This site is a mirror of the original site, made in 2022 by Heraldry of the World. The original site is unaltered. This mirror functions as an archive to keep the material available on-line.
All rights remain with the late Hubert de Vries, the original site owner.









Early Arms

The Eagle

The Lion

Crested Arms

        Crowned Arms

Royal Arms







Back to Česko


Royal Arms


House of Przemysl


Bořivoj I


Spythinĕv I


Vratislav I


St. Wenceslas


Boleslav I, de Wrede


Boleslav II, the Pious


Boleslav II, the Red






Boleslav III, the Red


Bolesław I

Duke of Poland 1003-1004







Břetislav I



Spythiněv II



Vratislav II


King 1085-1092


Vysehrad Codex, coronation evangeliar, made on the occasion of the first coronation of a King of Bohemia, Vratislav II. ca. 1085, probably in Prague. Within the initial is a prince, probably Vratislav as a duke (1061-’85). The prince is sitting on a lion-throne and has in his left hand a spear with a yellow banner or pennon. On his head a peculiar headdress consisting of a red cap with feline claws as pendants.


Státní Knihovny CSR v Praze, Ms. XIV A 13, fol 68a.




Břetislav II


Bořivoj II




Vladislav I


Soběslav I



A coat of arms of Bohemia is first mentioned in 1127. This is published in D.J. Galbreath in his Handbüchlein der Heraldik,  (1930), p 132.


Vladislav II (I)


King 1158-1173




Soslav II





1182 separation of the margaviate Moravia


Conrad III Otto

Margrave of Moravia 1182?-1191

Duke of  Bohemia 1189-1191


Wenceslas II



Přemysl Ottokar I




Otakar I (Ottokar or Přemysl I. Otakar) (c. 1155 – December 15, 1230), king of Bohemia (1198 - 1230), was a younger son of King Vladislav II (d. 1174) and a member of the Přemyslid dynasty.

His early years were passed amid the anarchy which prevailed everywhere in the country. After several struggles, in which he took part, he was recognized as ruler of Bohemia by the emperor Henry VI in 1192. He was, however, soon overthrown for joining a conspiracy of German princes to bring down the Hohenstaufen monarchy. In 1197 Otakar forced his brother, duke Vladislav Jindřich, to abandon Bohemia to him and to content himself with Moravia. Taking advantage of the German civil war between the Hohenstaufen claimant Philip of Swabia and the Welf candidate Otto IV, Ottokar declared himself King of Bohemia. This title was supported by Philip of Swabia who needed bohemian military support against Otto (1198).

In 1200 - with Otto IV in the ascendancy, Otakar abandoned his pact with Philip and opted for the Welf faction. Both Otto IV and Pope Innocent III subsequently accepted Otakar as hereditary King of Bohemia. (In 1203 and 1204 respectively).

Philip of Swabia’s following invasion of Bohemia was successful. Otakar, having been compelled to pay a fine, again ranged himself among Philip's partisans and still later was among the supporters of the young king, Frederick II. In 1212 Frederick granted the Golden Bull of Sicily to Bohemia. This document recognised Otakar and his heirs as Kings of Bohemia. The King was no longer subject to appointment by the Emperor, and was only required to attend Diets close to the Bohemian border. Although a subject of the Holy Roman Empire, the Bohemian King was to be the leading electoral prince of the empire and to furnish all subsequent Emperors with a bodyguard of 300 knights when they went to Rome for their coronation.


Henry Břetislav

† 1197

Bishop of Prague 1182

Duke of Bohemia 1193-1197


Vladislav III Henry

* 1160 ca - †1222

Margrave of Moravia 1182-1222

Duke of Bohemia 1197


In 1197 Moravia became a fief of the Bohemian crown again. In that year a lion was introduced in Bohemian heraldry, then, apparently as the personal emblem of the Margrave of Moravia and Duke of Bohemia. At the same time an eagle became the emblem of the Bohemian-Moravian monarrchy,


Equestrian seal 1197

Arms: Lion 



Premysl Ottokar I


Wenceslas I


King 1198-1230

co-regent 1228-1230


1199 Arms: eagle. (Seyler Gesch. p. 250)


Conrad v. Mure


Dumque Bohemie tibi rubeum clipeum fore ponam

Hic albus leo vult antepreferre coronam


“A red shield with a white lion expecting the Bohemian crown”


That is to say: 1. Vratislav II (1085-’92), 2. Vladislav II (1158-’73), 3. Přemysl Ottokar I (1198-1230), 4. Wenceslas I (1230-’53)



*1188 ca - † 1225


Enfeoffed by Emperor Otto IV in 1212


Wenceslas I


Přemysl Ottokar II the Great

1205 - † 22.09.1253


Co-king 31.06. 1248


1238  Arms: Eagle [1]


Přemysl Ottokar II the Great


Markgrave of Moravia 1247

counter-king31.VI. 1248

Occupation of Austria & Steiermark 1251

¥ Margaretha of Austria 1252

King of Bohemia 1253-1278

¥ Kunigonde of Galicia 1261

Crowned 25.12.1261

Duke Austria and Steiermark 1261-1276

Duke of Carinthia and Krain 1269


Markgrave of Moravia 1247-1278


Counter King


1249 Equestrian Seal: Arms: Lion:



n  1251 Ottokar occupied Austria and Steiermark which Emperor Frederick II had taken back after the death of Duke Frederick. In 1252 he married the widow of King Henrry VII, Margarethe of  Babenberg (Austria).


King of Bohemia


1253 After the death of his father he continued the alliance with the Hohenstaufen but he opposed the election of Conradin as a Roman King


1270 Arms: Gules, a double queued lion Argent crowned Or. L.: le Roy de boeme. Wijnbergen n° 1266 


Coat of arms of the King of Bohemia

Hall of the coats of arms, Gozzoburg, Krems

Arms: Gules.  a double queued lion Argent crowned Or

Crest: A pair of wings Sable


1272 Seal of Majesty Arms: S.: Eagle D.:  Lion: L.: Onl. (vermeldt de titels van Bohemia en Moravië) (Hauptmann/Prochazka Abb. 1)



1275 ca Arms: Le roy de Boeme, d’argent un lion sable coronné d’or un crois sur l’espall. (Walford’s RC.10). Le roy de Boesme, de argent a un lion de sable coroné de or a un croyz d’or sur l’espaule (Walford’s R. Cl. 10).


These arms are said to have been used by Ottokar II at the crusades in Prussia in 1255 and 1267. [3] ()


Wenceslas II of Bohemia

*1271 - † 1305

King of Bohemia 1283-1305

¥ Elizabeth of Poland 1300

King of Poland 1300-1305


1290 ca Arms: De gueules au lion à la queue fourchée et passé en sautoir d’argent, a. et c. d’or. L.:  le ... Roy de boeme. Wijnbergen n° 593.1290 ca


1300 ca. Arms: 1. Rood, een witte leeuw met dubbele gekruiste staart en gouden kroon. H.: Een zwarte vlucht en rode helmkleden. (Bohemia). 2. Blauw, een rood-goud geblokte adelaar. H.: Een van zwart en goud gedwarsbalkte vlucht en rode helmkleden. (Manesse-Codex fol. 10 r°)


Wenceslas III  of Bohemia

 *1289 - †1306

King of  Hungary 1301-1305

King of Bohemia 1305-1306

King of Poland 1305-1306


Arms: Double cross on three hill-tops (Hungary)


A coat of arms, probably of Wenceslas II or III, I found in Armorial Bergshammer fol 94r°, n° 1307, and ascribed to Trient:


Arms:¼ 1& 4: Argent, an eagle Sable; 2&3 Gules, an eagle Argent.

This could have been the arms of Wenceslas II, resp. Wenceslas III. that is to say quarterly of  Bohemia en Poland. The arms are in the section of Austria.


House of Habsburg


 Babenberg Habsburg Austria


Rudolf III


Duke of Austria 1298-1307

¥ Elizabeth of Poland, wid. of Wenceslas II, 1306

Titulary king of Poland 1306-1307

King of Bohemia 1306-1307


1306-1307 - seal of Rudolf III, Duke of Austria.

Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg

Arms: Babenberg.

Crest: A bunch of peacock-feathers

On his banner and on his horse-clothes: Bohemia


House of Carinthia




Henry of Carinthia 

*1270 - †1335

Duke of Carinthia 1295-1335

Count of Tirol 1295-1335

¥ Anna, dau. of Wenceslas II, 1307

King of Bohemia 1307-1310


Arms of Carinthia ca 1300

Discovered in 1999 in Axmer Widum (Tirol)


Arms: Per pale the dexter Or, three lioans passant Sable, the sinister Gules a fess Argent.


His arms described:


144       Ze Paris auf pytipont

            Wart tecche und wapenrocch berait

            Dem fürsten durch sein werdichait

            Schilt vnd banir sîn was gelich

            Geteilet halp von Oesterreich

150       Das ander gar von golde

            Nach werder wibe solde

            Dar auz drei lewen geben glast

            Von choczer siden swarcz gebast

            Wideresehende ob einander


(Lied des Wappenknaben Hierselein, 1320 ca)  [4]


And his crest:


Auf dem helm ein chostleich sach

Ein rundel, dem man wirde iach

Nach den schilt getzieret schon

Daz im di minne dik zu lon

Florierte mit ihr weizzen hant


(Peter Suchenwirt, Seyler p. 214)


Æ The family of Gertrud von Andechs-Meranien


House of Luxemburg




John the Blind


Count of Luxemburg 1309-1346

   ¥ Elizabeth, dau. of Wenceslas II 1310

 Tit. King of Poland 1310-1320

King of Bohemia 1310-1346


Equestrian Seal, 1310


Arms:  ¼ of Bohemia and Luxemburg.

Crest.: Bohemia (Przemysl).


Date: 1310 

(Vredius, 1642, p. 63, Fox-Davies p.468 Pl. CXXXVI-4).


majestátni a jezdecká pečet’ Jana Lucemburského


1323 Seal of majesty:


The King seated between two shields: 1. Eagle chequy (Moravia); 2. Lion double queued (Bohemia). Legend: X IOHANNES DEI GRATIA BOEMIE ET POLONIE REX LVCEMBVRG COMES.


Equestrian seal 1323

reverse of preceding

Arms:  ¼ of Bohemia and Luxemburg.

Crest.: Bohemia (Przemysl).


Date: 1323 [5]


Charles IV, Luxemburg

1316 - † 1378

Margrave of Moravia 1333 - 1354

King of Germany elected 11.07.1346

 King of Bohemia 26.08.1346

 Count of Luxemburg 26.08.1346 - 1349

King of Germany, crowned Bonn 26.11.1346

King of Rome, Crowned Aachen 25.07.1349

King of Lombardia 06.01.1355

Roman Emperor  05.04.1355

King of Burgundy 04.06.1365


Initially, as a member of the House of Luxemburg, Charles bore the arms of Luxembeug as well. After his cession of Luxemburg in 1349, he abandoned the arms of Luxemburg and retained the arms of Bohemia and Germay of which he was a king.  Now tracing his descend from his mother Elizabeth


His father, John the Blind, was killed in 1346 at Crécy. On 20 march 1354 the heritage was divided  Charles IV receiving Bohemia, John Henry Moravia and Wenceslas Luxemburg which was upgraded to a duchy.


King of Bohemia and count of Luxemburg

Seal of Majesty

Staatsarchiv Coblenz. 1346 12 14.


The king on his throne with crown, sceptre and orb

Arms: 1. Bohemia 2. Luxemburg



Secret seal.

Staatsarchiv Coblenz. 1346 Dec. 8.



Arms: ¼ Bohemia and Luxemburg

Supporters: Angel and two griffins


Not made before 1346 4/10. revers of preceding


King of Bohemia and Germany


1346-'49 Equestrian Seal:

Arms: ¼ 1. Germany; 2. Luxemburg; 3. Bohemia; 4. Moravia  L.: KAROLUS ....REGIS BOEMIE MARCHIO MORAVIA. (Prochazka p. 51 Abb. 7)


1349 Seal of Majesty


Arms: Germany and Bohemia.


Date: Nürnberg, 16.09.1349. (Seibt, fig. 123).


Cession of  Luxemburg, 1349


Date: 1349-02-10

Place: Cologne

Abridged Decree: Charles IV cedes the County of Luxemburg and the Margraviate Arlon for 9000 Mark for which Baldwin has bought from strange possession  the county of La Roch, the guardianship Stablo and Malmedy, the cities of Marche and Bastogne, the lordships Durbuy and Burg Reuland for 6000 Mark, and has obtained for Charles IV the cities of Echternach and Bitburg together with the settlements of Remiche and Grevenmachern, with the exception of the appointed legacy of Beatrix von Bourbon, the widow of his father John, with all the country-seats on this side of the Rhine up to Boppard, promises the sealing by his brothers John and Wenceslas, and commits himself  to encamp with the archbishops manager Wittlich Berwicus called Kauwerzin when necessary.

Signature of the chancellery recto: Aprobanus. Signature of the Chancellery verso: Seal hanging on cord. Lost.

Original: LHA Koblenz, 1 A n. 5525 Kopie: LHA Koblenz, 1 C n. 3a n. 2188 und 2235 Constitutiones: 09/146 Druck: Winkelmann II n. 719


After the cession of Luxemburg Charles IV abandoned the arms of Luxemburg. From then on the arms of Bohemia were treated as being his personal arms. His son Sigismund tried to make it also his persoal arms, implying that the Bohemian royal title was hereditary. IN that however he was strongly opposed by the Bohemian nobility. About the title of King of Germany and Roman King however there could not be any doubt: these were bestowed by the German electors. This difference is the reason why the arms of Germany and Bohemia were not united in a quarterly, suggesting that Germany was a possession of Charles IV.


1350.01.08.: Secret seal.

Figure: Eagle free in the field (Germany)


1356: Seal of Majesty:





Charles IV between the arms of Bohemia and Germany

St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague, 1370 ca.

1355 + Seal of Majesty:

Charles IV on his throne with sceptre and orb. On his head a crown of three leaves, one arch and a mitre. On the right and left the arms of Germany and Bohemia supported by eagles.



Wenceslas IV van Luxemburg

*26.02.1361 - † 06.08.1419

King of Bohemia 15.06.1363


In view of his troubles in Bohemia, Wenceslaus did not seek a coronation ceremony as Holy Roman Emperor and was long absent from the German lands. Consequently, he faced anger at the diets of Nuremberg (1397) and Frankfurt (1398). The four Rhenish electors, Count Palatine Rupert III and the Archbishops of Mainz, Cologne and Trier, accused him of failing to maintain the public peace or to resolve the Schism. They demanded that Wenceslaus appear before them to answer to the charges in June 1400. Wenceslaus demurred, mainly because of renewed hostilities in Bohemia. When he failed to appear, the electors meeting at Lahneck Castle (South of Koblenz NRW) declared him deposed on 20 August 1400 on account of "futility, idleness, negligence and ignobility". The next day they chose Rupert as their king at Rhens (Near Koblenz NRW), though Wenceslaus refused to acknowledge this successor's decade-long reign.

Seal of Majesty


Arms: Germany and Bohemia



King of Bohemia

1. Arms: Gules a double queued lion Argent crowned Or. (Bohemia)   


The Hussites



The Hussites were the followers of the Bohemian religious reformer Jan Hus, who was condemned by the Council of Constance (1414–18) and burned at the stake. After his death in 1415 many Bohemian knights and nobles published a formal protest and offered protection to those who were persecuted for their faith. The movement’s chief supporters were Jakoubek of Stříbro (died 1429), Hus’s successor as preacher at the Bethlehem chapel in Prague; Václav Koranda, leader of the Taborites (extreme Hussites named for Tábor, their stronghold, south of Prague); and Jan Želivský, who organized the extreme reform party in Prague.


The news of the death of King Wenceslaus in 1419 produced a great commotion among the people of Prague. A revolution swept over the country: churches and monasteries were destroyed, and church property was seized by the Hussite nobility. The successor of Wenceslas, his brother Sigismund was a declared opponent of the Hussite utraquist practices and their preaching in cech. Therefore the question whether Bohemia was a hereditary or an elective monarchy, was posed to thwart the succession of Sigismund, arguing that as the predecessors of Sigismund had accepted that the Kingdom of Bohemia was an elective monarchy, the king had to be elected by the nobles. Therefore Čeněk of Wartenberg the regent of the kingdom explicitly stated that, because Sigismund had not been elected, his claim to the throne could not be accepted. As a result Sigismund could only get possession of "his" kingdom by force of arms. In that he was helped by Pope Martin V who called upon the Catholics of the West to take up arms against the Hussites, declaring a crusade, and there followed twelve years of war.

The Hussites initially campaigned defensively, but after 1427 they assumed the offensive. Apart from their religious aims, they fought for the national interests of the Czechs. The moderate and radical parties were united, and they not only repelled the attacks of the army of crusaders but crossed the borders into neighboring countries.


An important follower of Hus was Jakoubek van Stribro (†1429) the successor of Hus as a clergyman of the Bethlehem’s Chapel in Prague. He formulated the Four Articles of Prague, based on the works of Hus. These were:

1 freedom of preaching;

2 communion in both kinds;

3 poverty of the clergy and expropriation of church property;

4 punishment of notorious sinners.. ( in particularly of whores)


The second Article was formulated by him in 1420 as


“Das andere stuck ist, das der leichnam unsers herrn Ihesu Christi in der gestalt des brotes und seines heiligen Blutes in der Gestalt des Weines allen glaubigen kristen, die das begern und nicht haben hindernusse gegeben sullen werden nach dem gepot und der saczung unseres hailandes Ihesu Christi

(The following article is that the body of  our Lord Jesus Christ in the form of bread and his holy blood in the form of Wine shall be given without hindrance to all  christian believiers who want it according to the command and sayings of Our Saviour Jesus Christ)


“der ander artikel ist, das der were licham unsers herren und sin heiliges plüt allen truwen Christen jungen und alten gerecht werden.”

(The following article is that all true christian disciples will take part in the true body of our lord and his holy blood) [7]


According ot this article Jakoubek gave the movement a chalice for emblem to indicate that it was meant for everybody and not only for the clergy as had becomae the custom in the course of time.

The Hussites would have recognized Sigismund when he had accepted thefour articles. On the contrary however, Sigismund declared war to the movemenr. In 1436 however he had to make peace at which the demands of the Hussites were complied with for the main part. In the same year he was also recognized as a King of Bohemia.


The Hussites who resisted so long from their headquarters in Tabor, used the chalice also as a military badge. On the banner it was applied in gold on a red cloth. The coat of arms is Azure, a chalice Or.

Bertenyi  gíves five illustrations featuring a chalice. [8]


1. Ziska leadig the army of the Hussites


Žižka leads the Hussites to Tabor,

fresco in  the Bethlehem Chapel (Prague).


2. Battle between  Hussites and Crusaders. (Codex Jenensis)


Codex Jenensis


The banner of the Hussites red with a golden chalice and the motto VERITAS VINCIT on the pennon. The banner of the crusaders white with a red square cross moline which is the abanner of the ecclesia


3. Battle between  Hussites and Crusaders. (National Library, Vienna).


4. Hussite Car fort (National Library, Vienna).


Hussite Car Fort


5. David. The shield blue, the chalice yellow (Illustration in the Codex Krumlov, National Library, Prague)



The charge of banner and arms is explained by the four Articles of Prague of 1420


Sigismund of Luxemburg

*14.02.1368 - †  09.12.1437

Margrave of Brandenburg 1379 - 1388

King of Hungary 1385

Crowned 31.03.1387

Imperial vicar 1400 & 1402

 Roman King  20.09.1410

Re-elected 21.07.1411

Margrave of  Brandenburg 1411 - 1417

Titulairy King of Bohemia 1419

Duke of Luxemburg 1419

King of Lombardia 1431

Roman Emperor 1433

King of Bohemia 1436


Sigismund was a titulary King van Bohemia after the death of his brother Wenceslas in 1419 but he could not effectuate his claim because of the Hussite revolt until 1436. He was in fact but only one year King of Bohemia.  Nevertheless he bore, as a son of Charles IV the arms of Bohemia which can be considered as his (would be) family arms. After his marriage with Mary of Hungary in 1385 he also bore the arms of Arpad as a family arms even when he was not related at all with the Anjous who bore these arms by right of Charles Martel. The impaled of Arpad-Bohemia was also inherited by his grandson Ladislas Posthumus.

1433  Seal of majesty:


1433 06 08  Sigismund on his throne with imperial crown, sceptre and orb, seated between two two-headed eagles

Arms: (from left to right)1. The Roman Empire; 2. Hungary; 3. Bohe­mia; 4. Arpad; 5. Luxemburg.

Legend: sigismvndvs dei gracia romanorvm imperator semper avgvstvs ac hvngariae bohemie dalmacie // croacie rame servie gallicie lodomerie comanie bvlgarieq rex et lucembvrgensis heres.


Counterseal: Two-headed nimbused eagle.

Legend: aquila ezechielis sponse missa est de celis volat ipse sine meta qvo nec vatyes nec propheta evolabit altivs. [9]


The arms of Luxemburg were the only arms of a possession of which he was an uncontested heir (heres), the others he ruled by the grace of election and by conquest. Therefore his familiy arms are the arms of Luxemburg.


House of Habsburg



Albrecht II  Habsburg

*1397 - † 1439

Duke of Austria 1404

King van Rome 1438

King of Hungary 1438

King of Bohemia 1438


Full titulature: Albert, by the grace of God elected King of the Romans, always August, King of Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, Rama, Serbia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Cumania and Bulgaria, elected King of Bohemia, duke of Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, margrave of Moravia, Lord of the Wendish March and Port Naon, Count of Habsburg, Tyrol, Ferrete and Kyburg, etc. Margrave of Burgau and landgrave of Alsace.


His family arms were the arms of Babenberg (Austria) which were on all of his seals and of the seals of his family.


Ladislas Posthumus

* 22.02.1440-†23.11.1457

King of Hungary 1446/’52-1457

King of Bohemia 28.X.1453-1457

Frederick of Habsburg

Janos Hunyadi

Ulrich of Cilli

Regent 1440-1452

Regent 1446-1453

Regent 1453-1456


King of Hungary and  Bohemia 1452/’53-1457


Heraldic seal


Arms: 1|2 Arpad & Bohemia,

Crown: Of three leaves

Supporters: Eagles.

In the margin: 1. Babenberg; 2. Silesia; 3. Luxemburg; 4. Moravia.



King of Bohemia 1453-1457


Ladislaus dei gracie hungarie bohemie rame servie lodomerie gallacie cumanie bulgarie qs rex austrie lucemburgensis stirie karintie slesie caemo dux m(or)avie & lusacie marchio

Arms: ¼: 1. Or, an eagle Sable on his breast a crescent enclosing a cross Argent (Silesia); 2. Barry of eight pieces Argent and Azure, a lion Gules, crowned Or. (Luxemburg); 3. Azure, an eagle chequy Argent and Gules, billed and clawed Or  (Moravia); 4. Or, an eagle per pale Sabel and Gules, on his breast a crescent Argent  (Schweidnitz). Innombril point: Bohemia.

Crest: A crown Or and a peacock’s tail twice crowned between the banners of Austria ancient (Azure five eagles Or, 2,2,1. and Arpad (barry of 8 pieces Gules and Argent). [10]


House of Podiebrad




George Podiebrad  / Jiří z Kunštátu a Poděbrad






Arms of George Podiebrad


Arms: Argent, the chief barry Sable and Argent of five pieces



















Å Pavese with Bohemian coats of arms, chalice and the arms of George Podiebrad, Tabor and Silesia

Hussite Mueum Tabor





House of Hunyadi




Matthias Corvinus

*23.02. 1440-† 06.04.1490

Count of Bistritsa 1453

Elected King of Hungary 24.01. 1458

King of Hungary 29.03.1464

King of Bohemia 03.05 1469-1478

 ¥ Beatrix of Naples 1475

Titulary King of Bohemia 1478-1490

Duke of Austria 1485

Duke of Stiria, Carinthia and Krain 14851469



From a Missale

Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Cod. Urb. Lat. 110, fol. 104v°, lower margin


House of Jagiello




Vladislas II Jagiello


King of Bohemia 1471-1516

King of  Hungary 1490-1516



Cassianus Ms. Paris, Bibl. Nat. Cod Lat. 2129 fol. 3r°, lower margin


An alliance of Bohemia: ¼ of Arpad and Bohemia with an inescutcheon of  Poland; and Dalmatia.


Vladislas II Jagiello on a painted glass window in St. Goedele cathedral in Brussels.


The King kneeling, on his coat of arms or tabbard ¼ of Arpad and Bohemia with inescutcheon Poland.


Louis II


Knight of the Fleece nr. 145, Brussel 1516


Arms of Louis II as a Knight of the Fleece


Arms: ¼ of Arpad and Bohemia. On an inescucheon: Poland

Crest: An eagle  issuantArgent.[11]

Order: Of the Fleece


House of Habsburg


Babenberg Habsburg Austria


Ferdinand I


Knight of the Fleece n° 130, Brussel 1516

King of Bohemia and Hungary 1526-1564

Emperor 1556-1564


Coat of arms of Ferdinand I. , King of Bohemia and Hungary.

By Albrecht Dürer


On the back is Dürer´s dedication to King Ferdinand. The large shield repeats the Bohemian and the Hungarian coats of arms, the smaller shield is quarterly; the first p.p. pale of Babenberg and Burgundy, the second quarterly of Castilia and Leon, the third p.p. pale of Aragon and Trinacria and the fourth p. fess of Valois and Brabant. In nombril point p. pale of Tirol and Flanders. Royal crown and Order of the Fleece.

The print is made from three blocks: 1. Shield and Crown, 2. Collar. 3. the Fleece itself together with the inscription: Etliche underricht zu befestigung der Stett/ Schlosz und flecken.


Maximilian II


Knight of the Fleece n° 192 Utrecht 1546


Arms of Maximilian II as a Knight of the Fleece

St. Baaf, Gent


Arms: Or, a two-headed eagle Sable nimbused Or on his breast an inescutcheon ¼ Arpad, Bohemia, per pale of Babenberg and Burguncy and quarterly of Castile and Leon.

Crest: An Imperial crown.


Rudolf II


Knight of the Fleece n° 253, 1585



Arms: ¼ Bohemia and Arpad and an inescutcheon per pale of Austria and Burgundy

Crown: of thee points

Order: Of the Fleece




Knight of the Fleece n° 282, 1596


Arms: ¼ of Arpad and Bohemia with and inescutcheon tierced per point of Austria, Burgundy and Tirol

Crown: Imperial crown

Order: Of the Fleece


House of Wittelsbach



Frederick V od the Palatinate          


King of Bohemia 1619-1620

Knight of the Garter n° 408, 1612


¼ Kippertaler of Frederick V, 1620


Arms: Per pale the dexter of Bohemia, the sinister of the Palatinate: tierced in pairle of  The Palatinate,  Wittelsbach and the arch-bailiff of the Holy Roman Empire.





Arms: Per fess, the first per pale of Bahemia and the Palatinate+ the second of Moravia, Silesia, Upper Lusatia and Lower Lusatia

Order: Of the Garter

Crown: A royal crown.

From: Großes Wappenbuch, enthaltend die Wappen der deutschen Kaiser, der europäischen Königs- und Fürstenhäuser, der Päpste und Kardinäle, Bischöfe und Äbte bis zu den lebenden Repräsentanten zur Zeit der Regentschaft Kaiser Rudolfs II. und Papst Gregors XIII. - Cod.icon. 333


House of Habsburg



Ferdinand II


Knight of the Fleece n° 283, 1596


Ferdinand II, Roman and German Emperor, 1619-1637


Arms: Per pale, the first ¼ of Arpad and Bohemia; the secobd perf fess the chief per pale of Castilla and Leon, the base of Babenberg. In fess point: per pale of Babenberg and Burgundy

Crown:  An imperial  crown

Order: Of the Fleece


Arms: ¼ of Arpad and Bohemia, in fess point per pale of Babenberg and Burgundy.

Crown: An imperial  crown

Order: Of the Fleece


Ferdinand III


Knight of the Fleece n° 366, 1624



Ferdinand III. 1637-1657
Kreuzer 1631


Arms: ¼ of Arpad and Bohemia, in fess point per pale of Babenberg and Burgundy.

Crown: An imperial  crown

Order: Of the Fleece


Ferdinand IV


Knight of the Fleece n° 425,  1650

King of Bohemia 1646-1654


Arms: ¼ of Apad and Bohemia and an escutcheon per pale of Austria and Burgundy

Crown: A royal crown

Supporters: Two angels supporting the crown

Order: Of the Fleece



Leopold I


Knight of the Fleece n° 440, 1654


3 Kreuzer of Leopold I, 1668


Arms: Alliance of Babenberg and Tirol


Joseph I

Uncrowned king of Bohemia 1705-1711

Knight of the Fleece n° 538, 1687


Thaler of Joseph, 1701


Arms: ¼: 1. Arpad; 2. Bohemia; 3. Pp. Babenberg and Burgundy; Pp Brabant and Görz. Enté en point of Austria ancient; in fess point: Tirol.

Order: Of the Fleece

Crown: Imperial crown


Charles VI

*1685 - † 1740

Knight of the Fleece n° 588, 1697

King of Spain 1703-1714

King of Bohemia 1711-1740

Emperor 12.10.1711

Crowned 22.12.1711

King of Sardinia 1714

King of Napels 1714

Duke of Milan 1714


Charles VI used many different coats of arms of all the territories he claimed by right of  heritage. In composed coats of arms, which differed according to the possession in which they were used, there often appeared the coat of arms of Babenberg-Habsburg-Austria, his familiy arms going back to the 13th century, sometimes impaled with the arms of Burgundy, going back to the 16th century. All of these different arms were supported by the Imperial eagle. No arms of Austria or of Austria-Burgundy standing on their own, be it crowned or surrounded by the collar of the Fleece,  are known of him.

House of Wittelsbach



Charles VII Wittelsbach

1697 - † 1745

Knight of the Fleece (spanish branch) n° 624, 1701

Elector of Bavaria 1726

Emperor 1742

King of Bohemia 1742-1745


1742: ¼ 1. Wittelsbach; 2. Palatinate of the Rhine; 3. Babenberg; 4. Leuchtenberg (ARgent an fesse Azure). Inescutcheon: Bohemia. No crown or supporters known. [12]


In fact these arms mean: The Wittelsbach ruler of the Palatinate etc. from the House of Bohemia.

House of Habsburg



Maria Theresia


Queen and Elector of Bohemia 1740-1780

¥  1736 Francis Stephen of Lorraine Emperor 1745-†1765

Empress 1745-1780


Königl. Böhmisches Wappen


Maria Theresia added her personal arms of Austria to most of the arms of her territories or to the composed arms of her empire. No such combination of the fess of Austria and the Bohemian lion is known however and the Bohemian lion disappeared in the greater combined Imperial and Royal arms of the Habsburg Monarchy.

Joseph II



Leopold II


Francis I (II)       


In 1804, during the rule of Francis I the arms of Teschen: Azure, an eagle Or, billed and clawed Gules; were added on the quarter for Bohemia:

Das zweyte Hauptquartier zur Linken, besteht aus einem, ein Mahl quer, dan oben ebenfalls ein Mahl, unten aber zwey Mahl, nach der Länge getheilten Schilde, mit einem Mittelschilde.

Der Mittelschild hat einen aufgerichteten zweygeschänzten, gekrönten, silbernen Löwen im rothen Felde, wegen des Königreichs Böhmen; er ist mit der Königlich-Böhmische Krone bedeckt.

Oben zur Rechten im blauen Felde, ein rechtssehender, von Silber und roth geschachter, gekrönter Adler, wegen des Markgrafthums Mähren; zur linken im güldenen Felde, ein rechtssehender, schwarzer, gekrönter Adler, auf seiner Brust ein silbernes, auf einem gleichen, halben Monde ruhendes Kreuz; der Mond verlängert sich bis in die Flügel, und endiget mit Kleeblättern, wegen des Herzogthums Ober- und Nieder-Schlesien.

Unten zur Rechten im blauen Felde, eine güldenen Mauer, mit schwarzen Mauerstrichen, und drey Zinnen, wegen der Markgrafschaft Oberlausnitz; zur Linken im silbernen Felde auf grünem Boden ein rechtssehender, rother, am Bauche aber weißer Ochse, wegen Niederlausnitz; in der Mitte ein güldener, rechtssehender Adler im Blauen Felde, wegen des Herzogthums Teschen. [13]

Ferdinand V


In the larger arms of state of 1836-1866 the quarter for Bohemian Monarchy identical with the same in the arms of Francis I

Quarter for Bohemia on the larger arms of the Habsburg Monarchy 1836-‘66

By H.G. Ströhl


This quarter is the 3rd of nine quarters, the  5th (central) quarter of the personal arms of Ferdinand: a tierced of Habsburg,-Austria-Lorraine




After the division of the Habsburg Monarchy in an Austrian and a Hungarian part, the arms of Bohemia came on the Imperial arms for Cis-Leithania (Austria). Attempts in the time of the division to make Bohemia a third part of the Monarchy failed.


The family arms of  Francis Joseph was a tierced of Habsburg, Babenberg and Lorraine

Charles III (I)



Arms of Charles III

On his tomb in the Church Our Lady of Monte, Madeira

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 © Hubert de Vries 2018-02-05




[1] Seyler, Gustav A.:  Geschichte der Heraldik. [Wappenwesen, Wappenkunst, Wappenwissen­schaft]. J. Siebmacher's grosses Wappenbuch Band A. Nürnberg 1885-1889. . p. 250)

[2] Seyler Gesch. p. 250

[3] Hauptmann: Ein unbekanntes Wappen König Ottokars II. von Böhmen. In: Der Deutsche Herold 1934, pp. 32-34

[4] Seyler Gesch. p. 222

[5] Vredius, 1642, p. 63, Fox-Davies p.468 Pl. CXXXVI-4

[6] Posse, Otto: Die Siegel der deutschen Kaiser und Könige v. 2 (1347 - 1493) 1910 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Posse_Band_2_0007.jpg

[7] Kalivoda, R. & A. Kolesnik eds.: Das hussitische Denken im Lichte seiner Quellen. Berlin, 1967

[8] Bertényi, Ivan: Zur Problematik  der heraldik der antifeudalen Bauernbewegungen. In: Genealogica & Heraldica. Report of The 14th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences.  Copenhagen 1980. Pp. 378-390.

[9] Archivio di Stato di Venezia Atti diplomatici e privati, b. 37, n.1077.

[10] Wappenbuch von St. Gallen (sog. Haggenberg’s Wappenbuch), Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Pap. Cod. Fol. N° 1084). Drawing J.-L. Loutsch p. 45, after  Siebmacher III, p. 46 Taf. 63.

[11] http://digital.onb.ac.at/OnbViewer/viewer.faces?doc=ABO_%2BZ155062108

[12] Volkert, Wilhelm: Die Bilder in den Wappen der Wittelsbacher. In: Die Wittelsbacher in Bayern. Katalog zu einer Ausstellung. p. 12

[13] Gall, Franz: Österreichische Wappenkunde. Handbuch der Wappenwissenschaft. Verlag Herman Böhlaus Nachf. Wien/Köln, 1977. pp. 66-67.

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