature protection, search and rescue operations and state ceremonial guards of honor.




Hat badge


Cap badge

Romão Neves coll.


Sleeve patch







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 © Hubert de Vries 2019-03-14




[1] See:  http://www.rbvex.it/portogbom.html

[2] https://dre.pt/web/guest/pesquisa/-/search/552344/details/normal?q=Resolu%C3%A7%C3%A3o+da+Assembleia+da+Rep%C3%BAblica+n.%C2%BA%2073%2F2006+

[3] https://audaces.blogs.sapo.pt/8420.html

[4] http://www.dre.pt/pdf2s/2010/02/0340000 ... 107241.pdf


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