This site is a mirror of the original site, made in 2022 by Heraldry of the World. The original site is unaltered. This mirror functions as an archive to keep the material available on-line.
All rights remain with the late Hubert de Vries, the original site owner.






Early Arms

The Eagle

The Lion

Crested Arms

        Crowned Arms

Royal Arms






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The Crowned Arms


Wenceslas IV of Luxemburg

*26.02.1361 - † 06.08.1419

King of Bohemia 15.06.1363


In the time of Wenceslas IV, a coat of arms for governance, crowned with a royal crown was introduced.


Crowned arms on his counterseal [1]

Crowned arms

in the Chronicle of Ulrich Richental fol.137


The Hussites



Sigismund of Luxemburg

*14.02.1368 - †  09.12.1437

Margrave of Brandenburg 1379 - 1388

King of Hungary 1385

Crowned 31.03.1387

Imperial vicar 1400 & 1402

 Roman King  20.09.1410

Re-elected 21.07.1411

Margrave of  Brandenburg 1411 - 1417

Titulairy King of Bohemia 1419

Duke ofLuxemburg 1419

King of Lombardia 1431

Roman Emperor 1433

King of Bohemia 1436


Sigismund was a titulary King van Bohemia after the death of his brother Wenceslas in 1419 but he could not effectuate his claim because of the opposition and revolt of the Hussites until 1436. He was in fact but only one year King of Bohemia.  Nevertheless he bore, as a son of Charles IV, the arms of Bohemia which can be considered as his family arms as he tried to be a king of Bohemia by right of his father and brother. After his marriage with Mary of Hungary in 1385 he also bore the arms of Arpad as a family arms even when he was not related at all with the Anjous who bore these arms by right of Charles Martel. The impaled of Arpad-Bohemia was also inherited by his grandson Ladislas Posthumus.


House of Habsburg


Albrecht II  Habsburg

*1397 - † 1439

Duke of Austria 1404

King van Rome 1438

King of Hungary 1438

King of Bohemia 1438




Arms: De gu. au lion d’arg. queue fourchée en sautoir arm., lamp. et cour. d’or. L.: beemen (Bergshammer 28)


Ladislas Posthumus

* 22.02.1440-†23.11.1457

King van Hungary 1446/’52-1457

King van Bohemia 28.X.1453-1457

Frederick van Habsburg

Janos Hunyadi

Ulrich van Cilli

Regent 1440-1452

Regent 1446-1453

Regent 1453-1456


Johan Hunyadi, regent


Ulrich van Cilli           Regent 1453-1456


King of Bohemia 1453-1457


House of Podiebrad





House of Hunyadi


Matthias Corvinus

*23.02. 1440-† 06.04.1490

Count of Bistritsa 1453

Elected King of Hungary 24.01. 1458

King of Hungary 29.03.1464

King of Bohemia 03.05.1469-1478

 ¥ Beatrix of Naples 1475

Titulary King of Bohemia 1478-1490

Duke of Austria 1485

Duke of Stiria, Carinthia and Krain 1485-1469


House of Jagiello


Vladislas II Jagiello


King of Bohemia 1471-1516

King of  Hungary 1490-1516


By Albrecht Dürer, 1517


Louis II


Knight of the Fleece nr. 145, Brussel 1516


Painted glass, Stiftskirche Ansbach (Bavaria)


House of Habsburg


Ferdinand I



On a map of Silesia, 1561


Maximilian II



From a book, 1550-‘73

in the National Library in Vienna [2]


Rudolf II



From: Amman, Jost: Stamm und Wappenbuch. Frankfurt a/Main, 1579 & 1589.


From: Martin Schrot, Wappenbuch, 1581


With the legend: Beham, Ein weissen Löwen / mit der gulden Cron / im rothen Schilde / darob ein Beiſerliche guldene Cron .





The Bohemian Revolt

Without heirs, Emperor Matthias sought to assure an orderly transition during his lifetime by having his dynastic heir (the fiercely Catholic Ferdinand of Styriahttp://www.hubert-herald.nl/Cechy.htm, later Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor) elected to the separate royal thrones of Bohemia and Hungary. Some of the Protestant leaders of Bohemia feared they would be losing the religious rights granted to them by Emperor Rudolf II in his Letter of Majesty (1609). They preferred the Protestant Frederick V, elector of the Palatinate (successor of Frederick IV, the creator of the Protestant Union). However, other Protestants supported the stance taken by the Catholics, and in 1617, Ferdinand was duly elected by the Bohemian Estates to become the crown prince, and automatically upon the death of Matthias, the next king of Bohemia.

The king-elect then sent two Catholic councillors (Vilem Slavata of Chlum and Jaroslav Borzita of Martinice) as his representatives to Prague Castle in Prague in May 1618. Ferdinand had wanted them to administer the government in his absence. On 23 May 1618, an assembly of Protestants seized them and threw them (and also secretary Philip Fabricius) out of the palace window, which was some 21 m  off the ground. Although injured, they survived. This event, known as the  (Second) Defenestration of Prague, started the Bohemian Revolt. Soon afterward, the Bohemian conflict spread through all of the Bohemian Crown, including Bohemia, Silesia, Upper and Lower Lusatia, and Moravia. Moravia was already embroiled in a conflict between Catholics and Protestants. The religious conflict eventually spread across the whole continent of Europe, involving France, Sweden, and a number of other countries.

The death of Emperor Matthias emboldened the rebellious Protestant leaders, who had been on the verge of a settlement. The weaknesses of both Ferdinand (now officially on the throne after the death of Emperor Matthias) and of the Bohemians themselves led to the spread of the war to western Germany. Ferdinand was compelled to call on his nephew, King Philip IV of Spain, for assistance.

The Bohemians, desperate for allies against the emperor, applied to be admitted into the Protestant Union, which was led by their original candidate for the Bohemian throne, the Calvinist Frederick V, Elector Palatine. The Bohemians hinted Frederick would become King of Bohemia if he allowed them to join the Union and come under its protection. However, similar offers were made by other members of the Bohemian Estates to the Duke of Savoy, the Elector of Saxony, and the Prince of Transylvania, Gabor Bethlen. The Austrians, who seemed to have intercepted every letter leaving Prague, made these duplicities public.This unraveled much of the support for the Bohemians, particularly in the court of Saxony. In spite of these issues surrounding their support, the rebellion initially favoured the Bohemians. They were joined in the revolt by much of Upper Austria, whose nobility was then chiefly Lutheran and Calvinist. Lower Austria revolted soon after, and in 1619, Count Thurn led an army to the walls of Vienna itself. Moreover, within the British Isles, Frederick V's cause became seen as that of Elizabeth Stuart, described by her supporters as "The Jewell of Europe",leading to a stream of tens of thousands of volunteers to her cause throughout the course of the Thirty Years' War. In the opening phase, an Anglo-Dutch regiment under Horace Vere headed to the Palatinate, a Scots-Dutch regiment under Colonel John Seton moved into Bohemia, and that was joined by a mixed "Regiment of Brittanes" (Scots and English) led by the Scottish Catholic Sir Andrew Gray.Seton's regiment was the last of the Protestant allies to leave the Bohemian theatre after tenaciously holding the town of Třeboň until 1622, and only departing once the rights of the citizens had been secured.


House of Wittelsbach


Frederick V


House of Habsburg


Ferdinand II



Ferdinand III



Böhmische Landesordnung, 1640


Ferdinand IV


Leopold I


Arms: Bohemia

Crown: An electorscap recrowned with a royal crown

Order: Of the Fleece


Joseph I


Charles VI

*1685 - † 1740

King of Spain 1703-171w4

King of Bohemia 1711-1740

Emperor 12.10.1711

Crowned 22.12.1711

King of Sardinia 1714

King of Napels 1714

Duke of Milan 1714

Charles VII Wittelsbach

1697 - † 1745

Elector of Bavaria 1726

Emperor 1742

King of Bohemia 1742-1745

Maria Theresia


Coin of Maria Theresia ~ 1756

Joseph II


Leopold II



Francis I (II)       


Ferdinand V





After the revolution of 1848, the Czech coat of arms was considered to be the Czech national symbol. The national flag consisted of two equally sized stripes – an upper white one and a lower red one. These were derived from the silver double-tailed lion on a red field.


State administration of the Czech Kingdom, 1880

Crowned coat of arms with garland


In the upper right corner the date: 20 October 1860 Grant of the right of historical self-government.


1. Provincial Committee. Provincial High Marshal

2. District delegation

3. Committee of Municipalities



Czech national emblem crested with the St. Wenceslas’ crown in the meeting hall of the Chamber of Deputies of the Bohemian Kingdom from the 1860s.



By Hugo Gerard Stròhl, 1895


Charles II



The kingdom Abolished 1918




Æ To: The Bohemian Monarchy

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 © Hubert de Vries

[1] http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Posse_Band_2_0007.jpg

[2] https://ghruska.weebly.com/boumlhmische-wappen.html

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